Riddle me this

...and that (to me) is the important part. There's a term for it, spiritual pride. Just because a person knows their God, it doesn't mean they know how to tie their shoelaces :) It's really about having less pride.

But yet, inside... you still think you are special enough to be gifted with the secrets of the universe. As the Ego whispers enticing thoughts into your mind saying "Hehehe... i still know there is a god, i still know what happens when i die, i still know the meaning of the universe."
But yet, inside... you still think you are special enough to be gifted with the secrets of the universe. As the Ego whispers enticing thoughts into your mind saying "Hehehe... i still know there is a god, i still know what happens when i die, i still know the meaning of the universe."

...not much, no :lol:
...not much, no :lol:

For some odd reason, i seriously doubt that...

So you don't claim to know there is a god? You don't claim to know what happens when we die or if we have a soul/spirit etc? Because i could have sworn, from reading many of your earlier posts on many different threads, that you do claim to have knowledge of these things.
Pretending to know something that you really don't know is the enticing promise of spirituality.

You are provided with the answers to the most desired questions of the universe aren't you? You get to know what happens when you die, you get to know if there is or isn't a god or gods. You are privileged enough to understand the meaning and purpose of the universe and our own existence aren't you?

Do you really know the answers to those questions? Do you really think you are any more special than any other pathetic lump of carbon impotently walking around the surface of this giant molten rock that has solidified on the surface? Has your Ego really enlarged THAT much to make you think you are seriously THAT special? Maybe that's too much to ask of you to understand, and if it is then i feel sorry for you.

Every spiritual person i have ever met in my life, (and i used to be one) thinks they are top dog, on top of shit. They got the answers to all your problems, they know the secrets of the universe, they are more special than you are, gifted with knowledge that no other human animal on the planet has... unless they share the same idea, that's the catch.

The truth is, no one knows if there is or isn't a god, no one knows what happens when we die, no one knows if there's inherent meaning or purpose to the universe or to our brief existence on this rock... and that is a scary thing to comprehend. It's scary not know any of that stuff, it's so scary.. in fact, that most people can't bear the not knowing so they make up the answers, they tell themselves they know to alleviate the pain they feel from not having the answers to our most desired questions.

Just because we don't know something, does not give us the right to pretend we do, no matter how scary it is (or how beautiful or elegant the answer is) . And it's sad, to me, to see so many people pretending they have the answers... when we all know that none of us do.

Well put, ZS!

I would add the part in bold!
For some odd reason, i seriously doubt that...

So you don't claim to know there is a god? You don't claim to know what happens when we die or if we have a soul/spirit etc? Because i could have sworn, from reading many of your earlier posts on many different threads, that you do claim to have knowledge of these things.

...take the time to point that out and we'll see who's stretching :) When a person says "I serious doubt that" they are making an assumption. Not good if you're in the science camp.

...you make too many assumptions about what it means to believe in God. Now, go check for that one bad apple in the bunch. When you find it, be sure to chuck the rest of 'em.
...take the time to point that out and we'll see who's stretching :) When a person says "I serious doubt that" they are making an assumption. Not good if you're in the science camp.

...you make too many assumptions about what it means to believe in God. Now, go check for that one bad apple in the bunch. When you find it, be sure to chuck the rest of 'em.

So you don't claim to know there is a god? You don't claim to know what happens when we die or if we have a soul/spirit etc?

If you answer here, it would save so much time for both of us.
...what I have, strife, is faith that all of this ain't just for the cost of admission :hump:

Yes, but that still doesn't answer either of the questions...

But i expected nothing less. /sigh

A simple yes or no would suffice... but if a reply would be in order, i would expect a lengthy explanation that skirts around answering the questions directly yet again.
Somehow this conversation is becomming a bit to literal for me and its being steered into a corner where you like to prove people are wrong somehow but catching them on the slightest detai,s of their wording. And now this magical life energy as some call it Xd (not me btw) is being refered to as cells and tyheir energy and such ... well good for you.
Not my cup of tea tbh
Not exactly. You make a comment about life energy, about where it goes. Someone points out your comment is based on misunderstanding of energy. You continue to insist that the energy you are talking about is different than what he is. I am merely demonstrating there is nothing about energy and biology we don't have a basic understanding about and there is absolutely zero evidence that there is any mystical energy we haven't accounted for that somehow can continue to exist beyond death. This isn't about proving you wrong, but about you clarifying what the fuck you are referring to. If you can't explain where this energy resides and what it actually accomplishes, it has no essential qualities that is different than non-existence.

You accuse me of being too literal, which I guess is code for - being to close to actual facts that you cannot twist into metaphysical meanderings that make you feel like you actually talking about something meaningful.
Good for you, use your deductyions kills on this:

Does god exist ?
Do aliens exist ?
Is telekineses possible ?
Is empathy actually an extension of perceiving another mens electro magnetic field ?
to name a few.
I understand English is not your primary language but re-read what I wrote. I clearly said that deductive reasoning is not the only way to use logic. In fact, much of what we do know and understand about the world comes about by induction, not deduction. The only thing I said is that these questions are not going to be answered sufficiently if all you use is experiential and feelings for evidence. My experience and feeling is that the earth I am standing on is relatively flat and stationary. My intuition tells me that the things I see and hear are all good reflections of reality. Both of these things are clearly, demonstrable wrong. We know the earth is in constant motion and is curved into an egg-shape. We know that our brains distort what we see and hear in order to make sense of things. Both of these conclusions were arrived at by rigorous application of reason and use of inductive logic.

euhh .... sure.
What truth ?
The truth about reality.
Your not a real spiritual person are you ?
Depends on your definition of spiritual. If it means acceptance of superstition and supernatural claims, then no I'm not spiritual. If you however, mean the contemplation of abstract and metaphysical concepts and how we transcend the sum of our parts, then yes, I am spiritual.

