Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

I have recently discovered metaphysics and it is blowing my mind to where I can only say I know it makes sense and rings so much more true than what we have been programmed to believe but I am still having difficulty explaining why it should make so much sense-

Who is aware that matter is energy reduced to a low vibration and pattern? Everything is energy, the vibration and pattern of the energy waves make up its physical form. Our physical bodies are not us, they are vehicles and tools. The brain is part of this physical tool, it is not who we are. We are awareness, we are One, from Source Energy otherwise known as Love.

There are infinite realities going on in the same time and space, another thing they didn't teach us about Einstein in school was his insight on all these dimensions and realities happening.

How have the hounds not pounced on this yet? I have a feeling someone will let the dogs out soon enough... Lol in all seriousness I agree with everything you said, great post. Im curious about Einsteins views on other realities, I never knew he pondered about that stuff. I've been lazy lately and havent got inspired to find out more stuff about reality, I should get on that...
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy and basically covers anything that doesn't have tangible evidence.

I, like you, do find metaphysical concepts full of semantics; for example, when does a piece of plastic stop being a sheet of plastic and start being a bottle? When it's pressed? At what exact point during the pressing does it become a bottle? Does it retain the quality of being a sheet of plastic or does it lose it? lol... fucked up questions.... but when you really think about them, they're really un-intuitive.

I believe the bottle is still plastic and therefore it would be vibrating at the same frequency and pattern. For example wood has a different vibration frequency and pattern than glass but plastic is still plastic. This is taken from written by a researcher from Cornell University who believes he has shown proof of metaphysics, or psi, but it really began

Contemporary psi research is usually considered to have begun in 1927, when Joseph Banks Rhine and his wife/collaborator, Louisa, arrived in the psychology department at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Rhine's experiments, which tested for ESP with decks of cards containing geometric symbols, became well known to the general public in 1937, when he published New Frontiers of the Mind. The book received widespread press coverage and became a Book-of-the-Month Club selection. Even today, many Americans know of Rhine's work.

Also worth noting is

In 1983, Honorton and colleagues had initiated a new series of 11 ganzfeld studies, studies that complied with all the guidelines he and Hyman later published in their joint communiqué. They are called autoganzfeld studies because a computer controlled the experimental procedures, including the random selection and presentation of the targets and the recording of the receiver's ratings. These studies were published by Honorton in the Journal of Parapsychology in 1990, and the complete history of ganzfeld research was resummarized by Bem (the author of this article) and Honorton in the January 1994 issue of the Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association.
The autoganzfeld studies confirmed the results of the earlier, less sophisticated studies, obtaining virtually the same hit rate: about 35 percent. These studies also reconfirmed several other findings from other research. For example, it has often been reported that creative or artistically gifted persons show high psi ability. The autoganzfeld studies tested this by recruiting twenty students from the Juilliard School in New York City to serve as receivers. Overall, these students achieved a hit rate of 50 percent, one of the highest hit rates ever reported for a single sample in a ganzfeld study. The autoganzfeld studies also found that significantly higher hit rates were obtained when the targets were videotaped film sequences than when they were still pictures.

"Needles to say, these results were met with widespread skepticism. There are a number of ways to assess an experiment to determine if the results are reliable. You can examine the methods and the data themselves to see if there are any mistakes. You can also replicate the experiment to see if you get the same results."

Replicating Bem

"Bem’s studies have not fared well in replication. Earlier this year Ritchie, Wiseman, and French published three independent replications of Bem’s 9th study, all negative. Of further interest is that the journal that originally published Bem’s article had declined to publish Ritchie et al’s paper claiming that they don’t publish replications. This decision (and editorial policy) was widely criticized, as it reflects an undervaluing of replications."

