What women want...


Well-Known Member

ok, i'm done for now.

i just had something vastly different in mind when i was informed of a don juan mensa member who believes in creationism and fluoride conspiracies.


Well-Known Member
I do believe there is some truth is what you are saying. We do change and evolve and for some people, they grow in different directions and want different things out of life. I was with my ex for 11 years. I think to sum it all up, my ex was showing signs of depression. I suggested counselling and or medication but he refused. We can only do so much for someone we love but in the end, I believe for the most part we create our own circumstance in life.
ur as witty as u are pretty.... :]


Sector 5 Moderator
Yeah, it's all a conspiracy until everybody finds out it's true. Six months ago I was a conspiracy theorist because i said obama was using drones against U.S. citizens; now it's in the national news.Mensa scan.jpgtroll spray.jpgYouTube-Troll-Defin#1487DA7.jpg

To prove the "Don Juan" part I will need a female volunteer.