First actual encounter of Obama Care

that 15% seems a bit high are you sure its that...are you in a State that agreed to expansion of medicaid under the Affordable Health Act ??? You do realize your wage income makes you eligible for income-based subsidies. In short if your company is now taking 15% more out of your paycheck as a low wage worker and saying its for health insurance. One you are getting fucked..Two They can't do that...Three you really need to do some homework of your options.

EDIT.just saw you said you are in VA. As A low wage worker you qualify for Medicaid or federal health insurance tax credits. NO way in the hell you should be having 15% of your check going to healthcare. Someone is fucking yo. Your State under McDonnell decided to let the Feds work the program instead of taking the State based exchanged. Either way you a low wage worker so you have options that will leave you paying nothing..DO your homework

Well I don't know if he meant paycheck. I was saying that its 15% more then it previously was.

my work gave everyone a 2% raise to try and compensate, but at the end of the day I will still be taking home less.
Well I don't know if he meant paycheck. I was saying that its 15% more then it previously was.

my work gave everyone a 2% raise to try and compensate, but at the end of the day I will sill be taking home less.

again check your options...Depending on the state will depend on your options. You don't have to get Health care from your employer
My insurance premiums have been going up evey year long before Obamacare came into place. The insurance companies are just using OC as their latest excuse to rape the American people. The problem to a great extent is the greed of these companies, not necessarily OC.

Thats true..I was hoping that when I started to get government Ins not private Ins it would be cheaper..So it looks like the goverment which is OC is being just as greedy ....IMO
why do i even work i only make min wage in VA 7.25 an hour and they want to take 15% more of what i make i get nothing in my paychecks.

I assume you work for the same reason humans have ALWAYS WORKED, to avoid starvation. Could it be you don't have the land or experience to grow your own food? Don't have the education, skill or interest in starting your own business? Well, that leaves work or starve, at least that's how it SHOULD be.

I gather from the tone of your post, the alternative you would consider turning to is welfare? Awesome, but you should be required to labor for those taxpayer provided benefits. Eight hours of backbreaking labor for those dollah bills will start to make $7.25 an hour folding jeans at Old Navy look real inviting. Oh, that's not what you meant? You wanna sit on ass and collect the cheddah? Shouldn't even be an option. You need a swift kick in the ass to motivate you to improve your lot in life. If you'd received that earlier on in life, you might not be working for minimum wage. My guess is you're overpaid as it is.
That is why it is depressing to me, I thought your scenario was hypothetical. It is rich and poorer though, I don't consider myself a dumb person. 5 years ago, I would have had the same exact perspective you do. I had my own business, I employed 15 people, and I wouldn't find this a topic worth arguing about. I got in a car accident and my brain hemorrhaged causing a seizure disorder that can be fatal. For a couple years I could afford the level of care that saved your life. Now, I would just be dead. The moment I got the diagnosis I would put a gun in my mouth to manage the terms of my death. How am I supposed to react? Nothing I had control over caused this, nor did a 1984 scenario. I am now just another "taker" a burden on this country. Well fuck that. What if we took 20% of the Military spending and directed it toward healthcare.....nothing would change at all. If we are going to ignore people in need of care at least have it be for choices that they made like drinking 3 gallons of soda everyday. I am luckier than least I got injured enough to get help. Now, I cannot make more than 1000 per month, cannot drive, and have terrible drug-dealer hack doctors. Maybe I cant see your argument clearly because through my rage. A bill like mine for your scenario and you would be dead either way.

I know....they have me by the short hairs....I have to work, I'm lucky there are age-ist laws, now. But, I also fucked off until 30.

I don't think so, about, you would be dead. Everybody has a personal situation....back to the dawn of Man. Everyone is dealt a, non-exchangeable, entirely temporary, playing card called Life. Now, infinite indemnity has put the entire world at risk. There is 90% credit to 10% cash, in this world.

It became, with the Industrial Revolution, a generational Ponzi scheme. The entire world. Only Cuba, Waziristan, N. Korea and some others have forced themselves out and intend to stay out. In a very real way, we see they are correct.

Yet now, we see this insurance indemnity extending to life saving medical care techniques that are increasing to allow a 150 life span predictable, but for a very that can pay for organ cloning and whatever.

I can just say that in Alexandar's army, (to die for, to be in. always winning, always Glory) we both would have been mercifully dispatched.

We would never even wonder about a culture that practices such cruelty as managed death in a Skilled Nursing Facility.
Thats true..I was hoping that when I started to get government Ins not private Ins it would be cheaper..So it looks like the goverment which is OC is being just as greedy ....IMO
What do you mean by " I started to get government Ins not private Ins". Do you get medicare or medicaid. Please explian what government insurance you get that is more then private insurance.
Thats true..I was hoping that when I started to get government Ins not private Ins it would be cheaper..So it looks like the goverment which is OC is being just as greedy ....IMO

govt is greedy....that is so not it, but, that what they want you to think. It's called Populist. It is the idea that everything can be reduced to a kitchen table discussion about greedy govt. Not so.