"It’s good to see that the journal has relented and agreed to publish a replication. Galak, LeBoeuf, Nelson, and Simmons should be commended, not only on their rigorous replication but their excellent article, which hits all the key points of this entire episode."
The new ganzfeld studies show a near-zero effect size and a statistically nonsignificant overall cumulation... The autoganzfeld results have not been replicated by a "broader range of researchers." The ganzfeld paradigm cannot at present be seen as constituting strong evidence for psychic functioning.

"With the death of Charles Honorton in 1992, interest in ganzfeld has declined somewhat, though psi researchers such as Dean Radin have continued to support it. The best lesson to be learned from ganzfeld experimentation is not so much that the technique has failed as evidence for psi, but rather that it is indeed possible for skeptics and believers to work together in a productive, positive, and collaborative way to find the truth. Hyman and Honorton showed us that the mainstream and the fringe need not always be squared off with an us-vs.-them mentality, and reminded us that the best researchers, whether they're right or wrong, embrace their critics and work with them to improve the state of our knowledge."
Ok so it's real late where I'm at and I'm about to go to bed, but real serious, does anybody out there want to receive Spiritual Enlightnement, and by this I mean does anyone want to live in complete Peace in Paradise. Now keep in mind that I haven't done any psychadelics in a long time lmfao, I haven't even smoked a j in quite awhile, but I gaurantee you, I can bring you into the promised land lmfao. It might seem like a practical joke but trust me I can do it. So if anyone's interested in this shit let me know.
you don't receive spiritual enlightenment you go after it
Hyman and Honorton showed us that the mainstream and the fringe need not always be squared off with an us-vs.-them mentality, and reminded us that the best researchers, whether they're right or wrong, embrace their critics and work with them to improve the state of our knowledge."

Those that have never participated in scientific research probably don't realize the intense scrutiny and sometimes overtly hostile confrontations that occur between scientists clamoring to outdo one another. The criticisms leveled at psuedoscientists and believers of weird is often framed in such a way to equate the criticism with arrogance and being unduly harsh when in fact it is business as usual. I think most lay people would be amazed at what it takes to defend a dissertation. A thick skin must be acquired to be a research scientist. If one has a pet theory or idea that is likely to be overtly criticized, whether you are a scientist or just a regular Joe that believes something that is not consistent with the laws of nature as we know them, one should be prepared to vigorously defend the idea with evidence and sound reasoning and not take critiques personally.

What is a Good Study? Questions You Can Ask, Written by Kyle Hill

"In becoming a science-based person, I can imagine a process that involves three tiers. First, you decide that you are going to get your information from reputable sources like scientific journals and then decide that any other claims that you find should have a similar backing. Second, pushing past the veneer of scientific legitimacy, you decide to look into the claims for yourself. This involves not only getting your information from sources based on scientific journal articles, for example, but also going through the study yourself to determine whether it is a “good” study. Lastly, after having navigated scientific sources for some time, you are able to evaluate claims base on methodologies and procedures that you would expect the offered evidence to have if it were indeed credible. Because most of us are not scientists and find it hard to invest in the education it would require to reside comfortably in the third tier, I will try to offer some help with the second."
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy and basically covers anything that doesn't have tangible evidence.

I, like you, do find metaphysical concepts full of semantics; for example, when does a piece of plastic stop being a sheet of plastic and start being a bottle? When it's pressed? At what exact point during the pressing does it become a bottle? Does it retain the quality of being a sheet of plastic or does it lose it? lol... fucked up questions.... but when you really think about them, they're really un-intuitive.

Slightly dissenting opinion. Metaphysics treats of things that do not have complete physical evidence to support them, but otherwise hews to natural principles to the extent that we can apply or understand them. Physics and scientific natural philosophy are the world of "what can be shown". Metaphysics is the wider world of "what if", of inference and imagination but without the overt invocation of magic. Jmo. String theory and many-worlds hypothesis are prime examples of metaphysics to me.

When you leave the world of the plausible, of the at least inernally consistent, you'ver exceeded the bounds of metaphysics.

