Is anyone talking about steam distillation? or oil fractitioning? let's talk stills

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
Hi folks. This topic is something I am extremely interested in. It seems to me that this is the best method of extraction for use in curing disease especially the granddaddy of all disease...cancer. I am extremely interested in being proactive and preventing cancer from spreading rather than treating it later. So, I've gone on utube and googled for days trying to grasp the concept of the science of the pressure that creates the end result by distillation. Here's the thing though. Those stills, even homemade, or oil separators or distillers or whatever is the ultimate way of doing things because the end product is sooooo freakin' pure. But, simply making an alcohol based tincture, straining, and letting the alcohol evaporate, makes the same end product plus much clorophyll and other plant molecules. But ultimately the whole plant rather that pure like an essential oil made by distillation. Did I confuse? I like to use cannabis concentrate in everything from lotions to infused oils and butters. fyi...when it soaks in the skin for hours, the feel is amazing. In coconut oil, the color is the most glowing charetruse; it just looks magic. Anyway, does anyone else do anything like this?
I'm so confused. Are you trying to get like an essential oil of weed? Or the cannabinoids?
And no, to basically everything
steam distillation will NOT extract CBD, THC or any of the derivatives. BP is too high, its in the range of resins and lipids.

It will extract some of the lighter smelly volatiles so I guess you can make some Cannabis perfume if thats what your after.
well basically the goo, tar, oil, the dissolved cannabinoids are the essential oil. So just like any plant that you want to get the oils from, you can use a number of ways. Im specifically talking about using steam distilling.
steam distillation will NOT extract CBD, THC or any of the derivatives. BP is too high, its in the range of resins and lipids.

It will extract some of the lighter smelly volatiles so I guess you can make some Cannabis perfume if thats what your after.

This right here. cn
well basically the goo, tar, oil, the dissolved cannabinoids are the essential oil. So just like any plant that you want to get the oils from, you can use a number of ways. Im specifically talking about using steam distilling.

In the steam distiller's parlance, the active cannabinoids are "fixed" oils, as they aren't steam-volatile to any appreciable degree.
the steam from heated alcohol hits very cold surface and the oil separates from the alcohol and is instantly separated and collected if using a fractitioner or oil separator. It is a pressurized thing. The cannabis gets flooded with alcohol and pressure forces the oil into chambers and is collected. The alcohol is recycled by the same process over and over.
the steam from heated alcohol hits very cold surface and the oil separates from the alcohol and is instantly separated and collected if using a fractitioner or oil separator. It is a pressurized thing. The cannabis gets flooded with alcohol and pressure forces the oil into chambers and is collected. The alcohol is recycled by the same process over and over.

If I understand you, that is an extraction under reflux. I have found light hydrocarbons to be the best solvents for this. Alcohols are among the worst, as they are good solvents for the polar (undesirable) impurities, and the product is a vegetal-stinking green-black tar. Even so, some here have used alcohol to make very high-quality oleoresin extracts ... the trick seems to be a very brief contact with very cold alcohols. cn
Someone came up to me and asked why don't people do a/b extractions on weed... Same shit, they just aren't compatible
the steam from heated alcohol hits very cold surface and the oil separates from the alcohol and is instantly separated and collected if using a fractitioner or oil separator. It is a pressurized thing. The cannabis gets flooded with alcohol and pressure forces the oil into chambers and is collected. The alcohol is recycled by the same process over and over.

do you have a reference? I do not know of such a process for extracting thc.
Please keep in mind that the THC, CBD complex is not actually an oil, its soluble in oil, but is on the heavier end like lipids and resins.
do you have a reference? I do not know of such a process for extracting thc.
Please keep in mind that the THC, CBD complex is not actually an oil, its soluble in oil, but is on the heavier end like lipids and resins.
yes, if I can find that utube clip. or just do a search for oil fractition cannabis. or cannabis distilled. search 'distill cannabis'. This is Ric Simpson approved and recommended. edit: wait that aint gonna get it. ill try and find the one that is cannabis specific.
Lol I'm out rick Simpson was mentioned... Its abundantly clear he has no idea what he's talking about..I mean thc neutralizes all poisons so why purge at all..his words
yes, if I can find that utube clip. or just do a search for oil fractition cannabis. or cannabis distilled. search 'distill cannabis'. This is Ric Simpson approved and recommended. edit: wait that aint gonna get it. ill try and find the one that is cannabis specific.

A quick Google search leaves me with the impression that folks are using "distillation" to describe extraction. Distillation requires that the actives spend time in the vapor phase. Cannabinoids can be distilled, but it requires specialist apparatus of the sort I could not jury-rig. cn