The is not new heathcare. it is not even universal, has loop holes, exclusions, several states are out, some big Unions are out. It has an agenda about Medicare, to shift the burden to States. This was ruled that it must optional.

26 States are now out on those grounds.

This is not going to improve anything. It already devolving consumer buying power. This is only one thing.

A Value Added, Supply Chain Tax on Medical Services....that is all.
Obamacare is a joke and so is the rest of his administration! My wife and have worked our entire adult lives,paying into all these government systems that are in place to help those in need.2 months ago my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and was was denied medicare .we have had to find a pro-bono lawer to battle with the government.apparently we are just too white to receive any help.maybe if she had a biracial illegitimate child or two,that seems to be the key!
Obamacare is a joke and so is the rest of his administration! My wife and have worked our entire adult lives,paying into all these government systems that are in place to help those in need.2 months ago my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and was was denied medicare .we have had to find a pro-bono lawer to battle with the government.apparently we are just too white to receive any help.maybe if she had a biracial illegitimate child or two,that seems to be the key!
Stage IV

Stage IV describes invasive breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other organs of the body, such as the lungs, distant lymph nodes, skin, bones, liver, or brain.
You may hear the words “advanced” and “metastatic” used to describe stage IV breast cancer. Cancer may be stage IV at first diagnosis or it can be a recurrence of a previous breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

Sounds like no medical treatment is going to help. SO were you denied or given options for hospice? Other than your racial rage do you have anything else to contribute?
I am insured privately through my company, but I still pay for it. Around 160 a moth for medical dental vision from group health. Has not increased for two years, and haven't received any notice that it's going to this year either.
Stage IV

Stage IV describes invasive breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other organs of the body, such as the lungs, distant lymph nodes, skin, bones, liver, or brain.
You may hear the words “advanced” and “metastatic” used to describe stage IV breast cancer. Cancer may be stage IV at first diagnosis or it can be a recurrence of a previous breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

Sounds like no medical treatment is going to help. SO were you denied or given options for hospice? Other than your racial rage do you have anything else to contribute?
I was confused as to why the denial of Medicare and or Medicaid.

Disability Benefits for Breast Cancer

There are three ways to be found medically eligible for disability benefits when you have breast cancer: qualifying as a Compassionate Allowance, meeting the requirements of the official disability listing for breast cancer, or showing your limitations are too great for you to work at your old job or do any new type of work.

The red should have his wife getting Medicare.^^^^
HeathCare seems so simple when we are healthy. It seems to have everything covered, all the illnesses listed, what the cost are.....wait.....they don't say the costs of heath. They say what the coverage is. And I am of the opinion that I would not have lived through my nightmare of combined and induced major medical needs without private insurance.

So, Ricky, let's have a discussion. You are from Canada, eh? What happens when you have Stage 3 colon cancer at 44 years old? I go in the books for this one...meeting a genetic Doctor next week.

You won't know the next question to ask, I bet, so I'll help you. Doer, how did you find out?

I almost did not. I almost died a couple of times. I sat at home on IV antibiotic drip, and home nursing for 1 month, while my colon didn't get any better.

See, I was too far gone to operate. Did they tell me? No. I almost died again in the ambulance ride from my home, still not knowing anything but irritable bowls. I survived the emergency surgery despite the raging infection. Time for Chemo!!!

No. Still in cheaper HMO at 44 yrs. (still better than govt plan ) they set my chance of survival in Chemotherapy at only 15%. So, they said I should get my affairs in order, take a cruise, kiss my ass goodbye, etc.

Not Doer. I was over the time to change to the high class, full boat, PPO. But, I had CHOICE. I took the penalty and changed plan and never looked back. I went to a Cancer Clinic, took heavy Chemo combos, unavailable in HMO.

What the FUCK?? Now I am over educated on this. My plan now covers Meds that my doctors are sure will NOT be covered. All they see is HMO these days.

And I am $10K or better out of pocket, and slowly still getting reimbursed. I pissed off people and found some good Doctors, that are highly paid and trained....they act like they care (for the money)

From the stories I hear in Canada, why would I be allow to live in govt heath care? They were not going to let me live in an HMO, much less forced Obama Care or in Canada.

Why? Well, in Canada I would not have gotten those (how do I find out???) tests. My HMO knew very well they were triaging me and trying to get me to go ahead and not live (for the money.)

