thanks for the replies. The bac smear appeared to be over top of the myc and on the rest of the plate.....don't know why it took me so long to see it.
The hot pour method is immediately accessible to me so I'll try that tomorrow. So I just thought with the moat, would a bridge be similar? so cut out a portion of agar from a clean plate leaving two separated areas so that the myc will cross the gap first. Maybe transfer to the edge of the plate furthest from the gap then store tilted with that being the lowest point..... can bacteria climb?
sounds like when i restarted my grow i used a spore print that was anything but sterile. i didnt use agar but i just kept on taking the best jar from the lot and doing my best to weed out the contams. still not contam free nor will i ever be since i just dont have the facility to support a 100% sterile enviorment. would definatly like to give agar a try if for anything just to play around with it and watch the mycelium grow on it.
Love seeing some pins Matt!! They starting to get bigger yet?