My first class with the golden teacher

thanks for the replies. The bac smear appeared to be over top of the myc and on the rest of the plate.....don't know why it took me so long to see it.

The hot pour method is immediately accessible to me so I'll try that tomorrow. So I just thought with the moat, would a bridge be similar? so cut out a portion of agar from a clean plate leaving two separated areas so that the myc will cross the gap first. Maybe transfer to the edge of the plate furthest from the gap then store tilted with that being the lowest point..... can bacteria climb?

The first thing to do is to just transfer away from the contams if you can.

Anything else is a long shot, so restart from spores or a tissue culture if you can.

im thinking the syringe was the source of the contam. I started four plates with it and all have the same bacterial slime, the one I had thought was clean was a transfer from a MS plate when did not appear to have bacteria in the area the transfer wedge came from.

I tried a hot pour on a couple plates. There are maybe two more that have wedges to see if the myc and bac will separate so I can just transfer away.
Ah yes, I had issues with a slew of syringes from one of the
better regarded vendors. It happen.

I had to fight, hard, for several of the strains, but I got them.

It took a few hot pours, of a few dishes, to get the harder ones.

Good luck,

I also have gotten badly contaminated syringes. From several different vendors. I have up as there were mote contams than legit spores. Green mold and bacteria.
sounds like when i restarted my grow i used a spore print that was anything but sterile. i didnt use agar but i just kept on taking the best jar from the lot and doing my best to weed out the contams. still not contam free nor will i ever be since i just dont have the facility to support a 100% sterile enviorment. would definatly like to give agar a try if for anything just to play around with it and watch the mycelium grow on it.
sounds like when i restarted my grow i used a spore print that was anything but sterile. i didnt use agar but i just kept on taking the best jar from the lot and doing my best to weed out the contams. still not contam free nor will i ever be since i just dont have the facility to support a 100% sterile enviorment. would definatly like to give agar a try if for anything just to play around with it and watch the mycelium grow on it.

You do not need 100 percent sterile conditions in order to get pure mycelium and monocultures. Hell, even the better class clean rooms aren't sterile. Check out my sticky for some clues. I have gotten pure mycelium in some very dirty old basements - get a teqnique down, keep air flow or drafts down and you will get there.
Love seeing some pins Matt!! They starting to get bigger yet?

harvesting some of the side mushies tomorow. i ended up having a light leak and got alot of side pinning so they will be done before the first official flush even starts. lots and lots of pins though should be a nice first flush.
i work in a dirty basement. i get decent results..but given my work area im bound to get a couple contams in my jars doing G2G transfers. if i knock up 25 jars and have to chuck 4 im doing pretty shitty. usually ony chuck around 2 1/2 pints out of 25-30 jars
Agar is the way to go. You can do a lot with it and a little goes a long way. Looking good rmtb!

And agar substrate is super easy to make you can buy all the stuff needed in the grocery if you wanted. I had some very successful grows from agar, free from contamination. So give it a go, it's just as easy as making grain jars.
ill have to look inbto it poly!!! BTW nice to see you around, i stopped by your BrandX thread the other day to catch up a bit...hope you can get back to breeding soon m8
its easier than prepping jars no soaks or simmers to deal with and ya see everything growing on it.
Nice to see you around here poly
~25ml of grain water and .5g of agar agar is how Ive been doing mine recently. I just let em set in the PC/I dont pour .....its real simple
home from a long day at work and i need to go pick some shroomz but im tired. its a tough life lol...harvest around 7-8 g (dry) yesterday and prob another 7-8 tonight.
down the hatch she goes...

4 tea bags 3.5g of mushrooms, a tblsp of honey, a tbls granulated sugar and a splash of milk and the beverage was almost i hate the taste of these things...