Ron Paul on Snowden


Well-Known Member
The government shut down a major American city for several days in the search for ONE guy. This is a growing trend... The rogue cop in Los Angeles caused a region wide shutdown, no overhead news helicopters allowed. The latest nut-case in Santa Monica who killed a handful of people, again caused a shutdown of overhead news helicopters. Fold all that in to all the NSA spying, and the IRS crap, and you have to say: Enough, god damn it!

Obama, you are no Ben Frankling:

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."
Really? The guys that they "shut the city down to find" were on a killing spree, they killed a cop in cold blood, they were throwing makeshift bombs trying to get away, they had plans to go to other cities and do the same thing they did in Boston, and more importantly, they just exploded a bomb killing and injuring dozens of people. At the time, we did not know if they acted alone, or what their plans were. If it's a "growing trend", then the tread started when Bush shut down a whole Airline industry throughout the entire country when 9/11 happened. You do not think that it was warranted to shut the city down to find these idiots? Maybe you'd feel differently if it was your family member that was killed or if these guy were running around near you or where your family lived. Who knows how many more lives were saved by catching this guy... The response in Boston had absolutely nothing to do with Obama. Since 9/11, each city has a plan to deal with with this type of situation and that plan was executed successfully. I seem to remember the people of Boston wanting these guys brought to justice, and they were proud, relieved, and applauding the efforts that were taken to get these monsters off of the street.

You guys are letting your hatred for "ONE guy" drive you senile. Really you all should stop for a second and really listen to the idiotic crap that's coming out of your mouths. Enough, god damn it!

And everything that happens in every city, state, neighborhood, country, company, outer space, a remote village in Africa, before Obama was born, etc is Obama's fault or has to do with Obama... You guys sound just as crazy as those UFO obsessed idiots.


Well-Known Member
more like astonished that such stupidity exists.

dude wants us to believe he was a few hits of heroin away from being a lawyer, then claims there really is no difference between an auto accident and a terrorist's bomb.

then he goes on to try to convince us that a temporary shut down did far more damage than the bombs that killed several and injured hundreds.

i guess i shouldn't be too surprised at such stupidity.

anyhoo, it's 5pm, i gotta close up the GH and get a bite to eat.
Buck the guy ain't all there in the head and needs help.. You know, not playing with a full deck, so take it easy on him. He's suffering from a disease that causes people to lose touch of reality, become paranoid, and have delusions. Some people call it Schizophrenia, but I like to call it Conservatism.


Ursus marijanus
Buck the guy ain't all there in the head and needs help.. You know, not playing with a full deck, so take it easy on him. He's suffering from a disease that causes people to lose touch of reality, become paranoid, and have delusions. Some people call it Schizophrenia, but I like to call it Conservatism.
I'm playing with a full dick. Stand back, for the sake of your dry-clean-onlys; I beseech you. cn


Well-Known Member
I'm playing with a full dick. Stand back, for the sake of your dry-clean-onlys; I beseech you. cn
Well when you find the time to stop playing with your boyfriend's "full dick", make sure to clean your face off (unless you're a swallower) and to schedule some time to grow the fuck up.


New Member
Well when you find the time stop playing with your boyfriend's "full dick", make sure to schedule some time to grow the fuck up.
now I don't even know bear. but he's a great mod that brings balance through humour and no better a mod does this forum need. fair and firm. you should consider just shutting up!


Well-Known Member
now I don't even know bear. but he's a great mod that brings balance through humour and no better a mod does this forum need. fair and firm. you should consider just shutting up!
Well then if he can dish it, he should be able to take it. It's all in fun and not personal. He commented about getting semen on me and I flipped it back on him... Not that serious.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The no fly zones above crime scenes are put in place so no one can document the police if they resort to using deadly (justified or not) force.
I think you're right, and it is unconstitutional. Freedom of the press and all that stuff.

The document is hundreds of years old and written by a bunch of old white men and it is "alive", so who knows what it means, obviously nothing.


