My first class with the golden teacher

Congrats indeed, those look nice man! If you do take more pics see if you can get a lighter in for scale. Looks like it should be plenty for a couple trips(depending on size obviously).
thank you guys and everyone else who added to the experience along the way

The wet weight was 96.6 grams and I left a few pins alone to see if they grow up over the next couple days. I also placed a tissue isolate on to agar that will hopefully display clustering since I took it from a fruit that was in a cluster.
thank you guys and everyone else who added to the experience along the way
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The wet weight was 96.6 grams and I left a few pins alone to see if they grow up over the next couple days. I also placed a tissue isolate on to agar that will hopefully display clustering since I took it from a fruit that was in a cluster.

Nice man! I hope to be seeing somethibg similar around this time next week. :-)
thank you. Sounds good MJG. TC yep more than enough for a couple trips, and there are some stragglers to be picked too. I don't have a good time to trip for several days but I will probably micro dose in the next couple.

I also saw the first growth in jars knocked up with P. galindoi ATL 7, this is 3 days after the water suspension transfer this is from grain soak agar and was twice as fast as (cube water) from potato agar.
Hey Dan, nice flush man, are you planning on soaking your sub before you fruit it again? Ive always had better flushes with subs ive soaked, but it seems they usually contam after the 3rd flush with that being said the 2nd and 3rd flushes fruit more prolifically and I end up with more fruits out of fewer flushes
Usually something is used to keep the sub from floating, and
the tub is filled with water. In monotubs people just slide dowels
through the GE ports to hold it down. You can place a weight
on the sub but be careful as they can get loose, especially if
they are soaked too long. Go for a few hours, not the 24 hours
of PF-Tek's "dunk".

When I have a sub in a shallow tray, I just dribble water in until
the sub is kinda floating, and then hold the sub when I tip it up.

Good luck,

Been a while ;) how's everybody doing?

Maybe you guys remember I knocked up some jars little bit over two months ago, and I finally decide to birth them, didn't know if anything will come up from this, so I did a nice dunk and roll, put them in a SGFC and this is what I got so far, they kinda seem to grow slow don't know are some pictures from a minute ago.
AJ, those appear to be pinning nicely.

...and the SGFC seems in order (holes in the bottom and top? 4" of perlite? ;0)

I expect that you are going to get a nice flush.

Good luck,

Hey JD Thank you, yes sir holes on six sides, 2" apart and yup 4"-5" of perlite on the bottom. Didn't think anything will come up from this cakes but so far so good. :) I'll be posting more pictures in coming days, maybe I'll get something out of these cakes :)

JD, one more thing brotha. What's your take on misting the cakes directly? I'm misting and fanning like every two hours or so, but I'm misting/spraying them directly on to the cakes and the walls of FC.

I read different things, some say not to mist/spray them directly other say they do it with no problems, so what is your take on this??

If anyone has something else to add you're more then welcome haha
AJ, that is one of those maddening things that one never completely
gets control of.....but something of a feeling for it does develop.

The first answer is that it depends on the species, and cubes are again
our friend, and are able to deal with slop on either side of perfect.

So, my answer is spray everything well, very well, until pins pop.
Fan often to keep CO2 down, but do not be afraid of hitting the cakes

Once I have pins, I will usually wet down the small pile of verm
that I have on top of the cake, but I will try not to mist the young
fruits directly. At that point you want to spray the perlite and the
sides and inside-lid of the box.

The perlite should keep the RH good, for the most part.

Grit your teeth and be patient. This should only take a few days
to a week.

Good luck,
