trip was ok, tripped pretty hard for about an hour then came dowm. watched season 4 of walking dead and watched my crumpled bathmat move around on the floor like there was a mouse under it. stayed up till about 4 am and back up at 6 am..
dont think ill be doing any more mushrooms till the weather warms up, dont like being house bound and once i get into that comfy zone curled up in bed i cant move. i do have some pretty vivid halucinations in the form of daydream style visuals that are extremely realistic..but its still kinda lame....drank the tea last night didnt feel much coming on from it so decided to toss on a show on TV thinking i made the tea wrong or just too light....within about 15 minutes after hopping into bed i was lost in a world only disney and pixar could dream hour later it was over for the most part...
will be fun to eat a good dose outside in the spring and just walk and enjoy the scenery of the new life coming to of my best trips so far was a long walk on a warm autum day taking in the beauty of the foliage.
small update... averaging about 1oz dry per batch...
the fruits in the pic is like 5th flush...just let the fc keep going since it wasnt contamed and still producing.
im done though a few friend caught wind i was growing them and want to start a business so im just gonna take a couple prints and be done for a bit, fruiting mu last batch now and will not be cooking any more corn sucks because i really enjoy growing these but i am all set with traffic.