Well-Known Member
I think you're right, and it is unconstitutional. Freedom of the press and all that stuff.
goddamn you are obtuse.

freedom of speech doesn't allow me to run around a police station telling cops i am going to kill them.

the second doesn't give an insane person the right to carry.

you can't yell fire in a crowded theater.

rights are sometimes abridged and it is perfectly constitutional.

maybe try growing up.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
goddamn you are obtuse.

freedom of speech doesn't allow me to run around a police station telling cops i am going to kill them.

the second doesn't give an insane person the right to carry.

you can't yell fire in a crowded theater.

rights are sometimes abridged and it is perfectly constitutional.

maybe try growing up.
Freedom of the press does guarantee the right of the press to operate helicopters over a news scene.

How does it work on 2A, do we all have to prove we are sane before we are allowed 2A guaranteed rights, or does the government have to prove we are insane before those privileges are denied? How does the government do that? Does the government now have access to all American citizens' medical records or just psych records? Are psychiatrists required to issue a report to the "proper authorities" on all their patients?

Should your doctor approved use of cannabis be cause to deny you 2A rights? That is a rhetorical question. The answer is yes, all of you medical cannabis users are prohibited from owning weapons.

Yay for Bucky!


Well-Known Member
Freedom of the press does guarantee the right of the press to operate helicopters over a news scene.
sorry, that's just not the case.

my right to swing my fist ends at your face, the right to fly a chopper over a crime scene ends when it may interfere with an officer's right to perform his duties safely. it could be their life on the line after all.

save your crying for the midterms, child.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
sorry, that's just not the case.

my right to swing my fist ends at your face, the right to fly a chopper over a crime scene ends when it may interfere with an officer's right to perform his duties safely. it could be their life on the line after all.

save your crying for the midterms, child.
As Bundee pointed out, it sure looks like these no fly zones are really just no-witness zones. Why the no-fly zone over Santa Monica, Buck, any speculation? Why the no-fly zone over the renegade cop who was burned out in Big Bear, CA, any speculations?

It sure does look like you are reverting to your normal, DEA/authority fellating MO, Buck.


Well-Known Member
Civil liberties: see, bill of rights, constitutional government, etc. I realize that the progs couldn't care less about upholding and defending the constitution, but I guarantee you guys will care a great deal when your hunka burnin' love is not the prez.
the bill of rights were amendments, a form of progress

just to get this straight, you're arguing a difference between LIBERTY and RIGHTS, as in some people should have the liberty to violate the rights of others and pointing to the constitution as if it generally supports your argument, without actually quoting it

then you belie your cognitive dissonance by decrying progressives by also pointing to constitutional amendments for which we have only progressives (at the time) to thank

do you realize you're dumb?


Well-Known Member
The Pauls did not name their son Rand and Ayan Rand was not the inspiration for his name.
How is that for a fact? Your ignorance is disturbing
So his life's philosophy is based off of the same philosophy that Ayn Rand spent her crappy writing career propagating, he's publicly praised her work and philosophy, and his son happens to be named OUT OF ALL THE NAMES IN EXISTENCE, Rand.

Yeah you're totally right, I don't see any correlation. Dumbass.


Well-Known Member
As Bundee pointed out, it sure looks like these no fly zones are really just no-witness zones. Why the no-fly zone over Santa Monica, Buck, any speculation? Why the no-fly zone over the renegade cop who was burned out in Big Bear, CA, any speculations?

It sure does look like you are reverting to your normal, DEA/authority fellating MO, Buck.
gee, it could be the noise and wind interfering with the police trying to do their job of taking out a guy that's shooting at them.

but you just go ahead and keep claiming these absolutist ideals that no court would agree with. doesn't make you sound like a deluded dumb fuck at all, really.


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit.
So his life's philosophy is based off of the same philosophy that Ayn Rand spent her crappy writing carer propagating, he's publicly praised her work and philosophy, and his son happens to be named OUT OF ALL THE NAMES IN EXISTENCE, Rand.

Yeah you're totally right, I don't see any correlation. Dumbass.
Hey failures
Ron Paul's son is named Randall Paul