Like many things here, many people put their own spin on how they define certain concepts rather than to look for agreement on a term first before discussing something. Spirituality is an extremely poorly defined and loaded word.
The truth is, no one knows if there is or isn't a god, no one knows what happens when we die, no one knows if there's inherent meaning or purpose to the universe or to our brief existence on this rock... and that is a scary thing to comprehend. It's scary not knowing any of that stuff, it's so scary.. in fact, that most people can't bear the not knowing so they make up the answers, they tell themselves they know to alleviate the pain they feel from not having the answers to our most desired questions.

Just because we don't know something, does not give us the right to pretend we do, no matter how scary it is. And it's sad, to me, to see so many people pretending they have the answers... when we all know that none of us do.
This I can understand. Thanks for all the info. I feel like I have more questions than answers though, but I have time. You brainiacs are a big help...Thanks again.
I'm not fond of your imposing arguments which are tending to brute force someone into recognising, accepting and taking a believe in your view of things.
You sir, have it the other way around, ... but I must say .. ignorance becomes you.
Arguments are meant to be convincing. They have not power or force to make anyone accept a belief. However, this doesn't stop psuedoscience bullshitters from using this claim against people that disagree with them in order to marginalize them and shut them up. Why are you so scared to learn something new?
yes you are right about everything, bravo.

What truth were you talking about here?
Hehe, it might be closer to the truth then you might dare imagine :)

It appears you are only interested in spouting nonsense and not interested in defending your beliefs. The only people that should worry about having their personal ideology challenged are those that don't base them on reason and rational thought. You should go find a nice New Age discussion website so you can be amongst like-minded drones and don't have to concern yourself with mean people like me that ask tough questions and might actually make you apply some thought.
ya'll are pathetic, I don't know the answers to those questions, and neither do ya'll. that's the fucking point of my last post. the way ya'll resort to the same bullshit saying I think im special and all this nonsense.. ya'll really are fucking blind. "omg he said "fucking" what a hypocrite." is that what yall are going to say now? you have to have an open mind if you think we are made of star dust, then the things I said are plausible, right or wrong?
to me it always seems like atheist have animosity towards believers and spiritual people. maybe its because they feel likes they are missing something in life. its like ya'll are mad at believers, and all im simply saying is that its possible. now I think im special. now I know everything right? that's pathetic.
if you cant feel anything spiritual I feel sorry for you. simply looking at the harmony of our universe, if we are made of "star stuff" whats to say our god is not the same? whats to say our god isent as big as a star? whats to say a star cant "think"? or create, like we can?

Like MP said, we have to define spiritual, as it means different things to different people. I am an atheist, but I consider myself very spiritual: I am a professional classical musician and I surround myself with amazing music and art, and why I feel a sense of transcendent wonder for these things is a mystery to me. We are certainly made of star dust as stars had to form and die to make the heavy elements we consist of. As for stars being conscious, I suppose that is possible, but there's absolutely no evidence for it so why speculate about that? So far we have no reason to posit a god to explain anything...

ya'll are pathetic, I don't know the answers to those questions, and neither do ya'll. that's the fucking point of my last post. the way ya'll resort to the same bullshit saying I think im special and all this nonsense.. ya'll really are fucking blind. "omg he said "fucking" what a hypocrite." is that what yall are going to say now? you have to have an open mind if you think we are made of star dust, then the things I said are plausible, right or wrong?

We all don't have the answers to many questions, I don't think anyone is pretending to. The best way we've found so far to attempt to answer these questions is via the scientific method, it is the most effective way ever devised to discover the truth about reality. What are we blind to?

to me it always seems like atheist have animosity towards believers and spiritual people. maybe its because they feel likes they are missing something in life. its like ya'll are mad at believers, and all im simply saying is that its possible. now I think im special. now I know everything right? that's pathetic.

Any animosity shown is not toward other's spiritual beliefs, it is directed toward unclear and contradictory concepts masquerading as facts. People are free to believe whatever they like, but when they present them in a public forum as fact these people have to be ready for questions, challenges and criticism. If said beliefs are well founded, there should be no trouble in defending them. You seem a little angry yourself, by the by...
It can be if you overlook the genocide, infanticide, misogyny, homophobia, racism, and the endorsement of rape and slavery. Overlooking these parts of the bible remind me of a Joker quote from the first franchise - "Joker here. Now you fellas have said some pretty mean things. Some of which were true, under that fiend Boss Grissom. He was a thief, and a terrorist. On the other hand he had a tremendous singing voice..."

take that religion! that shit thats in the bible is in almost every religions sacred book...

also this...

"Brand Xssssssssssssss"
Yes, but that still doesn't answer either of the questions...

But i expected nothing less. /sigh

A simple yes or no would suffice... but if a reply would be in order, i would expect a lengthy explanation that skirts around answering the questions directly yet again.

...sigh? Want some feathers to go with that? You could wave one of them around while you're at it :razz: