Bombings at the Boston Marathon

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Can we look at this objectively?

A Facebook entry showing a bombing in Boston during the Boston marathon none the less, 2 days prior to the actual event, now if this were truth/factual then I would think that someone would have brought this to the attention of a news agency even a local one, yet no news of anything like that floating around the internets...too soon
I understand that to some my jokes are of bad taste or insensitive but this is why comedy is funny,i didn't mean for you guys to start acting like little girls about the odd joke or four,lets get one thing clear before I go to bed,i only told a couple of jokes I did not plant the bomb but by the reaction youd think I did,goodnight all and minniesmoker I misread your post so I apologise for that :)
remember digital media can be made to look like any lie that is needed.
Todays' lie is tomorrows truth.
With so many papers going under there will be no more hardcopies of events in the future. This can be very frightening.
I want to know more about that page. did it get pulled down before or after the bombing? and who took it down?
I deleted my facebook along time ago and it took like 2 weeks for it to actually go down. I don't know if its the same with pages or they can just be deleted instantly I don't know..
surely they can find the source of that page though.
and what the hell is that about the same thing for that shooting massacre before it even happened? is that all shit talk or what?
seems fucked up if is not
Well if it's on facebook it MUST be true...
I mean a join date on facebook is in no way able to be faked. No, freaking. Way.*

*Note the sarcasm
Well if it's on facebook it MUST be true...
I mean a join date on facebook is in no way able to be faked. No, freaking. Way.*

*Note the sarcasm

Where'd you get a sarcasm button ?
Damn it, I want one.
I'm forever getting misunderstood lacking one.
* or (sc) denotes a way to convey sarcasm in my book.

As with many already named Internet/smart phone colloquial we just need to designate how to universally denote sarcasm (color, special symbol * or what not) & we could foster a modicum of Webz peace.

Works for me, but maybe I'm just stoned.
GWN, I've tried on other forums to get the sc to catch with little luck. Its my 2nd favorite behind the asteriks.
It's gotta be another false flag job if you ask me - there will be many who will claim they did it so I suppose...

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

North Korea

The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family were:

North Korea

The Attacks of September 11th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries.

The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

North Korea

UMM dont it mean u is communists if ya av a centroll bank? macarthy wus rite the commies is takin ovva
I want to know more about that page. did it get pulled down before or after the bombing? and who took it down?
I deleted my facebook along time ago and it took like 2 weeks for it to actually go down. I don't know if its the same with pages or they can just be deleted instantly I don't know..
surely they can find the source of that page though.
and what the hell is that about the same thing for that shooting massacre before it even happened? is that all shit talk or what?
seems fucked up if is not

What happened today in Boston was really Shitty.....its the reality of the world we live in today....regardless of what anyones theroys or thoughts might be.......This is the world we live in.....pretty sad!

On another note.....FUCK FACEBOOK...I never liked the idea and I always knew that peoples lives would get ruined or encounter some kind of strife because of it
....I never joined and I never will......of course thats just my opinion.....if yall like it....knock yourself out!!!! as for ol Bear......NO THANK YOU!!
not to sound like an insensitive cunt (because what happened is really shitty), but the 10+ hour onslaught of "nothing new" news caused me to miss my show tonight and i found out that it aired everywhere else. for me it was a bunch of talking heads waving around their tragedy boners and repeating the same shit over and over.

it's not that i don't care, because i do want to know who decided to bomb an international event with families all over the place, but i don't understand why i had to miss new episodes of shows just because i live in the same state when everyone else in the country got to watch their shit. when there's 24 hour cable news and dozens of social media and news sites rolling out new info every hour, why the fuck do the "big 4" networks have to air news ALL FUCKING DAY? when the 10 o'clock news came on, THEY DIDN'T EVEN DO THE NEWS. they just played the same 8 hour old footage over and over again. no sports, no story about so-and-so getting shot or rescuing a puppy or whatever, just monotonous tragedy boner bullshit talking heads with more tragedy boner shit on a ticker at the bottom of the screen, none of it new.

i probably sound like a raging twat to a lot of people but i don't care. this tragedy boner news needs to stop. these people drool over every catastrophe so they can harp on being the first to break this story or that or brag about "exclusive" this or that and fuck everything else going on in the world. it's fucking disgusting. i don't need it on my local stations ALL DAY when there are a dozen other channels that are specifically for news.

i'm sorry for all the loss of life and limb, but i will never forgive them for missing my show. something something letting the terrorists win. fuck.
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