My first class with the golden teacher

You all alive? ehh..i popped in once mentioning the fact that i was moving out and going to try to devote some of my resources at the new place to trying out the mycology field...well anyhow i finally got moved know priorities..and hell i picked up smoking budds again so thats a plus xD but ehh just was curious how the vibes were treating you all? :P
whats up fuckers? anyone still around in here?

i havent been on the webz in a whil;e just got it hooked back up is everyones grows going? been long enough now where everyone should have worked out the kinks....or at least most of them. i know im still working a few kinks out still but for the most part have a decent system working.....nothing amazing or anything but it is working for my needs...

next step now is a full sized refer incubator for fruiting.

anyways hope to chat with all of you again in the near future...sorry for my absence just havent had the webz...

ps.....missed you guys :)
Hey bud I'm still around. I still havn't grown and mushies lately but got some good acid a couple weeks ago that has made for some fun times.
Hey bud I'm still around. I still havn't grown and mushies lately but got some good acid a couple weeks ago that has made for some fun times.

Damn HOW I miss a good hit of acid, last time I had some it was like 10 years ago...can't get any around here or I just don't know the rite people ;)
Hehe it was kinda something I stumbled on, but the guy it came from knows his shit, and said they were tested and legit. It felt just like the last time I got "acid" but maybe a little stronger.
Hey bud I'm still around. I still havn't grown and mushies lately but got some good acid a couple weeks ago that has made for some fun times.

i havent done acid..npt shure if i want to lol

Shit I forgot to answer Matt question hahahah

Yeah Matt we still here :)

dam, sweet glad this thred didnt get forgotten. i just had a 2 oz ( dry ) flush. im tuning in on it now, no bullshiot just perilite and vermiculite. still with the corn!!
yep still around and aboot. I've got some going and am/need to play with fruiting methods. Got some jars of ATL7 for stones and just saw myc. growth on my P. mex plates another stone producer so Im going to transfer and noc and such... get some more stone jars going.

good ta see you around again RTB
Man Matt I thought Acid was gonna be some crazy ass thing..... its not. Perhaps if you do huge amounts, or its some really strong doses but so far my mushroom trips far outweigh the acid trips in crazyness. The acid is alot of fun though, one hit is not bad, 2 is a great time in my book. I'm told this stuff was tested at 100 micrograms per hit, and I got them for $10 a hit.
Took me awhile to get everything grasped but my first attempt with the teacher will be journaled soon. such a sweet way to keep me busy.
Man Matt I thought Acid was gonna be some crazy ass thing..... its not. Perhaps if you do huge amounts, or its some really strong doses but so far my mushroom trips far outweigh the acid trips in crazyness. The acid is alot of fun though, one hit is not bad, 2 is a great time in my book. I'm told this stuff was tested at 100 micrograms per hit, and I got them for $10 a hit.

I have posted this before. Acid, even in large amounts lack that frantic quality that mushrooms can impart. I once had a little sport's car, I don't remember the name - bug eye'd. The engine had been modified but nothing else. I was crazy fast, but the breaks were weak and the steering sloppy, I was exposed to the elements, it was very low to the ground - fun to drive but frightenting as well. THat is mushrooms.

I also had a brand new sun yellow cadillac, power everything, leather interior, plush, powerful and comfortable - that is LSD.

You can crash either one but the first is downright nuts from the start.

Mushrooms are in many ways far more powerful than LSD because they have that manic, disorienting, unpredictable quality to them that no other hallucinogen I've ever taken has - with the possible exception of DMT.
great input canndo I love hearing from you guys that are far more experianced then I. I really like the way you compared them,, that seems like a very good way to look at it.
alright so i said i would have an update.

i had to move my mushroom grow and start all over from a comletely non sterile spore print i had mad just fucking around. took me 2 full cycles to get a jar that was completly uncontaminated.

my first flush yeilded almost 2 oz of dried to a crisp mushroooms (used a dehydrator)

i am currently working out the kinks in fruiting and will be building another incubator just for my fruiting bins and bulk sub (yes i am going to attempt bulk sub again)

right now my fruiting chambers consist of a plastic tote with a few holes drilled into them. a layer of perilite on the bottom, a layer of 4 mil plastic and then a layer of vermiculite and colonized corn. this seems to be working adequatly but definatly not the best.

i have one tub that just started pinning yesterday. it has been subjected to contam because i didnt wait untill my jars were 100% colononized to fruit so the corn kernels that were not inhabited by mycelium ended up infected with some green mold. im not going to chuck them but i will only let them ride for one flush.

i have a total of 24 jars that are incubated. all of them are growing. one thing i have noted is that mycelium growth is significantly faster in the jars with holes in the lids opposed to the jars that have no holes. i decided not to put holes in the lids of a fresh case of jars i bouight to try and get rid of the tinfoil on top (kinda a pain in the ass extra step) but i believe the air exchange in the jars with holes is promoting faster growth. ill take some pics later and show you guys.

my plans in the future is to go down to small 7qt totes and run 24 of them at a time. 1 1/2 pint jar per tote and a bulk substrate. to do this i will need 2 more with a light and one for fruiting and one for allowing my mycelium to colonize the bulk sub (not sure what im going to use for a bulk sub yet) tried straw do not like the amount of work involved with chopping it up. i was actually wondering about using sawdust....iu need to research it a bit. any input on that would be great.

anyways thats all thats going on right now.. will update a couple pics tonight and a couple more in a couple days when my pins start to look like something.

im having a great deal of luck with my grain to grains...i find with the 1/2 pint jars i dont get nearly as many contams as with the full pint jars...not sure why this is but its just a observation i have made.

on a side not i have been getting into eating a fair amount of mushies lately. my last trip was aborts and it came on slow but stayed around for almost 6 hours!!! far longer than any other trip. lots and lots of nice visuals but didnt lose any functionality (have had a couple trips wind me on the couch staring at the floor for 2 hours)