Shaggn's 600w Hempy!! (K.C. Brains - Cristal Limit) ++


Well-Known Member
Hey Shaggs, been really looking through your journal instead of just looking at the pretty pics ;-). Thanks for all the detail you put in your posts, really helping me with my 1st sog I'm planning. Props
My pleasure :) I want to mention that a SoG style grow is a lot more simple than a scrog. For the most part what makes it the easiest is using only one strain and one phenotype from that strain. Then all you have to do is cut clones of the same size. They generally grow at the same rate in the beginning but after a certain growth period some will grow more vigorous than others. Ime it just has to do with the placement of the cut but more may be involved. When using a mixed amount of strains/phenos, it can be managed easily by moving the taller plants to the outside and the shorter ones in the center, hence a stadium style. In this pattern you lose very minimal amounts of light and utilize any reflections towards the taller plants. The only downfall to a SoG is plant count, hence why I consider a scrog the best method of growing for anyone trying to remain under lawful repercussions. I currently don't have the room to house 4 scrogged plants at once, so for now the SoG works for me. At some point I hope to move and be able to put my more legal plans in motion, till then :) If you have any questions feel free to ask, as I will do about scrogging such as you do. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Day 21!! Everything is cranking along nicely :) I'm very happy with the results of the new nutrients i'm using so far. I will include a pic of the nutrients in question when I post some update pics, after defoliation. I will be defoliating most but i'm leaving some untouched. Here's some before shots. I'm thinking of removing some of the lower growth for possible clones. Haven't done any clones from flowering plants so we will see how it turns out :) More update to be added when task is complete. Peace!!


Continued Update as promised :) Peace!!


There are 4 (one of each /A /B /T /V) in there. Once they start developing more, I will do solo photos. Peace!! :)


Well-Known Member
Subbed Shaggn, looking great mate. Noticed you have a few hempy scousers hanging around here already :), this damn Hempy movement has got me interested. Looking forward to the remainder,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
! added a slight update on crystal production on the World of Hempy thread!! Wanted to also include that my Swiss Cheese, both phenos /4 and /6 have started to root in a mere 5 days (in homemade pro-mix pucks). I'm very shocked and look forward to possibly breeding these. They are both very indica in stature are very vigourous in growth, smell and the ability to root in such haste. They will both be worked into the next rotation. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Day 28!! My last batch of nutrients had to have been off or something. I was using GH Flora series and this time it is GH dry nutrients but I didin't think there would have been such a difference. The buds are bigger, have more crystal and stink now, like they did near the end of the last round. Enjoy :)



Well-Known Member
Thought about removing your bottom 40% Shaggn? You`re at the perfect time to if you want to just juice your tops, not relying on the light peneration to make it so low ... Looks awesome though mate, going to have a nice harvest coming in a month or so :D

KC :weed:

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Thats is a lovely little forrest you have got yourself there!!! How many is there Shaggn? You seem to have that method all sorted:wink:


Well-Known Member
An update on the clones I took at day 21 (12/12), Post #142. According to the post date it has been 12 days. I've been so busy i'm not even sure when they started spitting roots :) Peace!!



Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure how many yet. Four just seemed as a good starting point without needing a long veg period. Main goal is to bring the numbers down without needing a 3 week veg. As i've said already, if I was in a house I would do the single plant per 600 with a 3 week veg. But until I get moved i'm stuck with this plan :) What are your thoughts Sky? 4 to many for a 4x4 with short veg? Would 2 be better and stretched out with each getting a 2x4 area of coverage. All thoughts are appreciated, Peace!!


Well-Known Member
My brother, Shaggn ... if you`re working with 4x4 of footprint, you have to do 4 plants by what you`re describing above. You build yourself a uniform (or individual per plant) ScrOG at 3x3 and fill that out under a 600 ... I guarantee you a good result with a short veg, especially if your strain(s) take to topping. Good luck and ATB mate,

KC :weed: