The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Frenchy i got some Timewreck 45 i am hand press roll around like your saying i totally get the heat from the friction of the hand. My question is this how hard do you press. I just tried a little bit to see. One thing i did learn from this little trail is that you can create alot of heat from the friction rolling the hash around in your hand so much so that you can burn your hand somewhat. Is this too much force being applied or is this alright? Im sure after doing some of that you have to build up some callused hands if you did that on a daily basis.
Yes Hashishins all over the word got some serious callus, the bigger the hands and the dude the better the hash as well. So the more heat and pressure the better the quality. That is why I recommend to do it with small quantity when you press by hand. This is the best way to feel, smell and see the change coming to your trichomes through heat and pressure. The few lab test done about decarboxilation that seemed credible are all talking about 220 - 240 F and and average of 20 to 30 min. Do you realize better now the value of hand pressed hashish and why it is almost inexistent in our day of mass production? Talk about labor of love.
Good day Mr Frenchy Cannoli

It's a pleasure to meet you.I believe I saw you on one of Subs vids showing off some of your extracts in a local shop.I don't remember the
name of the shop but Sub looked like he was having a good time none the less.

So I'm Ocanabis and I am a huge hash snob of sort's.I just finished going through the thread and getting caught up to speed.
So a lot has been discussed about Charas and of coarse Bubble but but we hadn't mentioned any thing about dry sift.

I personaly love my dry sift.Over the years I have tried hash in evry aspect pretty much but when it comes down to it I just like my Dry sift.
I built my own tumbler a few years ago and now it's the only way to do it.I'm a bit of a handy man and I couldn't imagine myself paying $4 to $500.00
for a tumbler so with a little research via google I designed and built my own

If memmory serves me correctly the screen is a 110 tpi.It's a little coarse and I do get a tad of green matter but it's
acseptable to me for the time being.I do plan on finding some thing a little finner perhaps in the 90 would be nice.
I tumble it by hand rotation for 10 minutes and consider that to be the good stuff lol.I'll then do 1 run tumble for 7
minutes and any thing after that just starts to taste pretty green
(yuky poo)

I actually wrote a DIY Hash Tumbler article on for Skunk Magazine for their Hash addition and it was right next to Sub's tutorial on Bubble extraction.
It was a couple of years ago now.

I've include a few pics for you of my Tumbler, my Press, (2) 2 grams pucs and my favorite smoking device

So I just wanted to stop by and say hi and offer yet another aspect to hashish

Oh I love's me some good H

later Frenchy and say hi to Sub for me next time yea see him

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I know nobody ever talk here about dry sift and much less smoke it, ice water rule! Outside my experience in India and Nepal I have worked mainly with dry sift in Morocco, Pakistan and Afghanistan. This is what I need to teach to explain the WHY of my approach to ice water extraction. Your tumbler is nicely made but a tumbler will never really deliver the highest quality when you work with screen. Tumbling is not gentle enough if you are looking for the best, plenty good for commercial use. Also you have to think that your trichomes are between 70 to 120 microns, you need a screen somewhere around 150 microns to be sure you have all your trichomes which the most important after all. If your result is too green, try putting everything in water and let it rest, all the trichomes will finish at the bottom, scoop the green floating et voila!
Gorgeous pipe.
If I knew mentioning a video would totally change the direction of this thread I never would have mentioned it. Sorry Frenchy

Lets get back to the French Cannoli Hash Thread

^^ Agreed.

It's good to see they brought several ideas to the table. That is politics in a whole different world, economics of cannabis worldwide, cultural uses that go back thousands of years and many other similarities between our struggle and theirs.

I remember the first hash video I saw. Subcool's hands in a bucket with bags and ice. Let's learn.
Yeah Frenchy after playing with some of my hash and pressing it you really can tell after playing with it for awhile the aroma of the hash comes out more. At first i was hesitant trying this but it worked pretty good Before i was just kinda worried that after pressing and heating it would lose that full melt to it but for the most part it didnt. Still melted the same pretty much. Sucks tho that im not a big guy with big hands. Shorter dude with smaller hands. I really do love tho the oily texture the hash gets after pressing it and rubbing it for awhile.
Yeah Frenchy after playing with some of my hash and pressing it you really can tell after playing with it for awhile the aroma of the hash comes out more. At first i was hesitant trying this but it worked pretty good Before i was just kinda worried that after pressing and heating it would lose that full melt to it but for the most part it didnt. Still melted the same pretty much. Sucks tho that im not a big guy with big hands. Shorter dude with smaller hands. I really do love tho the oily texture the hash gets after pressing it and rubbing it for awhile.
Well do not worry about the size of your hand since this is just a first exercise to give you the feel of pressing and the understanding of the WHY. I do not press all my hash this way so when you feel ready we will go to the next step. I will not melt the same because it is a mass, but only westerner would pay more attention to the way it burns rather than the taste and smell as well as the final ashes.
What you say is a very nice validation to what I am trying to do.
Thank you my friend
Which country did you learn the most or was the best experience as far as hash making traditions go?
India and the 2 Afghani friends who tutored me for 3 years on and off were the most enriching experience at all level. I was to late to see Afghanistan, Russian war had just started, the border at the Kyber Pass was as far as I went. I was lucky to be adopted and learn from the best since they have been master hashishins in their family for so many generations that it is lost in time (very many as they would say), they came from some valley around Mazar E Sharif
India and the 2 Afghani friends who tutored me for 3 years on and off were the most enriching experience at all level. I was to late to see Afghanistan, Russian war had just started, the border at the Kyber Pass was as far as I went. I was lucky to be adopted and learn from the best since they have been master hashishins in their family for so many generations that it is lost in time (very many as they would say), they came from some valley around Mazar E Sharif
such an amazing experience you had. Priceless knowledge...
I'd guessed India would have been really rewarding, very jealous. What I would give to be able to spend a few seasons there.