When health won't allow me to USE my money to get the treatment of MY CHOICE;
When it's all about the reasonable and customary with no OPTIONS';
When the diagnostic imaging is RATIONED;
When the Doctors are GOVT EMPLOYEES;
When the Doctors are trained only for the USUAL;

It IS NOT health care. It is managed death. To me, Canada manages death. So, you think I'm wrong.

Give me fact and figures, not arguments of how Americans can be so stupid and on and on......<yawn>

What would happen to your dad, in Canada in this situation?

I see a real fact of life, now. No one gives a shit about me in Heath Care. I have to manage my heath and be self-insured, when necessary. I require that choice. Do you have that?

I hear about Canadians coming to the US and paying retail for diagnostic imaging and procedures they can't wait in line for.

Could it be that Canadian Medicine is like the Canadian Navy. It is only viable because the US is right here with CHOICE and PROTECTION?

Canada would not have voted for govt managed care, had no US Emergency Services been available?

Just discussion points.

You are so wrong it really is sad.
Just because you heard a story does not make it true.

I know a handful of cancer survivors personally, I know of the tests and procedures they
went through.

Your views on the Canadian system is sadly misconstrued.
You seem to think Canada is a leach of the all mighty US for the lack
of a better term.

You sir, have allot to learn about your neighbor.
My health insurance premiums are increasing 15%

Attached to the letter was a note explaining for the rather dramatic increases " The Affordable Healthcare Act":cuss:

what lame excuse did they use to triple your rates in the 20 years previous?


if you buy their excuse, i got some bridges to sell ya.
I was confused as to why the denial of Medicare and or Medicaid.

Disability Benefits for Breast Cancer

There are three ways to be found medically eligible for disability benefits when you have breast cancer: qualifying as a Compassionate Allowance, meeting the requirements of the official disability listing for breast cancer, or showing your limitations are too great for you to work at your old job or do any new type of work.

The red should have his wife getting Medicare.^^^^

nope, he's white.

obama doesn't let white people on medicare.






Obamacare is a joke and so is the rest of his administration! My wife and have worked our entire adult lives,paying into all these government systems that are in place to help those in need.2 months ago my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and was was denied medicare .we have had to find a pro-bono lawer to battle with the government.apparently we are just too white to receive any help.maybe if she had a biracial illegitimate child or two,that seems to be the key!

Get in touch with your hospitals patient advocacy and let them work their magic. If nothing else, work out a 10-20 buck a month payment system to keep the treatments coming. Hospitals are really good at finding ways to get paid, they can help.

Hope everything works out man, that sucks. You and your wife have a huge, emotionally draining, painful, life changing trip ahead of you. I don't envy you but you have my empathy and good wishes. Stay strong.
You are so wrong it really is sad.
Just because you heard a story does not make it true.

I know a handful of cancer survivors personally, I know of the tests and procedures they
went through.

Your views on the Canadian system is sadly misconstrued.
You seem to think Canada is a leach of the all mighty US for the lack
of a better term.

You sir, have allot to learn about your neighbor.

I'm just trying to have a discussion and I asked you specifically not the say something like this. Fight Boy.

You seem to think....(some gross, over exaggerated whatever) is not discussion.

It must be beyond you.

Are you saying you there American medicine is not the last recourse for some Canadians? Who are you kidding?

I made a suggestion that perhaps in would be different. Canada will ration free imaging and Canadians can get the imaging here.

Are you saying that diagnostics are not triaged and rationed in Canada? I know they are. You are in healthy denial, just where you should be in your system. I know you can't discuss this, out of National Pride or Hate America or something.

But, why not be familiar with the effects of waiting lines on Death?

Much academic literature has examined the impact of waiting lists on health. A study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that 50 people died while on a wait list for cardiac catheterization in Ontario. A study of Swedish patients on a wait list for heart surgery found that the "risk of death increases significantly with waiting time." In a 2000 article in the journal Clinical Oncology, British researchers studying 29 lung cancer patients waiting for treatment further found that about 20 percent "of potentially curable patients became incurable on the waiting list.
580 per month for health care is crazy.
Public healthcare really isn't that bad, everyone pays and everyone
benefits. You only pay monthly bills like that if you also have private

For profit systems always mean large expense.

Public healthcare relies upon an "or else" threat. That's the same business model criminals use.

In a truly free market, the consumer would benefit by being able to chose from any number of service providers or chose not to participate.

Why do you think the same institution that jails people for making choices about what they will or will not consume or grow somehow magically is the one size fits all answer for health insurance?
You guys, Canada has a two tiered health system. Public and Private.
If you choose not to wait for the public system there are private options
that can be used.

Doer, I dont hate the US. My comments toward you are based upon
your constant repeating of "If it were not for the US Canada would not have,
or Canada would have been taken over" dribble.

Again, yes some people do go to the states for treatment. Under most circumstances
it is out of desire and not the need to.

We have a two tiered system. Public and Private.