This is what a police state looks like.

It's a manhunt for a single person... you're kind of stretching the context.
So your telling me we need 25 guys with m16s(and thats just in the pic, there are 1000's) tanks armored PC's for a fucking 20 year old kid? give me a fucking break.


if whats happening in boston and watertown right now isnt martial law, i sure would love to know what it is...a war? we didnt need this for chris dorner a tactical trained military and survival expert...
It's a manhunt for a single person... you're kind of stretching the context.
go to my texas bomb thread its got the bosten marathon bombing stuff. dude there will be copy cats and it will just be idiots killing people. this shit happens in life. im simply saying arm yourself be safe and well if you have to have fun.
So your telling me we need 25 guys with m16s(and thats just in the pic, there are 1000's) tanks armored PC's for a fucking 20 year old kid? give me a fucking break.

your right they need to fight fire with fire.. the cops need explosives.. yeah as much as I distrust the man.. this is all S.O.P
So your telling me we need 25 guys with m16s(and thats just in the pic, there are 1000's) tanks armored PC's for a fucking 20 year old kid? give me a fucking break.


if whats happening in boston and watertown right now isnt martial law, i sure would love to know what it is...a war? we didnt need this for chris dorner a tactical trained military and survival expert...

You can`t be serious !i

This is not just a 19 yr. old kid. He has bombed innocent people and children, robbed a 7/11, killied a MIT cop for sh*ts, got in a high speed chase that crashed in Watetown, they threw bombs and granades at the police shooting back, his brother got hit in his IED vest and it exploded. He then got into the crashed car and drove over his brother lay`n in the street and the car died. He`s now on foot, with whatever he can carry. Police have shut down several cities to prevent him from blending in and escapeing.

Martial law is decleared by the Governor. He was there and authorized actions needed to capture this kid alive or dead. He is a general public threat.

F` him,... people like him... and anyone that likes him. That`s how we are in Boston, shut everything down, catch and kill him !i

We`re not terrorized, We`re just wicked pissed !i

The law is here to stop us from street justice !i

You call em like you see em,...What the F are you look`n at ?
So your telling me we need 25 guys with m16s(and thats just in the pic, there are 1000's) tanks armored PC's for a fucking 20 year old kid? give me a fucking break..

Tell that to the Campus cop they shot last night, or the cops dodging the grenades they were tossing at them.

If it takes a major police effort to prevent death or injury to one more single person so be it. Did you want a few Barney Fifes running around with revolvers? He needs to be hunted down and captured or killed ASAP, if it takes this show of force, again, so be it.
Tell that to the Campus cop they shot last night, or the cops dodging the grenades they were tossing at them.

If it takes a major police effort to prevent death or injury to one more single person so be it. Did you want a few Barney Fifes running around with revolvers? He needs to be hunted down and captured or killed ASAP, if it takes this show of force, again, so be it.
this isnt the end of this. someone will get stupid and try and out do this kid. but this is no different than the mid east, stuff like this happens all the time. the hicks blow shit up constantly but you never hear about it.
Their father went online claiming to unleash all hell on Boston if we harm his kids. F` him too. If big beard wants to come over here from Turkey and unleash hell, he better bring some vintage K`s,...cuz I want something outta the deal !i
Their father went online claiming to unleash all hell on Boston if we harm his kids. F` him too. If big beard wants to come over here from Turkey and unleash hell, he better bring some vintage K`s,...cuz I want something outta the deal !i

Dude's worried about losing his sons, I mean after that all he's got is the goats and chickens he gets for his daughter.
man you are all seriously think your NOT bring terrorized by being told dont move ?? dont go in the streets ???? and stay in your house???, AND IF WE COME TO YOUR HOUSE LET US IN????, without a warrant or ANYTHING else other than a 'manhunt' for a 19 year old boy. sit docile in your front yards while we rip through your home and steal your liberties, YOUR THE REASON WE ARE IN THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW, sorry but what IM LOOKIN at is straight martial law and police state, TYRANNY mother fucker, do you know what that is? oh no, thats right cause you never been anywhere but sheltered in your precious america, you give me a fkin break. they have fucking army and military coming in, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF POSSE COMMITATUS ???? GET A CLUE im so tired of SHEEPLE