So I've got some Agent Orange fresh frozen trim (well, not yet frozen - only got cut down a day ago) that I'm going to run through my bubble bags. Ideally should I do a gentle ice water mix and then 160 to catch and then 73/45 to collect? I would normally run the full line of the bags. I'm planning on hand rubbing this stuff (or at least half of it) so I can understand the 'WHY' part, Frenchy. Should I dry as per normal or leave a little moisture?

I've been making my Hash the matt rize method so far. I was drawn to how clinical the process was, and there are two good videos from him (one on his channel and one on the weed nerd). When I heard Sub say that Matt's ice wax tastes clean and that Frenchy's hash just coats your mouth with terpenes, I knew I had to learn your ways. For me, taste and aroma are very important.

I'd guessed India would have been really rewarding, very jealous. What I would give to be able to spend a few seasons there.

So I've got some Agent Orange fresh frozen trim (well, not yet frozen - only got cut down a day ago) that I'm going to run through my bubble bags. Ideally should I do a gentle ice water mix and then 160 to catch and then 73/45 to collect? I would normally run the full line of the bags. I'm planning on hand rubbing this stuff (or at least half of it) so I can understand the 'WHY' part, Frenchy. Should I dry as per normal or leave a little moisture?

I've been making my Hash the matt rize method so far. I was drawn to how clinical the process was, and there are two good videos from him (one on his channel and one on the weed nerd). When I heard Sub say that Matt's ice wax tastes clean and that Frenchy's hash just coats your mouth with terpenes, I knew I had to learn your ways. For me, taste and aroma are very important.


I DO NOT FREEZE my trims, first because if I use cold to make my trichomes fall, I really prefer for them to fall in my water. Second, if I wanted my trims to stay fresh, I would put them in a fridge. Also since a leave is made of more than 80% of water. when you freeze all that water expand, breaks the cell of the leaves and you have to deal with a lot of chlorophyl.
Put your trims loose in your ice water, do not use a 220 bag in your machine, make a gentle run, use 160 microns to catch the green. Collect 70 microns, do not touch yet the 45. Another gentle run, collect again your 70 still not touching 45. If the quantity of trichomes in your 70 is a lot smaller than your first run, run a third time not using the 70 and catching all trichomes in your 45. It will reinforce the quality of your 45. If you still have a lot in your 70 after the second run. Do it a third time before taking the 70 on the side and pushing the quality of your 45. A good quality trims should be run 3 to 5 times if you want to get it all. The most I run a batch was 12 times, and it was worth it.
What do you mean by hand rubbing. Hand rubbing is collecting the trichomes in your hands from a live plant.
Trim is now in the fridge. Sorry, by hand rubbing I meant hand pressing. As I said before, i've only been doing the ice wax (i.e. No heat or pressure) so doing anything other than smoking the trichomes once its dried is new to me.

Thanks for your instructions.
Frenchy -
Am I understanding correctly that you do not use a bag in your washing machine? Doesn't it get clogged?

Also, you say not to use the 45 bag until your third run. Does that mean that you pour the used water back in the machine for the next run instead of using fresh water each time?

Thanks for sharing the knowledge!
Hello Frenchy, I recently ran my first batch using a machine. I used the 220 work bag which was my first mistake. I used frozen fresh trim, my second mistake, and it seems like from what you told Me the other day that I may have used to much ice and not enough water which seemed to beat up my trims and cause me to get more chlorophyll in it. Do you have any thing to say about the ratio of ice to water. I still ended up with some of the best hash I've ever made but much room for improvement
Trim is now in the fridge. Sorry, by hand rubbing I meant hand pressing. As I said before, i've only been doing the ice wax (i.e. No heat or pressure) so doing anything other than smoking the trichomes once its dried is new to me.

Thanks for your instructions.

It is very important for me to share so you are very welcome and thank you for the trust my friend.
You do not need to dry Matt's way. Just chopped fine enough your trichomes so that they can dry evenly after taking first most of the water. When your trichomes are dry, hand press your trichomes little at a time until you feel a strong difference in texture, smell and look, approx. 20 min. Store in a glass container and cure it like you do your flowers.
Frenchy -
Am I understanding correctly that you do not use a bag in your washing machine? Doesn't it get clogged?

Also, you say not to use the 45 bag until your third run. Does that mean that you pour the used water back in the machine for the next run instead of using fresh water each time?

Thanks for sharing the knowledge!

Yes I do not use a bag in my machine. The machine does not get clogged but the trims in a 220 bad definitely do. I also can work with more trims that way.
Hello Frenchy, I recently ran my first batch using a machine. I used the 220 work bag which was my first mistake. I used frozen fresh trim, my second mistake, and it seems like from what you told Me the other day that I may have used to much ice and not enough water which seemed to beat up my trims and cause me to get more chlorophyll in it. Do you gabber any thing to say about the ratio of ice to water. I still ended up with some of the best hash I've ever made but much room for improvement
Like I keep saying I am bad at giving details just now but working on it. I use a lot of ice cold water with a 10% or so of ice cubes floating but I always make sure that there is some ice, not that the ice make a difference it just help make sure of the temperature.
All the best on your journey
Very good Frenchy. I am confident that I use to much ice. I'm just starting to try and perfect it and have a lot to learn but i want to try a small amount of ice with water drained off from a cooler full of Ice water so that the Ice it's not bashing and crushing the trim but is keeping things very cold and has room to float past trim when the machine is on and rub our brush past rather than smash and grind