How do I say goodbye???


Well-Known Member
:( just go be with her.. youre a good guy dirt im sure youll handle this like a man and be able to crack a few smiles out of her.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
This is a very sad situation you have to contend with and how you react really depends on how much your niece is aware of, like does she know she is going to die. When the doctors told my family my mum was going to die I hadn't got a clue what I was going to say to her, and my sister kept telling me I wasn't to cry in front of her so I sat their with a huge lump in my throat saying nothing and I have regretted it from that day to this, their was so much I should have said I should have told her I loved her, what a wonderful mother she had been and how I would see her again. I think you should say whats in your heart don't be afraid to cry the time to be strong has passed the time to be truthful has arrived, she will want to hear that you will be their for her children and not to worry as everything will okay her mind needs to be at peace so she can die knowing she was loved and her children will be cared for and watched over. I'm so sorry this has happened life can sometimes be very cruel.


Well-Known Member
Today I have to go see off my niece, she just found out she has cancer and yesterday they told her this would be her last week end.
I've been part of her life for the whole short 35 years she's lived, I went to her wedding, sat in the waiting room while she had
her children, everything.
Now I have to go see her for the last time, I went thru this with her Grand parents and now I have to with her...
What do you say???
I just want to go hide till this whole shitty thing passes.. :(:(
Go to her... Hold out your arms to her...
Look into each others minds ... through your eyes...
connect mentally... no words needed...
Feel the spirit, connect...
I feel for you...
No ones words will help you, but our thoughts will be with you...
Thank-you for sharing your grief...


Well-Known Member
as I watched my last grandparent die in front of me, I realized I had for the first time, and opportunity to have parting words, well one sided anyway. The only think I could decide to say was:

"Thank you.........for being you. I will always remember you, and I'm a better person for having spent time with you."

no goodbye.



Well-Known Member
Today I have to go see off my niece, she just found out she has cancer and yesterday they told her this would be her last week end.
I've been part of her life for the whole short 35 years she's lived, I went to her wedding, sat in the waiting room while she had
her children, everything.
Now I have to go see her for the last time, I went thru this with her Grand parents and now I have to with her...
What do you say???
I just want to go hide till this whole shitty thing passes.. :(:(
Sorry to hear that dirt. My thoughts are with you. My 15 year old cousin shot herself in the head about this time 2 years ago. I never got to say goodbye. Perhaps you can find solace in the fact that you do have a chance to say goodbye. Positive thoughts your way buddy.


Well-Known Member
Even if you don't believe you have all the correct words to say to her, you being strong enough to be there with her will bring her great comfort. It takes courage and strength to face such a situation. I did it myself a few years back when my wonderful uncle was passing with cancer as well. I look back and am grateful I had the opportunity to say, see you on the other side. My thought are with you and your family.


Well-Known Member
This is a very sad situation you have to contend with and how you react really depends on how much your niece is aware of, like does she know she is going to die. When the doctors told my family my mum was going to die I hadn't got a clue what I was going to say to her, and my sister kept telling me I wasn't to cry in front of her so I sat their with a huge lump in my throat saying nothing and I have regretted it from that day to this, their was so much I should have said I should have told her I loved her, what a wonderful mother she had been and how I would see her again. I think you should say whats in your heart don't be afraid to cry the time to be strong has passed the time to be truthful has arrived, she will want to hear that you will be their for her children and not to worry as everything will okay her mind needs to be at peace so she can die knowing she was loved and her children will be cared for and watched over. I'm so sorry this has happened life can sometimes be very cruel.

You are without a doubt a wonderful lady. Just way to much hurt in your life. Bless you my friend.

match box

Well-Known Member
Nothing is harder than the death of younger family members. You won't hide you well be there and just let the love come out and be that great uncle that you have always been. Time heals and I will be thinking about you and your family.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how your visit went... I hope it was everything you wanted it to be.
Here's a big bro hug for ya... :hug:


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry to hear that dirt, I wish there was something I could say that would make it all better but I can't do that, but just think of all the good times you had together and all the great times she has had and I bet she lived her life to the fullest and doesn't regret a minute of it. She is going to a better place and someday you will see her again brotha. My wishes are with you.

It sucks losing a loved one. I've lost more then my far share of them and I'm done with it. I just want a break for once.


Active Member

I am truly sorry about your niece man.
Im sure deep down you know what you need to do.
My thoughts and prayers are with you for what thats worth.
Keep your head up!


Sector 5 Moderator
My deepest sympathy dirt. I'm always at a loss for words when it comes to something like this. I hate cancer so much; it has taken so many of my loved ones from this life way too soon and in such a horrible way. It's a good time for her to think about eternity.


Well-Known Member
I'm tired and spent. Kristy passed at 2:10 this afternoon.
When I left her Mom, Dad and sisters were headed to her home to wish her goodbye.
Here's a poen her husband wrote yesterday I thought I would share and then close for the night.
Thank all of you I'll come back tommrow..

Preparing To say good by
With the end of the fight within in our sight and the ending drawing near, saying good by can not be done with out the shed of tears.
So many question still to ask and request to be made, telling my boys is now my pain.
With things I don't know and answers I do not have I will tri and raise the...m the best I can!
I ask her not to leave us and to stay and help, but nothing will change no matter how we felt
Now there is a pain in my heart with the separation that's going to keep us apart.
This promise I will make to her I swear, your two sons I will always take care.
With this love in our hearts and our thoughts in our minds will spend with her the rest of our time.!
I love you


Well-Known Member
It's nice to have so many friends that I don't know.. Thanks every one.
But being my age and knowing she'd like to hear me sayit.
That sucked... Who's camping with the smoke???