Is it possible to keep cats out of your grow room?


Well-Known Member
Those sneaky little shits can get into anything in 1 second.IMG_0611.jpg I grabbed a jar of Head Band set it on the table and went to close my drawer. She takes her share by rubbing on the bottom buds and then cleaning herself. I don't care I just make hash out of the lower ones anyway, besides; I love the little rotten cat and I guess even they need a nice stoning too. As you can see from my avatar, she's always in one of the rooms.
i grow in a closet that stays cracked for ventilation and i can't keep my cat out of there for shit. he likes to lounge in the warm light and wind and snack on leaves. i'd rather he didn't but he's an indoor cat so he's not tracking weird bugs in there and he's not doing any serious damage. the big problem is getting his fur in the fans and the hood and sometimes on the buds, but it's not a big problem for me. i'd probably get fur in there anyway. i keep an old bottle of liquor on the floor to keep the door from opening too much but if he wants in he'll get in.

if you grow in soil and leave the pots on the floor expect the fuckers to make a toilet of them. i only made that mistake once. now i use adjustable shelving for the plants instead of adjusting the light. it's a bit more of a hassle but it actually has a lot of other benefits.

the one good thing about cats in the grow room is they will spot bugs before you will. those shitheads see everything.
I got a little fence about 3ft high in-front of my plants because my little dog likes to eat them
he once ate many of my cuttings, i was lucky to save one plant out of 20
my cat does not eat them, but she does love sleeping under the light
i had to secure the fence so she cant crawl under it, lucky for me she is old and fat and not very good at jumping lol
Had the same problem before I got my space secure. Long hair cats, and they love those warm lights. Oh dear god, instant calamity. It's not the body, snaking between containers... it's that big poofy tail, thwacking along the buds above. :facepalm: I spend more time picking cat hair out of my bud than I'd like, even now that they're securely kept out of the area... intake even has a layer of black foam to filter, but it still finds it's way in on my person... have had to get ultra-careful about what I wear in there... freakin long hair cat fur gets everywhere...
Had the same problem before I got my space secure. Long hair cats, and they love those warm lights. Oh dear god, instant calamity. It's not the body, snaking between containers... it's that big poofy tail, thwacking along the buds above. :facepalm: I spend more time picking cat hair out of my bud than I'd like, even now that they're securely kept out of the area... intake even has a layer of black foam to filter, but it still finds it's way in on my person... have had to get ultra-careful about what I wear in there... freakin long hair cat fur gets everywhere...

I manage to keep my pets away from the plants, but that does not stop me finding dog hair in the bud, its very annoying but its impossible to stop unless they were shaved bald lol
my dog is white so the hair is very easy to spot.. eww a great way to identify bud would be via pet hair dna lol

Haha... yeah Skunk, I have thought of that before myself, ID'd by a pet's hair, worst case! LOL. I try to pick out as much as I can... I work in a tight space so I end up transferring it from my sleeves sometimes when I go to reach into a back spot before thinking to take off a longsleeve shirt or whatever... soooo annoying, but oh well, I still love my pets.
I agree I think it's more for the lights and the nice climate controlled environment than actual weed. They just seem to love it. I raised all my containers off of the ground but I still get a few hairs.
I manage to keep my pets away from the plants, but that does not stop me finding dog hair in the bud, its very annoying but its impossible to stop unless they were shaved bald lol
my dog is white so the hair is very easy to spot.. eww a great way to identify bud would be via pet hair dna lol

Identifying growers by pet hair DNA. Lets not give anyone ideas. Scary. LOL.
so hard to avoid things attaching themselves to the sticky flowers , i always find the odd dead fly even found a wasp stuck to the bud, nice way to die !
we have to love them to put up with all there crap, my dog is only small, not much bigger than my cat, and i am pretty tidy lol
but like you said it transfers from your clothes onto everything, even my fucking ham and cheese sandwich !!

peace :)
I hear you Skunk. My cat doesn't look furry, but it's a damn Russian Blue and has 2 coats of fur?!! It sheds in the winter over hear. I have to admit; I've even picked cat fur out of my hash. Nice!
I hear you Skunk. My cat doesn't look furry, but it's a damn Russian Blue and has 2 coats of fur?!! It sheds in the winter over hear. I have to admit; I've even picked cat fur out of my hash. Nice!

Love the pic of your cat. Badass little fucker's just chilling out beside your plants. Awesome......:)

Couldn't be arsed with hairs everywhere though. It's the only thing that puts me off.
I don't get allot of hairs on my product just one every once in awhile. She even hung out by the plants when I grew out doors.
I used to let me cat in but I got panda film down to protect the floors and he clawed them up alittle. So now I just shut the door.
My grow is in a seperate room in the basement.

Caught my cat in there one day. She had climbed into the hung ceiling from the laundry room and crawled into the grow room. Luckily she didn't get into the tent.

I keep the door closed to the laundry room now too. And the cats are NOT allowed in the basement unless I am down there.