Yep, martial law. I was trying to figure out an answer to this: l ... and there it is. They're trying to practice martial law, one more step towards tyranny in America. Kind of hard to call people conspiracy theorists when it's happening right infront of your eyes. Locking down the entire city? Land of the free?
paranoia strikes deep
Just an observation, it took how long to kill that dude in the desert and it seemed everyone and their grandmother were looking for him, yet it took less then 48 hrs to have a complete profile and possible whereabouts of the alleged bombers, now either the bombers were extremely sloppy {which is quiet plausible} or the scrutiny under which the American people are subject to on a daily basis without their knowledge is at a deeper level then I thought originally.
i cant beleive how many people here are literally asleep at the wheel, its like everyone else...scary shit...

coming to a city near you!
this isnt the end of this. someone will get stupid and try and out do this kid.
Sad truth right here, and the media only encourages it :(

im going to go smoke a joint now because this shit bums me out. hope the best for the family and friends of the victims :(

as for the amount of armed forces they've sent in, better safe than sorry.

i understand this in an invasion of privacy, but i hope they kill that motherfucker. shove a grenade up his ass :leaf:
man you are all seriously think your NOT bring terrorized by being told dont move ?? dont go in the streets ???? and stay in your house???, AND IF WE COME TO YOUR HOUSE LET US IN????, without a warrant or ANYTHING else other than a 'manhunt' for a 19 year old boy. sit docile in your front yards while we rip through your home and steal your liberties, YOUR THE REASON WE ARE IN THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW, sorry but what IM LOOKIN at is straight martial law and police state, TYRANNY mother fucker, do you know what that is? oh no, thats right cause you never been anywhere but sheltered in your precious america, you give me a fkin break. they have fucking army and military coming in, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF POSSE COMMITATUS ???? GET A CLUE im so tired of SHEEPLE


You`re tired because you`re lost !i Who`s house is being ripped up again ? What is it that they have to hide again ?

My precious America ?....You mean the country everyone wants to runaway to from, you know their great place !i How come they don`t run away from their Governments to Russia or China,..America has to be the last place on earth to be free ...Right ?

My precious Anmerica, where the F is your Pakistani as attitude !i You are invited to come take it !i It`s where you will find all those followers !i
You can`t be serious !i

This is not just a 19 yr. old kid. He has bombed innocent people and children, robbed a 7/11, killied a MIT cop for sh*ts, got in a high speed chase that crashed in Watetown, they threw bombs and granades at the police shooting back, his brother got hit in his IED vest and it exploded. He then got into the crashed car and drove over his brother lay`n in the street and the car died. He`s now on foot, with whatever he can carry. Police have shut down several cities to prevent him from blending in and escapeing.

Martial law is decleared by the Governor. He was there and authorized actions needed to capture this kid alive or dead. He is a general public threat.

F` him,... people like him... and anyone that likes him. That`s how we are in Boston, shut everything down, catch and kill him !i

We`re not terrorized, We`re just wicked pissed !i

The law is here to stop us from street justice !i

You call em like you see em,...What the F are you look`n at ?

how do you know that he wasnt set up and trying to get away if he is killed? the government wants him dead so he cant talk and expose anything they dont want to be exposed. there were tens of military guys around the finish line when the bomb went off. they had to be watching this dude. and they let him get away.
why wont they answer dan bidondis questions about the military men all around or officials announcing that it is a drill and to stay calm? something is not right if they have nothing to hide they would just answer the questions. but there is something to hide. they ended the press conference early that dan was at you can see in the videos at infowars that a lady comes to the left side of the officals and says something and they end it right after that.
this is a suspect the got that died in the hospital. and he does not look to be run over or like he had a ied vest explode on him. where is the car that died after running over him?
...or should I say...this is what Martial Law looks like..

this is only the begining....:-(

Enough said with the title of the post! If you don't know enough to recognize that it is what a police state looks like, wake up.
The don't need AK's and tanks on the road looking for this dude. But it's all propaganda anyways...

Now the next person to bomb us will know exactly WTF not to do since the DUMBASS media wants to give play by plays...