My first class with the golden teacher

I have never grown mushrooms before ...but wouldn't it be a good idea to combine all those jars into one big container? that seems time consuming and not a good use of space....

You gotta start out with smaller containers that you can easily preasure cook. Also I'd rather loose one or two jars to to contaminations then a whole big tub.

TC took the words right out of my mouth....

the reason i use smaller jars is because i have a smaller pressure cooker so i can fit 8 1/2 pint jars at a time. also i have a verry crude way of doing my G2gG transfers so i do get contams...better to only lose a 1/2 pint than it is to lose a much larger quantity and have to start over. it also increases my odd of having at the verry least 1 good contam free jar to do my g2g that way i dont have to start all over.
Just got on for a few, I say eat em if your not over stuffed with turkey!!

I've had some acid lately but no good shrooms.
Ew ya drinkking and shrooms don't mix for me any more. I did that one time, and payed out both ends of my body that night.
so...i ate a 1/8 hahha

im gonna try a totally different casing method for me. usin potting soil i will try and do 2x bulk sub. if it works dam god bless me if it dosent =...well ill live :)
Soil will not need to be a thick casing layer at all.

It can be pasteurized and will keep beneficials.

One upside is that mold is not usually as aggressive
on soil. You might want to add a bit of lime to sweeten it.

Good luck,


P.S. Still dealing IRL...I will travel, and get my myco-lab
back up and running, in time. Enjoy yourself!
got some pinning going on....side pinning mostly from where the light leaked into my FC but the rest is starting as well...the soil "casing" i sued seems to work pretty good..all kinds of hyphai (spelling?) are poking through the top. i ended up removing the blanket from the FC a little earlier than i wanted due to the side pinning but still seem to have a nice even spread of mycelium on the top of the soil.
dropped PE agar into a few jars. I'm trying a stealth tek posted on another site atm. waiting for a p. mex plate to grow out then transfers to big jars. My room is cold now that its winter so most of the cultures hang out top of the shelf with my lights on the bottom of it in my veg cab

GL with the soil one of the containers I'm trying to fruit right meow is a soil casing other is coco verm ...... cant find jiffy mix so far this season so looks like it could be coco/verm for a bit. .....need to trip soonish....
heres some pics....just alot of pinning around the edges where light leaked..hoping the rest of it starts pinning up good soon!!!

and getting ready for another batch. all jars have holes in lid and are tinfoiled up

errrrrrgggghhh my 1 mex plate that looked clean had bacteria show up so I made some transfers from it and an MS plate I want a clean culture so I can inoculate and start the real waiting. anybody watching got tips for transferring away from bacteria?
Take the smallest transfer you can.

Be prepared to do this again. Even a tainted transfer can
offer a clean front to work with.

Bacteria are easier to get away from than molds....usually.
There are (practically legendary, but I swear that I have
seen this) either certain species of bacteria, or certain situations
where otherwise common bacteria where the bacteria will literally
develop along with, and *on*, the fungi.

In situations where it seems impossible to get a clean culture,
then you can try a "hot pour". This is where you pour hot agar
over the infected dish. The fungi will be the first to reach the
new agar surface. Make a shallow transfer of this new growth.

That is all that I have tried. A friend once suggested heating a
metal tube (think cigar tube) and then pressing it down onto the
agar (everything presumed sterile). Then if you make a transfer
into the circle made in the agar, then only the fungi will be able
to cross over the "moat".

Good luck,

Dep nding on the size and numbers if colonies, I have been sucessful in excising the contamination from the dish, just bE sure you don't use a hood, javadogs cigar method is novel and should work well. I have used the two dimensional "race" method but never with hot agar, plopping a cool disk on top and collecting from the edge of the plate when it shows up. And I have had situations where the bacteria seemed inherent in the mycelium itself, any small bit came with contamination.
thanks for the replies. The bac smear appeared to be over top of the myc and on the rest of the plate.....don't know why it took me so long to see it.

The hot pour method is immediately accessible to me so I'll try that tomorrow. So I just thought with the moat, would a bridge be similar? so cut out a portion of agar from a clean plate leaving two separated areas so that the myc will cross the gap first. Maybe transfer to the edge of the plate furthest from the gap then store tilted with that being the lowest point..... can bacteria climb?