Chief Walkin Eagle
Well-Known Member
I have recently discovered metaphysics and it is blowing my mind to where I can only say I know it makes sense and rings so much more true than what we have been programmed to believe but I am still having difficulty explaining why it should make so much sense-
Who is aware that matter is energy reduced to a low vibration and pattern? Everything is energy, the vibration and pattern of the energy waves make up its physical form. Our physical bodies are not us, they are vehicles and tools. The brain is part of this physical tool, it is not who we are. We are awareness, we are One, from Source Energy otherwise known as Love.
There are infinite realities going on in the same time and space, another thing they didn't teach us about Einstein in school was his insight on all these dimensions and realities happening.
How have the hounds not pounced on this yet? I have a feeling someone will let the dogs out soon enough... Lol in all seriousness I agree with everything you said, great post. Im curious about Einsteins views on other realities, I never knew he pondered about that stuff. I've been lazy lately and havent got inspired to find out more stuff about reality, I should get on that...