Alternative, grad students + alcohol = metaphysics! cn
The post you are responding to was aimed at Chief. I don't believe what you are saying is as unrealistic as the things I listed. I think your ideas are much less coherent and understandable than any of those things. I can not even decipher a claim or concept being made by you, because your ideas change form in mid sentence an appear not to build on or extend from each other. It seems that you just say whatever random words happen to fall out of your brain and wrap them in arrogance.

I will say this. I like the way you conduct yourself when dealing with others. You do not present yourself as hostile and you do not take offense to being told you are wrong. Now if you could just learn to argue instead of assert and have some sort of consistency among your words and ideas, you might get somewhere. One of your problems is listening to Deepak, who also makes up shit as he goes along and defines words to have meanings advantageous to his ideas regardless if that definition actually means something to someone else. If you have ever heard Deepak give his account of Game of Thrones, you'll see that he barely even describes the show. Get's almost everything wrong. It's as if he's only watched the first 15 minutes of every episode and makes up the rest. This is a good demonstration of how he 'studies' quantum physics. He gets maybe 15% right and the rest is mental dysentery.

Ok Hiesenburg, I am trying to argue, but it is a natural response to assume that I am just asserting my arrogant rock hard postition. If you are a truly intelligent person, you will not try to defeat me with your ego, you will try to defeat me with your intelligence, deduction, inference, reasoning, logic, nothing more, any topic, ask a question or give an opinion, I will reason with you, we will seek the Truth. "the point of an argument is not to win the argument, it is to seek the truth" Plato

Those that have never participated in scientific research probably don't realize the intense scrutiny and sometimes overtly hostile confrontations that occur between scientists clamoring to outdo one another. The criticisms leveled at psuedoscientists and believers of weird is often framed in such a way to equate the criticism with arrogance and being unduly harsh when in fact it is business as usual. I think most lay people would be amazed at what it takes to defend a dissertation. A thick skin must be acquired to be a research scientist. If one has a pet theory or idea that is likely to be overtly criticized, whether you are a scientist or just a regular Joe that believes something that is not consistent with the laws of nature as we know them, one should be prepared to vigorously defend the idea with evidence and sound reasoning and not take critiques personally.
Very good point Mindphuk, I feel this way often, people equate my opinions with arrogance when really it is just business as usual, I think it is a natural reaction to assume that a differing opinion is angst, when in fact it very well could be the truth and expose the err of your own reasoning, people just refute it bc it goes against what they hold to be true. I must admit though, I am not prepared to vigorously defend my position, nor will I take critiques personally, bc I hold absolutely no thing to be important, that's bc no thing is important: Truth

If you disagree with me, please reason with me and explain the importance of things. What is important? Why is it important?
Very good point Mindphuk, I feel this way often, people equate my opinions with arrogance when really it is just business as usual, I think it is a natural reaction to assume that a differing opinion is angst, when in fact it very well could be the truth and expose the err of your own reasoning, people just refute it bc it goes against what they hold to be true. I must admit though, I am not prepared to vigorously defend my position, nor will I take critiques personally, bc I hold absolutely no thing to be important, that's bc no thing is important: Truth

If you disagree with me, please reason with me and explain the importance of things. What is important? Why is it important?

Hey Newage. A quick question, if nothing is important why did you spend so much time and effort into the attempt to 'enlighten' people? It certainly seems like that was important to you, why?
Hey Newage. A quick question, if nothing is important why did you spend so much time and effort into the attempt to 'enlighten' people? It certainly seems like that was important to you, why?

