you're right, james holmes would have been just as deadly with a baseball bat or ninja stars.
That the batman theatre guy? How about if he used door chains and gasoline? I'm bettin he could have upped he 'score'.
On September 11, 2001 thousands of Americans were murdered and not a single shot was fired.
Uncle buck, your a gun grabber but your a republican?? What is this world coming to...
Uncle buck, your a gun grabber but your a republican?? What is this world coming to...
uncle buck is ground zero. this is the result of letting bad genetics flourish. surely a gardener can understand it.
Hey Unclebuck ??? See the Boston thing? Background checks help? Any silly laws that take away my right help?
Hell did law enforcement even do it's job?
Crazy fucks are the problem not the fuckin tool they choose to use.