2nd grow. C'99 and Super Lemon Haze(feminized)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, yeah, still reading that thread wherever I go, in bed at work, while eating etc lol. I am also very eager on starting my 3rd grow. Yeah, this time I massively messed up from different perspective. I wouldn't go for 1 gallon pots, I really doubt that it is enough, if you are going to flip at week 4, maybe 2 gallons is enough.. dunno, I need to do some reading on that.. Cause, remember I said that my clone went 2.3foot tall, I believe that vase is something around gallon, probably less. I had WW male plant last grow, I did not want to throw it away, so i put it in a kitchen as a decoration. that went also nearly 2.5 foot and it was growing in 0,5 gallon container. So I don't believe that limiting the medium size you will limit it's height.
I think I went wrong on following factors why it started stretching:
1. I was vegging way too long. 7 weeks, 25 shots all fighting each other for more light. I did that because I wanted my SLH to catch up with C99. so I vegged it 2 weeks longer than I should have, and on 6-7th week growing is at enormous speed...
2. might be a biggy. I was pinching side branches of side branches two nodes from bottom. Last harvest those branches yielded very poorly so I thought I'll redirect energy to top, but I talked to my mother how some years ago we were pinching bottom side branches of tomatoes in greenhouse and they would start stretching upwards so I thought maybe related.
3. No fan blowing at stems. no resistance, no stem strengthening -> thin long stem, low nutes and water uptake, small yield.. Maybe that fan also is a hype like water pH.. But somehow i believe that it might be related. BTW last grow PC fan was blowing downwards to the plant. Yeah I know, 80mm PC fan is such a little wind, still better than nothing.
4. Also might be related that I did not feed enough of grow food.

Maybe those things are wrong, or maybe does only very little change, but 4x little sums up to "a lot". I would appreciate if you guys could confirm on those factors. Would be feeling more confident.

Also mine is mostly sativas that plays a lot in its size as well, however last grow c99 was way smaller, so it definitely can be done.

3 weeks left. Buds are looking way smaller than on my previous grow. I hope with some proper feeding it will kick in. if not, well there's always tomorrow... :) Also I noticed that fan leaves are twice smaller than previous grow. It has to do with that bushiness...


Well-Known Member
air movement is good but doesn't strengthen stems...
Jesus man :D stop denying all the hypes I've read, tell me that it does not make any difference whether you veg of flower with whatever color and the only posts I will read is yours, cause almost nothing is real from what I've read before :)))


New Member
On sunday I ordered Grotek Cal-Max. 11eu for the fert 9 eu for delivery... oh well.. I should get it tomorrow. Hopefully this one will save me, cause at first I was not worrying because I thought it's supposed to be like this that bottom leaves are falling. But now I see that plant is really suffering from some deficiency. bottom part is yellowing quite strangely. Leaves start to wilt and start yellowing and drying at the same time from the tips towards the base. Hopefully this is cal mag def and that mix will solve it. You can see how badly those leaves look in a pic. From the middle to the tops leaves are healthy, no deficiencies shown in there. Here are some pics of C99 at 26th day into flower and one pic from previous grow at 25th day to compare. Nodes looks smaller and buds bigger. this one is at least 30% higher than previous.
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SLH on the other hand almost all looks dark green, leaves are not canoeing anymore, looks like she's getting back on track. She is really picky on too much of nutes. Anyway, now I know.. Those plants became quite big and one 150W hps with 2x 25W 6500K cfls are not sufficient anymore. I added 25W and 30W 2700K cfl for some side lighting. Looks like streching completely stopped, at least for 4th day I do not see any stretch any more. nice. SLH has very fat and long pistils. C99 has also way longer pistils than on my previous grow.
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Also, let me introduce you my 2.3feet incognito plant. It was not my intention to grow it, but I couldn't throw that away. On my previous harvest day I cut two branches and wanted to reveg them. Well one actually rooted and later, it started growing. I read something about revegging and I wanted just to try whether I'll succeed. Well I succeeded, however the result is not what I expected. I read that after you reveg they become bushy. well check this bush out :))) single stem, only on very bottom two side branches which are not very well developed, only bud sites appearing between fan leaves. It's in very small medium. you can see that in C99 pic, but she does not complain. It's a good thing I did not trash it as somebody suggested in another thread, will be nice addition to my harvest :)
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And now so far the only thing that really worries me is those falling leaves on C99.
hahahahahahaha its like 7 foot tall hahaha, thats crazy if you where to have kept the inter node spacing tighter and had sufficiant lighting you could of possibly grown 1 , 7 foot cola


