Well-Known Member
Benghazi is gaining traction. Some people actually care that we were attacked on US soil and it was lied about and then the lie was covered up. You can pretend it doesn't matter, it does.
Clinton to father of killed soldier "don't worry, we'll get those responsible... for that hateful video".
Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark.
You guys need to fabricate a new crisis or distraction. Got war?
It will be interesting. There is the collage of what was said on camera at the time, vs the collage of what is said now. No match.
But, I sense just enough wiggle over what is the meaning of "is" type of legal word play, to perhaps allow the entire thing to slide past.
Obama leaves out pronouns...are you seeing this? He starts a sentence with the appearance of full responsibility, but then when the phase chops and there is supposed to be a pronoun as to who he means actually did something.....woops, missing pronoun. Must not be him after all, since we are so stupid.
I know he does this purposely. It might just be enough to make it just politics....the Pubs are very bad at this part.