wack start to the morning.


Well-Known Member
lol at all the girls liberals, and PETA.. I suppose you all buy your meat from the grocery store where no animals were hurt.


Well-Known Member
Well, I hate the fuckers as much as you do but I'm lucky as I've moved away from those bastards. I had an little ranch in the Midwest over 20 years ago and last MFO raccoon that tried to attack my cat was meant with a .44 slug in the head. I found her babies and shot those in the head too. Yeah, some animals just piss me off and they're better off dead. Raccoon is one those vermin.

Really sad.


Well-Known Member
I live in the country, my yard is a natural wildlife highway of sorts. Lots of cover, natural waterway etc.

We get a tonne of wildlife including deer (That eat my garden that I work hard to grow and supply my family with fresh produce) , raccoons, skunks, coyotes, a fox that lives in the yard amongst other critters.

We have trapped 2 raccoons and a coyote in live traps and had them removed and relocated. Never would I kill any of them because I did not secure my property
and they were just being animals. We plant a larger garden so there is less of an impact on our harvest, we also plant stuff that the deer dont like but wont harm them so they may stay away. (doesn't really work)

I like seeing all of the animals, the deer bed at night in the tall grass that I leave for them for cover because they use the outside edge of the yard as their
route. It gives them security and keeps them around.

You know, an open door a broom or shovel for personal protection (not used as a weapon) and the desire to let the animal live is all it takes.
You can direct it to the door, they are more scared of you and they will head for the door if you do it right.

Hat or not, there was a better way.
As a tip, if you're controlling small to medium outside gardens.. go heavy on the chili pepper as a leaf dust, and a -very- light soil top. Works with cats and cannabis too. The first time they touch the plant, they will bolt to the water dish and will -never- return.


Well-Known Member
I live in the country, my yard is a natural wildlife highway of sorts. Lots of cover, natural waterway etc.

We get a tonne of wildlife including deer (That eat my garden that I work hard to grow and supply my family with fresh produce) , raccoons, skunks, coyotes, a fox that lives in the yard amongst other critters.

We have trapped 2 raccoons and a coyote in live traps and had them removed and relocated. Never would I kill any of them because I did not secure my property
and they were just being animals. We plant a larger garden so there is less of an impact on our harvest, we also plant stuff that the deer dont like but wont harm them so they may stay away. (doesn't really work)

I like seeing all of the animals, the deer bed at night in the tall grass that I leave for them for cover because they use the outside edge of the yard as their
route. It gives them security and keeps them around.

You know, an open door a broom or shovel for personal protection (not used as a weapon) and the desire to let the animal live is all it takes.
You can direct it to the door, they are more scared of you and they will head for the door if you do it right.

Hat or not, there was a better way.
Do you realize how fast and hard a 20+ pound coon can come at you? If I ever come across a coon in my house, it's dead.


Well-Known Member
dude killed a racoon and he gets a new asshole torn into him, lol.

oh my
No. Dude kills a raccoon, then comes onto a pot forum and brags that he was happy to do it, insinuated that it was a painful way, and he was gunna make a hat out of it.. well because he had nothing else better to do....

he has since gone back on his words, massaged the truth a little, so that he didn't sound like such a douche.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention if he had left to find something to "catch" the animal, his plants could of been entirely consumed.
If the OP lives in such a rural area he should have taken precautions against all
animals and secured the plants from the get go. Is that not what growers do in this
situation? Yes most do, just ask the Northern California growers. Btw, I'm not hatin
on no one, just sayin...


Well-Known Member
As a tip, if you're controlling small to medium outside gardens.. go heavy on the chili pepper as a leaf dust, and a -very- light soil top. Works with cats and cannabis too. The first time they touch the plant, they will bolt to the water dish and will -never- return.
lol, they eat the tops of our green, orange and red peppers and the same for the jalapeno's they never get a chance to produce.
Im gonna have to try your suggestion.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
No. Dude kills a raccoon, then comes onto a pot forum and brags that he was happy to do it, insinuated that it was a painful way, and he was gunna make a hat out of it.. well because he had nothing else better to do....

he has since gone back on his words, massaged the truth a little, so that he didn't sound like such a douche.
brags about it? ya, if that's what you percieve... he talked about it, this is toke and talk. pot forum or not


Well-Known Member
when the arrow hit it, it nailed it to the wall. HA YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKER. now im gonna make me a raccoon hat today. bitch. time to dry the hide. that shit made my day. i got to fuck up not just a racoon, but i got to nail it to the wall with a broadhead for fucking with my plants.
brags about it? ya, if that's what you percieve... he talked about it, this is toke and talk. pot forum or not
Let's agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
lol, they eat the tops of our green, orange and red peppers and the same for the jalapeno's they never get a chance to produce.
Im gonna have to try your suggestion.
Oh yeah, they will... or will try - the chili powder dusting will induce a response they won't like though :D


Well-Known Member
We get stray Bears, Cougars, Mountain Lions, Deers, Raccoon's etc...in the L.A. County/City quite often so
we use tranquilizer guns to deal with this if need be. Then we relocate the animals
to their habitat. In the OP's case that would be a distance from home.