BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial


Well-Known Member
after blasting onto parchment, how do you collect it all together? im having trouble lol im assuming you heat it a lil?
We don't blast onto parchment, but oil placed on parchment can be manipulated by folding it over on itself and peeling the paper back. If it is too sticky, try putting it in the freezer for awhile first.


Active Member
A small test run with new butane new tubes New purge etc all new equip test run came out good ended up with 24.4 grams
new purge?? talkin about technique/method? I'm pretty damn impressed with my winterized BHO results. 24.4grams from how much material went in?
Looks like you have enough to last you all day there haha!!!


Well-Known Member
I ran half pound material and 6 cans colibri and what I ment was got a new purge system my ethyl alchol is in the mail so will be winterizeing soon


Active Member
Half lb def seems right, i was estimating 6+ oz but giving you the benefit of a higher yield. 8oz seems good though, just out of curiosity was it bud or trim/mixture of both? Have you winterized before?


Well-Known Member
It was a mix of trim and popcorn and when I do do straight bud I get more like I said tho first time.working with the new extractor and shit next run should be better
No have not winterized yet but am confident it wnt be hard as I've done my research


Active Member
It was a mix of trim and popcorn and when I do do straight bud I get more like I said tho first time.working with the new extractor and shit next run should be better
No have not winterized yet but am confident it wnt be hard as I've done my research
If you aren't clumsy and have half a brain it's be a piece of girlfriend is very clumsy and has a tendency to spill shit or bump stuff a lot, that's the only reason she doesn't help me more with extractions and growing in general. Might sound mean but these girls are my pride and joy and we can't afford a ruined plant at the moment. Once i get a bigger light/more plants/more fun, she can have her own little corner of plants to play with :)


Well-Known Member
Yep that's why my wife dnt help I completly understand last time she got trim spilled into my oil that was boiling off and ya will be a piece of cake really nothing to it


Active Member
Was motivated enough to actually post a i usually don't see any point in shooting a video when pictures are easier and look better.


New Member
after blasting onto parchment, how do you collect it all together? im having trouble lol im assuming you heat it a lil?
good fuckin luck

best bet is to try to scrape it before it makes a mess. but try not to cut into the paper while scraping.

you can fold the paper/oil in half, then pull apart real quick.. the tougher half always wins and pulls the other half off the paper. dont rip the paper or you are fucked. thats why I cant stand parchment paper. maybe I got cheap thin stuff, I dont know.

also, 650, as weve both learned. you cant bend/press too hard on those blades or they snap, thats never fun. ive been there, done that.. hasnt happened in a long time. just cant press too hard, takes practice.. if the oil is getting that tough, heat it up just a tiny tiny bit. even a hair dryer for 5 seconds works TONS.

15% loss is a lot. I imagine I am seeing somewhere near there too. I had a ton of shit in my filter. ran 30 grams and 2 cans of ronson butane. after winterizing I estimate around 4 gram.. usually get 7 or so.


Well-Known Member
after blasting onto parchment, how do you collect it all together? im having trouble lol im assuming you heat it a lil?

blasting on to parchment takes a fine technique.. blasting onto pyrex/stainless, then scraping, well, its a bit more work, but you usually can work with the oil easier..

I have now started using zero heat on my boil offs(justs manyy fans), and i have now started putting my oil into the vac chamber when the oils warms up to 60F..

So, if i spray onto pyrex, I:
boil off tane
scrape with razor onto CENTER OF THE parchment, be careful here though, when wiping the blade off on the paper, be sure not to puncture paper with blade.
into vacuum, if oil starts to get towards edges, i stop vac, and take out oil, and work oil back to center by the Tug-And-Pull method, its

if i spray onto parchment, this is where you must treat the paper like s million dollars..
spray into a dish, lined with my parchment, boil off tane lots of fans
put parchment straight into vac, go from there, never ever once touching a razor..

with my current headband run,m i have split the work into two..
My first blast, i sprayed right onto pyrex, thinking my parchment would have a tough time holding up to 2+oz of oil..
well, had to bust out my scrapers and blades, fucken hell! i hate scraping the pyrex, i was able to remove most, but had to use an oven to heat up oil to get it off as much of the pyrex as possible, yet still leaving oils. fuck that

sooo, my 2nd blastings, i did it straight onto parch, shits been cake this time around..

