HeathCare seems so simple when we are healthy. It seems to have everything covered, all the illnesses listed, what the cost are.....wait.....they don't say the costs of heath. They say what the coverage is. And I am of the opinion that I would not have lived through my nightmare of combined and induced major medical needs without private insurance.
So, Ricky, let's have a discussion. You are from Canada, eh? What happens when you have Stage 3 colon cancer at 44 years old? I go in the books for this one...meeting a genetic Doctor next week.
You won't know the next question to ask, I bet, so I'll help you. Doer, how did you find out?
I almost did not. I almost died a couple of times. I sat at home on IV antibiotic drip, and home nursing for 1 month, while my colon didn't get any better.
See, I was too far gone to operate. Did they tell me? No. I almost died again in the ambulance ride from my home, still not knowing anything but irritable bowls. I survived the emergency surgery despite the raging infection. Time for Chemo!!!
No. Still in cheaper HMO at 44 yrs. (still better than govt plan ) they set my chance of survival in Chemotherapy at only 15%. So, they said I should get my affairs in order, take a cruise, kiss my ass goodbye, etc.
Not Doer. I was over the time to change to the high class, full boat, PPO. But, I had CHOICE. I took the penalty and changed plan and never looked back. I went to a Cancer Clinic, took heavy Chemo combos, unavailable in HMO.
What the FUCK?? Now I am over educated on this. My plan now covers Meds that my doctors are sure will NOT be covered. All they see is HMO these days.
And I am $10K or better out of pocket, and slowly still getting reimbursed. I pissed off people and found some good Doctors, that are highly paid and trained....they act like they care (for the money)
From the stories I hear in Canada, why would I be allow to live in govt heath care? They were not going to let me live in an HMO, much less forced Obama Care or in Canada.
Why? Well, in Canada I would not have gotten those (how do I find out???) tests. My HMO knew very well they were triaging me and trying to get me to go ahead and not live (for the money.)
When health won't allow me to USE my money to get the treatment of MY CHOICE;
When it's all about the reasonable and customary with no OPTIONS';
When the diagnostic imaging is RATIONED;
When the Doctors are GOVT EMPLOYEES;
When the Doctors are trained only for the USUAL;
It IS NOT health care. It is managed death. To me, Canada manages death. So, you think I'm wrong.
Give me fact and figures, not arguments of how Americans can be so stupid and on and on......<yawn>
What would happen to your dad, in Canada in this situation?
I see a real fact of life, now. No one gives a shit about me in Heath Care. I have to manage my heath and be self-insured, when necessary. I require that choice. Do you have that?
I hear about Canadians coming to the US and paying retail for diagnostic imaging and procedures they can't wait in line for.
Could it be that Canadian Medicine is like the Canadian Navy. It is only viable because the US is right here with CHOICE and PROTECTION?
Canada would not have voted for govt managed care, had no US Emergency Services been available?
Just discussion points.