Very good point tyler.durden, to me the meaning of life is Love, if Love is the "ultimate cause" then all things are of relative importance in comparison, Love is really the only true meaning in this world, but keep in mind that the Love of which I speak is not a heavy emotional sappy thing, it is a very ligth and easy thing, it is very natural, it is a part of every interaction between people that is not superseded by the Ego. I have seen this selfless Love in every human being, it is the much preferred way of things, but the Ego has such a strong force in the mind that it is hard to overcome "self importance", and thus the true ease of things becomes neglected and the struggle for self preservation becomes paramount in a persons life and life becomes a struggle instead of just an easy life of Peace, Bliss, laughter and Love in Paradise.
I wish i could believe the above statements, but two weeks ago, as i sat in a court room in Grand Rapids for a week, watching my older brothers trial, it was apparent to me that what you say is far from the truth... as it was found beyond reasonable doubt that he physically abused an 8 month year old baby girl to the point where it almost died, having to have part of its skull taken out and frozen because the swelling of her brain which would have led to an ischemic stroke, and inevitably death. He was found guilty by the jurors, he will get 11 years to life in prison, sentencing will be in four to six weeks.

Unfortunately, this planet is full of monstrous people. Sociopaths like my brother, who feel no guilt, no empathy, nor pain. Some people's brains just do not work in the same way as others, neither love nor compassion reside in some people. Life is not the fairytale we all dream it out to be. I think it is a very wise thing to do, to never forget that.

There are people out there who just want to hurt you, just because they want to hurt you. Some people just want to watch the world burn.
I wish i could believe the above statements, but two weeks ago, as i sat in a court room in Grand Rapids for a week, watching my older brothers trial, it was apparent to me that what you say is far from the truth... as it was found beyond reasonable doubt that he physically abused an 8 month year old baby girl to the point where it almost died, having to have part of its skull taken out and frozen because the swelling of her brain which would have led to an ischemic stroke, and inevitably death. He was found guilty by the jurors, he will get 11 years to life in prison, sentencing will be in four to six weeks.

Unfortunately, this planet is full of monstrous people. Sociopaths like my brother, who feel no guilt, no empathy, nor pain. Some people's brains just do not work in the same way as others, neither love nor compassion reside in some people. Life is not the fairytale we all dream it out to be. I think it is a very wise thing to do, to never forget that.

There are people out there who just want to hurt you, just because they want to hurt you. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Wow, Z! That is the heaviest shit I've ever read on this site, thanks for sharing. It must be so fucking hard on you and your family, all the conflicting feelings of love and horror. Good luck, my friend. PM me if you ever need to talk...

Can't give you any more rep right now...
I believe the bottle is still plastic and therefore it would be vibrating at the same frequency and pattern. For example wood has a different vibration frequency and pattern than glass but plastic is still plastic. This is taken from written by a researcher from Cornell University who believes he has shown proof of metaphysics, or psi, but it really began

Contemporary psi research is usually considered to have begun in 1927, when Joseph Banks Rhine and his wife/collaborator, Louisa, arrived in the psychology department at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Rhine's experiments, which tested for ESP with decks of cards containing geometric symbols, became well known to the general public in 1937, when he published New Frontiers of the Mind. The book received widespread press coverage and became a Book-of-the-Month Club selection. Even today, many Americans know of Rhine's work.

Also worth noting is

In 1983, Honorton and colleagues had initiated a new series of 11 ganzfeld studies, studies that complied with all the guidelines he and Hyman later published in their joint communiqué. They are called autoganzfeld studies because a computer controlled the experimental procedures, including the random selection and presentation of the targets and the recording of the receiver's ratings. These studies were published by Honorton in the Journal of Parapsychology in 1990, and the complete history of ganzfeld research was resummarized by Bem (the author of this article) and Honorton in the January 1994 issue of the Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association.
The autoganzfeld studies confirmed the results of the earlier, less sophisticated studies, obtaining virtually the same hit rate: about 35 percent. These studies also reconfirmed several other findings from other research. For example, it has often been reported that creative or artistically gifted persons show high psi ability. The autoganzfeld studies tested this by recruiting twenty students from the Juilliard School in New York City to serve as receivers. Overall, these students achieved a hit rate of 50 percent, one of the highest hit rates ever reported for a single sample in a ganzfeld study. The autoganzfeld studies also found that significantly higher hit rates were obtained when the targets were videotaped film sequences than when they were still pictures.
I completely respect your opinions mellowfarmer, and I can see that you have a good understanding of what I am saying, some just do not understand. I must infer however that we are not on the same page as far as Metaphysics is concerned, it is simply the things that can not be understood by logic, beauty, Love, Peace, Bliss, Paradise, these are things of expression, they are actually the much more important(relatively) things in life.