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahaha its like 7 foot tall hahaha, thats crazy if you where to have kept the inter node spacing tighter and had sufficiant lighting you could of possibly grown 1 , 7 foot cola
haha crazy, I wonder how would I feed that "7foot" plant through that tiny root ball without burning roots, anyway, I believe that after three weeks when harvesting it will look really nice. Her leaves look healthier than both of those two big n bushy ones, no yellowing, but sites from bottom to the top growing at the same size and since it does not take any space, I fit her in between those two plants, she is closest to the light, and she does not shade anyone. I hope because it so root bounded it will not die before harvest :)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Jesus man :D stop denying all the hypes I've read, tell me that it does not make any difference whether you veg of flower with whatever color and the only posts I will read is yours, cause almost nothing is real from what I've read before :)))
Full spectrum leaning towards blue in veg and full spectrum leaning towards red in flower is optimum IME...I use many light sources simultaneously uvb included and CMH lamps are my primaries

but air circulation is vital I agree but it has nothing to do with stem strengthening...good disease prevention and increased growth

Too much hype and bs for sure...you will see the truth the more you grow...read your plants not forums, books and advertising...And it should be easy to ascertain who is offering advice from experience and actual knowledge and dismissal of the the parrots regurgitating what they have been told/read


Well-Known Member
tried to google those light out cause never saw in threads anyone mentioning it. market is not flooded that much as with regular hps or mh. Looks nice, will have to check on availability prices and wattage, so I could expand my color spectrum for my next grow... :) Thanks! as always, your input is gold!


Well-Known Member
You're right, makes sense. The pot size probably doesn't have much to do with the size of the plant. But, yea I see 7 weeks of veg definitely playing a HUGE factor on the size of the plant. I think I'm gonna go 4 weeks next time around, depending when I pop the next seeds.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
You're right, makes sense. The pot size probably doesn't have much to do with the size of the plant. But, yea I see 7 weeks of veg definitely playing a HUGE factor on the size of the plant. I think I'm gonna go 4 weeks next time around, depending when I pop the next seeds.
Container size and even more so root mass has a great deal to do with plant size


Well-Known Member
Container size and even more so root mass has a great deal to do with plant size
Agreed. Not so much container size as vigor of the root mass though. Considering some 20oz-2 liter grows I've seen 4 and 5 footers grown in. Can't remember who had them, but I'm pretty positive it was here at RIU.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Agreed. Not so much container size as vigor of the root mass though. Considering some 20oz-2 liter grows I've seen 4 and 5 footers grown in. Can't remember who had them, but I'm pretty positive it was here at RIU.
off topic...but your moniker...hope you go to a dutch WHAT?


Well-Known Member
thanx...apologies for the derail sim
Haha no problem, I was wondering as well about that but did not have a chance to ask :)

Now I will have to try that cigar to understand what you mean :)

Container size and even more so root mass has a great deal to do with plant size
I did not mean that pot size does not have to do anything with plant size. The bigger the root ball the bigger the plant and in small medium, you cannot have huge root ball :) What I meant that two plants while kept in small pots had a tendency to stretch. Low on foliage, poor side branching and streching like hell and I believe that it really has to do with the pot being small. Or maybe this is a case like with trees, that you can tell where its roots are - right under its branches.. again, KH, my assumptions might sound funny for you, so don't be afraid to deny my theories, i'm just provoking you to make me understand :D

Haha today I got an email message from that shop saying that there was a mistake and it is impossible to get them grotek cal-max. Instead they suggested Aptus camg-boost which contains calcium, magnesium and Amino L acids. Never heard of those acids. So now I am thinking of AN Sensical bloom mix with NPK 2-0-0 and following ingredients:
Amino Chelated Calcium

Boron Proteinate
Calcium Acetate
Calcium Chelate
Calcium EDTA
Calcium Nitrate
Cobalt EDTA
Cobalt Proteinate
Copper EDTA
Copper Proteinate
Iron Proteinate
Magnesium Sulfate
Manganese EDTA
Manganese Proteinate

Molybdenum EDTA
Molybdenum Proteinate
Zinc Proteinate

but I do not know if it can be used with organics. somebody on RIU asked if it's any good and got a reply:
"Botanicare cns17 has the exact same grow and bloom formula"
I wonder if that can be mixed with my biobizz biogrow organic nutes.


Well-Known Member
Well last moment I changed my mind. Did not want to mix synthetic with organic so I went for this option:

Hopefully I did not make a mistake. This does not seem to have any iron or zinc or sulfur or something else. It has NCaMg instead of NPK with a value of 9-9-2. Also I am still not sure what is L-amino acids and what they break into, maybe N. Also what I liked that Aptus bloom mix had NPK value of 7-0-4. Gave me some trust on manufacturer.

Now I'm worrying if on the label it says use it at 3rd-5th week into flowering. 50ml per 100L of water, once per week. So if my plant already finished week 4, should I add it only once or more times? Also, 9 parts of N in this, so probably I should not use this together with biogrow NPK 4-3-6. Or should I? :)


Well-Known Member
From what I understand, you want values equaling 3-1-2 or 1-1-1. For instance I'll be using a 5-5-5 (1-1-1 equivalent) and a 12-0-0 for extra nitrogen when it's needed.

So with that in mind, I think those together equal out pretty well. Might want to consider waiting on KH to confirm that before using them. The part where you mentioned it was NCaMg instead of NPK threw me too.