Post 958 your post embrace it:
Lying is loose butthole man don't do it.
Your faulty reading comprehension doesn't render anything I said a lie.
My first post says that the constitution grants the federal government the power to print money; this constitutional power is the source of congress' ability to enact relevant legislation. The point was that that the constitution doesn't purport to list all of the rules--it often grants the congress power to make rules. See the coinage power--very light on specifics, with congress defining things more strictly in statutes, specifying exact materials, weights, etc.
The second post: you said something about printing money being the source of the government's power. I never said anything about that; what I said above has nothing to do with what you said. I agree that the source of the federal government's power is the people, and I never claimed otherwise. I certainly never said the source of their power was printing money. If you got that from the post you quoted, you just didn't understand what I wrote.