"the vast majority of people on this planet do not inhabit a living universe, but a conceptiualized one" Tolle

All thoughts come and go in the blink of an eye, but the Ligth remains Eternal
I wish i could believe the above statements, but two weeks ago, as i sat in a court room in Grand Rapids for a week, watching my older brothers trial, it was apparent to me that what you say is far from the truth... as it was found beyond reasonable doubt that he physically abused an 8 month year old baby girl to the point where it almost died, having to have part of its skull taken out and frozen because the swelling of her brain which would have led to an ischemic stroke, and inevitably death. He was found guilty by the jurors, he will get 11 years to life in prison, sentencing will be in four to six weeks.

Unfortunately, this planet is full of monstrous people. Sociopaths like my brother, who feel no guilt, no empathy, nor pain. Some people's brains just do not work in the same way as others, neither love nor compassion reside in some people. Life is not the fairytale we all dream it out to be. I think it is a very wise thing to do, to never forget that.

There are people out there who just want to hurt you, just because they want to hurt you. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

There most certainly are people suffering from Psychopathy, I have seen many. I am actually working with a local psychologist and one in Romania, I am co-writing a book on Psychology. It most definately is important to recognize these traits in people and never forget it, this is where intuition can come in handy, sometimes we should trust those gut feelings we have about people. It is very unfortunate that these things have transpired, but you can not blame me or my opinions for that, what I am saying is that the material is not important, and that the pain has already come and gone, that evil does not truly exist outside of the human perspective. "Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil"The Torah, they have the power to torment your Soul, your Heart, your emotions. Good is the "devils trick" Hamlet. Do not fight against the darkness that is the darkness. "Resist not evil" Jesus
Very good point Mindphuk, I feel this way often, people equate my opinions with arrogance when really it is just business as usual, I think it is a natural reaction to assume that a differing opinion is angst, when in fact it very well could be the truth and expose the err of your own reasoning, people just refute it bc it goes against what they hold to be true. I must admit though, I am not prepared to vigorously defend my position, nor will I take critiques personally, bc I hold absolutely no thing to be important, that's bc no thing is important: Truth

If you disagree with me, please reason with me and explain the importance of things. What is important? Why is it important?
NAU, I have to say, although you and I have disagreed, you have never been disagreeable. You take criticism very well and it is refreshing to see that people can strongly argue against your position yet you have never really acted like you took anything personally. Great to have you on this forum.
If you resist evil, you are only torturing your self, this comes from a man who allowed himself to be nailed to a stick, for no other reason than the Love he had for all Humanity.
NAU, I have to say, although you and I have disagreed, you have never been disagreeable. You take criticism very well and it is refreshing to see that people can strongly argue against your position yet you have never really acted like you took anything personally. Great to have you on this forum.

Thank you mindphuk, much appreciated seriosly brother, much respect
Very good point tyler.durden, to me the meaning of life is Love, if Love is the "ultimate cause" then all things are of relative importance in comparison, Love is really the only true meaning in this world, but keep in mind that the Love of which I speak is not a heavy emotional sappy thing, it is a very ligth and easy thing, it is very natural, it is a part of every interaction between people that is not superseded by the Ego. I have seen this selfless Love in every human being, it is the much preferred way of things, but the Ego has such a strong force in the mind that it is hard to overcome "self importance", and thus the true ease of things becomes neglected and the struggle for self preservation becomes paramount in a persons life and life becomes a struggle instead of just an easy life of Peace, Bliss, laughter and Love in Paradise.
Yes and if you notice he asked who wanted enlightenment? He is not forcing you into his belief of enlightment but is happy to speak on it with you.
