Pretending to know something that you really don't know is the enticing promise of spirituality.
You are provided with the answers to the most desired questions of the universe aren't you? You get to know what happens when you die, you get to know if there is or isn't a god or gods. You are privileged enough to understand the meaning and purpose of the universe and our own existence aren't you?
Do you really know the answers to those questions? Do you really think you are any more special than any other pathetic lump of carbon impotently walking around the surface of this giant molten rock that has solidified on the surface? Has your Ego really enlarged THAT much to make you think you are seriously THAT special? Maybe that's too much to ask of you to understand, and if it is then i feel sorry for you.
Every spiritual person i have ever met in my life, (and i used to be one) thinks they are top dog, on top of shit. They got the answers to all your problems, they know the secrets of the universe, they are more special than you are, gifted with knowledge that no other human animal on the planet has... unless they share the same idea, that's the catch.
The truth is, no one knows if there is or isn't a god, no one knows what happens when we die, no one knows if there's inherent meaning or purpose to the universe or to our brief existence on this rock... and that is a scary thing to comprehend. It's scary not know any of that stuff, it's so scary.. in fact, that most people can't bear the not knowing so they make up the answers, they tell themselves they know to alleviate the pain they feel from not having the answers to our most desired questions.
Just because we don't know something, does not give us the right to pretend we do, no matter how scary it is (or how beautiful or elegant the answer is) . And it's sad, to me, to see so many people pretending they have the answers... when we all know that none of us do.