Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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You've seen a bit of shit. Curious, all the people that pot brings together.

I'm not sure I'd be down to getting shot and stabbed, more than once. Do it, do it right, or don't try again, cuz I know you suck at it.
Yes well the idiot who chased me with my uncle's service machete (I used it to chop onions best thing ever), never got another chance. I have a one (serious), strike rule.

I have had a TERRIFIC life! Fun, exciting, unique and I'm taking the best stories to the grave :) I've done and seen things so many other's have not. I've challenged myself and both won and lost. I know my limits and I've been truly blessed. If I can't get my shit together for what I'm planning I can live happily with that. I have had a full life.

Oh and one more thing. I have never been shot but I have been stabbed. It hurts like a mother especially when you have to suture it yourself while others laugh at you for your own stupidity, sigh...... Oh and one more tip. If you ever have to stab, as opposed to slice, don't let go of the hilt when you first hit bone, big beginners tip off there, very embarrassing.


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What did you do to make him so angry?
Do you know THAT is precisely what my mother asked! Actually I think it was the three bottles of wine and the fact his 'girlfriend' on the side had just given him the air. In the interest of fairness I could piss off a corpse when I get going. It's a life skill.


Well-Known Mod
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A buddy of mine when I first moved to CA purchased some salsa and chips after we had smoked out.. I had never had salsa/chips before.. (Navy brat from CT during the 70-80's) I was pissed at my folks for never knowing about this stuff.. and they were BOTH from CA..
Yah serious gateway drug LOL you have good parents (who sound about my age LOL). Someday I'll tell my kids' Soy Milk story LOL!


Active Member
i swear some fools need to quit driving like idiots and smoke a joint first............or quit smoking......what the HELL!