How about you just write the guy a letter?

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chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
are you slow or something? want me to draw it in crayon for ya.....yes, if given the choice between some dude i deal drugs to and supporting my wife and kid so they don't go poor and lose their house then i would "ROLL ON YOUR ASS IN A NY MINUTE." quote that all you want. you never answered my question though? if i was still an investment banker and i knew my firm was doing something illegal that was causing harm to the public and they were making a shitload of money doing it...would i still be a "snitch" if a told? you and the rest of the wanna be prison yard tough guys would roll on your own mother over a dime bag misdemeanor. as for timewasmoney; like a give a rats ass what you think of me. chances are you are in some dump stealing wifi from your neighbor talking shit on 14 different internet sites. as for the tnt mode who erased my post; getting to be like Nazi Germany around here. didn't realize the North Koreans had taken over the site.
yeah, we got it, your a fat.bald narc who is really hiding in costa rica because you probably snitched on someone.


Well-Known Member
i have his address if you pm fdd his wife will give it to you as well it is possible they missed the pm's he has gotten a lot

scooby im all with you on the donations, the letters but youre coming off like really rude, its almost becoming a personal attack towards us .
If people want to write him a letter they will stop guilt tripping the people dont want to write him a letter.
Sending letter today


New Member
Lol if you actually cared for your family you wouldnt be dealing drugs to support them. Since your in costa rica im assuming your a coke dealer. You should get off your fat ass and make an honest earning and drop all this bs drug deal that can vomprise you and yoyr family

Not only are you a narc but you seem like a dull crayon at the same time


Well-Known Member
the dude bragged about how much weed he grew and sold and how he dropped thousands on all these new boats and shit. the only one that's lying is you in your "own little world"
Show me where he said this, we will see very quickly whos lying. By the way your conscious must be bothering you. I was not talking about you period. Guess you had to show us who was lying

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Show me where he said this, we will see very quickly whos lying. By the way your conscious must be bothering you. I was not talking about you period. Guess you had to show us who was lying
I do not take either side in the argument over whether he was this or that or did this or that, it is not really any concern of mine, but it is most certainly true that he frequently talked about expensive antique fishing lures and new boats or jetskis, and how big his grows were.


Global Moderator
Staff member
You should see the 100k bass boats & motor homes some of those corn farmers in the mid-west own.
They don't deserve them either.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
are you slow or something? want me to draw it in crayon for ya.....yes, if given the choice between some dude i deal drugs to and supporting my wife and kid so they don't go poor and lose their house then i would "ROLL ON YOUR ASS IN A NY MINUTE." quote that all you want. you never answered my question though? if i was still an investment banker and i knew my firm was doing something illegal that was causing harm to the public and they were making a shitload of money doing it...would i still be a "snitch" if a told? you and the rest of the wanna be prison yard tough guys would roll on your own mother over a dime bag misdemeanor. as for timewasmoney; like a give a rats ass what you think of me. chances are you are in some dump stealing wifi from your neighbor talking shit on 14 different internet sites. as for the tnt mode who erased my post; getting to be like Nazi Germany around here. didn't realize the North Koreans had taken over the site.
First instance would be snitch. Second instance would be doing your job.

They are two COMPLETELY different circumstances.

Now if cops busted you while looking for a murderer who also dealt weed, and you dropped the name of the real murderer that wouldn't be snitching.

Dropping the name of a person who only purchases from you to save your own ass is snitching.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
My husband new his entire shop was stealing AND selling government property. He had a few things that he took home that he didn't know were so valuable.

(batteries he thought he could use to build a go cart, that actually went into airplanes. yes he was a dumbass and I have dealt with it. He never sold anything tho. There were people selling things for thousands of dollars and they dropped his name to try to get a better deal)

He could of gotten his entire shop thrown in jail. He didn't.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Even that situation is very different from exposing someone elses grow or purchase of weed.

Because on one hand, my husband could have exposed the others and the people profiting (who the investigators were really trying to catch) would of been caught and all that fraud and waste could of ended.

Really my husband shouldn't of been a dumbass and bringing stuff home from work. Stealing is stealing. And stealing from the government is a felony.

Smoking weed is illegal, and growing can be a felony if you aren't legal. But is it the same as stealing and profiting off the ignorance of others? No.

Scooby, your argument is just weak.

Most people on this site are fighting/hoping for the day where they can smoke/grow without fear of prosecution. In the meantime we have to watch our own asses and not screw eachother over.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You should see the 100k bass boats & motor homes some of those corn farmers in the mid-west own.
They don't deserve them either.
Corn farming is not illegal.

I have no issue with a guy selling some weed and buying a boat, why would i? Weed should be legal. But the simple matter is that what fdd was doing to buy his toys was not legal. I don't agree with his incarceration, but it is what it is.

I feel sorry for what has happened, in that it makes no sense to put someone in jail let alone pay them any attention because he has a bag full of weed, but at the same time, we all know and accept the risks when we start growing, and the larger the grow, the larger the accepted risks.


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The really sad part is this is just the divisive type of stuff the feds hope we get stuck on and spend our time and attention on. Time is a very precious and limited factor the government knows this and uses it against us. We should spend that energy on working toward legalization. It's important to try and see these people as political prisoners who the government will attempt to leverage against the rest of the group.

So the first thing is don't self-identify yourself to the feds. Any adult in the US knows these laws especially when they are involved with them. This is the cost of doing business and FDD knows this as does anyone else involved in this as a business.

The best way to help FDD is to focus all our time and energy on lobbying to change these laws. That is really our only hope and frankly the states are falling like dominoes now. So now is the time to be hopeful and active. If you feel bad for FDD then commit to lobbying/working for medical marijuana laws in your state.

Medical marijuana laws lead to legalization because the truth becomes to hard to hide anymore when people see the benefits amongst their friends and neighbors. So let's help FDD by not writing him and focusing instead on legislation for legalisation.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
This could work both ways . By writing Fdd it will show them how much support he has behind him.
The guy knows that people are out there trying to get marijauna legal.

Is he in a sucky position? Yes.

Is it our responsibility to coddle him and take care of his family? No.

Vote when the time comes to do your part.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
........snip....... it will show them how much support he has behind him.
Show who is the important question. Unfortunately it will not rise above the correctional officers. This won't change anything politically but can harm you specifically. If you think inundating an inmate with letters and packages so they stand is out is a good idea you were never a redhaired girl in middle school :) or worse an incarcerated felon. Being different and/or visible is not a good thing for FDD, at the moment.

It's a damn shame this is the reality and it goes contrary to all our feelings of compassion and empathy.
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