stat at 14 minutes, this is the tug and pull


i dont rec parchment to vacpurge though, parchment has something against him.. , or 650s girl friend either, just for clumsys sake :p

highhh allll! happy 4 fucken twenty.

on the list for the day:

continue this beasty run
dabs first
ediblessssss, ya :]


Well-Known Member
Was motivated enough to actually post a i usually don't see any point in shooting a video when pictures are easier and look better.
lollll i think videos are good when you want to show/explain something happening, orrr, you got it all prepared, and you wanna show off :p

i would guesss this vid shows an oil, and the bug it came from?

heyyy, i noticed your bud stem looks a bit dark.. some plants just do that, but mosttttttttttttt stay a green tint ( when healthy)
not dissin you, im in the same boat, trying to learn why, and turn my purple/dark stems green, so far, im getting better :]
i judge the progress of one of my Santa Cruz Blues, by her stems, i know shes happy when they green.. but she easily shows me when she is pissed..


Well-Known Member
And I said fuck razor blades along time ago I use a putty knife flexes and scrapes like a blade but better use a like a 2 inch wide blade putty knife


New Member
made some more with everclear the other day. this is right after evaping the butane (ronson butane) 30 grams of bottom of the bag dust. grinded up in coffee grinder. 2 large cans of butane. evap on warm water for 10 min.

tons of plant waxes can already be seen 2 minutes after pouring the everclear in, also notice them on the dish.

froze for 24 hours, then poured it through a filter. ton of plant wax in the filter from 30 grams of weed.

filtered and ready to go:



New Member
these are for you guzias, and fadedawg. you were right about the lid doing some major deflection. I never noticed it. guzias, I think the reason mine is cracking and yours isnt is because maybe my pump is stronger?? :p

there was approx 2mm deflection. enough to slip (it was tight) 2 cds under the level in the center.... a significant amount for the lid to be concaved for sure. (something like this is what you need for the oil 650.. but in glass form ;) )

right now, I got the winterized oil in the vac chamber.

650: are you seeing a skin on your oil? mine is not glassing up.. make me think there is still everclear in it?? probably was when you said you felt drunk. I bet you smoked alcohol along with your oil hehe.


Active Member
lollll i think videos are good when you want to show/explain something happening, orrr, you got it all prepared, and you wanna show off :p

i would guesss this vid shows an oil, and the bug it came from?

heyyy, i noticed your bud stem looks a bit dark.. some plants just do that, but mosttttttttttttt stay a green tint ( when healthy)
not dissin you, im in the same boat, trying to learn why, and turn my purple/dark stems green, so far, im getting better :]
i judge the progress of one of my Santa Cruz Blues, by her stems, i know shes happy when they green.. but she easily shows me when she is pissed..
This was grown under LED through flower and i'm still workin with that light getting it perfect...but i turns my plants a darker color in general. idk...gets me high! but i can't wait to post pics of my LCOG about to come down, hps, i'll have to dbl check all the stems but they are a brighter green for sure. LED if funky but fun to mess around with.
yup, it's the bud and oil from it.


Active Member
650: are you seeing a skin on your oil? mine is not glassing up.. make me think there is still everclear in it?? probably was when you said you felt drunk. I bet you smoked alcohol along with your oil hehe.
Ya the drunk feeling was from my 91%iso test run. I only smoked one hit but i was thinking the same thing about there being some alcohol in there.

I do not get a film on my you mean a shiny or glossy film or is it a dull film?...honestly mine is kinda sticky right after i scrape it up and press it together, little warm too though, then i let it sit all thinned out on parchment paper for a night and it's hard as a rock when i wake up. It's probably hard as a rock not long after it cools. I'm going to start vacuuming just for safe measure though...i mean why the hell not. Just for a couple hrs under minimal heat.

All in all my shatter seems to be great but i really want something that will give me more body high now...just been burnin this LCOG for a long time now waiting for my TW and Choco.