Specific Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
the white supremacists have formed a group in which they are now discussing how the holocaust was a hoax:


members: nietzschekeen, slavenomore, shotgun420, and echelon1k1.

if you happen across any of these members, make sure to let them know what pieces of shit they are, and how lucky they are to live in a country where they are not thrown in jail for such despicable hate speech.

holocaust denial like they are preaching is illegal in many nations.


Well-Known Member
Man yous guys need to get out.
sorry for plastering it allover T&T but what a day!!!


Staff member
the white supremacists have formed a group in which they are now discussing how the holocaust was a hoax:


members: nietzschekeen, slavenomore, shotgun420, and echelon1k1.

if you happen across any of these members, make sure to let them know what pieces of shit they are, and how lucky they are to live in a country where they are not thrown in jail for such despicable hate speech.

holocaust denial like they are preaching is illegal in many nations.
the comments in the group are pretty sickening
"theres no need to temples, mosques or other religious places in america"


Well-Known Member
the comments in the group are pretty sickening
"theres no need to temples, mosques or other religious places in america"
i found some of the other nonsense worse:

NietzscheKeen said:
I will admit here that I don't believe the holocaust happened. I used to... but then I did some reading, watched a few videos, and noticed some things on my own.
I'm also a white separatist... well because I don't want to be around black people.

NietzscheKeen said:
I think it will take a violent encounter for some people to wake up
here he is suggesting a book from the former grand wizard of the KKK:

NietzscheKeen said:
I recommend David Duke's My Awakening. It is a VERY well written and researched book on many different subjects related to race, etc.
here they are plotting their "white revolution"


more outright holocaust denial:

NietzscheKeen said:
I don't believe it happened at all. I have a set of encyclopedias from 1956... I think or 61 I can't remember and there is nothing about the holocaust or any mass murders by the germans during ww2.
here he is admitting he is a stormfront member. stormfront has a wing called "swarmfront" where they send members to other forums to spread their neo-nazi garbage.

NietzscheKeen said:
Lots of good stuff being discussed. Glad we have a place cuz face it... storm front has a shitty set up and we get to talk about cannabis and everything else as well.
here are more wishes for a "white revolution"

NietzscheKeen said:
I wish I was older during the 90's when people were organized and things could have actually been done. Like the Aryan Revolutionary Army, Elohim city, and all the other infamous groups.
some of the most disgusting racism i have witnessed:


here they are spreading their bigotry against peaceful american muslims:


sunni, please ban these people. this kind of tripe has no place anywhere, especially this site. it brings really bad attention to our site and by allowing it we are implicitly endorsing it.

i implore you to ban this group and all of its members.


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks UB. Everybody has a right to their own opinion and mine is that holocaust deniers are fools, suckered by pathetic, insecure liars. It's Friday; been a long, hard week. Now I'm gonna get sooooooooo fucked up!!!


Well-Known Member
So, smokin' a bowl, listening to Floyd, just got done working almost 80+ hours in the past 7 days, but, I only get 60 hours for "last week" and 22 for this week... I'm one of 4 at the company that gets to go home, and not give a fuck all weekend. Anyway, I've had enough time to sleep, attend most of the Boss Lady's wants and wishes, and either smoke pot, or post on a forum about smoking pot. Sorry, y'all are second fiddle to my lovely lady Mary Jane.

Anyway, I had a memory, on my drive home, as I burned my evening joint* ... Floyd came on the radio, as rain gently splashed down (a very serene drive home.) I was reminded of an "incident" that happened on, or around, 4/20. We were stoned as shit. I mean, Willy Nelson woulda' gave us a respectful nod... I put on some Floyd, first a couple CDs (as we continue to enjoy Ja's bountiful blessing) and then The Wall. About 3/4s of the way through, the boss lady turns to me and says "Yeah, I understand it, but I don't 'get it.' Why do all stoners think Floyd is so good?" I just looked at her... Paused a moment, and then handed her the bowl.

Uncle Buck ...
No fear, those "tough guys" will wind up in the pokey sooner than later. Eventually, they start believing they aren't cowards, long enough to do one stupid ass thing. And, the guards, even in deep southern prisons, don't bat a lash at someone laying a shank deep in 'em while they're showering. Actually, most of 'em wind up being punks, because they catch one of "those" cases... trying to "spread the white love..." It's great when you see 'em, standing in line all T-backed, big ass Bubba pimpin' 'em, and the AB (or whatever WP group is in your vicinity) just chuckling, and enjoying their extra noodles they got for sellin' the bitches to Bubba.

Match box, WTF happened? I missed it all with work... Hit me with a PM!

*(Don't like it? HAHA, sucks to be you! I'm a diesel mechanic, shop manager, and commercial driver, and my boss covers for me, because, on weed, I'm THE best driver he's ever had.)**

**These are footnotes. This is actually a footnote, to a footnote. I think that makes it an annotation.


Well-Known Member
Jesus F'in Christ! So I'm sucking down a doobie and blowing up my date, when someone starts pounding on my door. I look out the peephole and it's my crazy neighbor. MF is all shiney and in only his boots and underwear, which have two giant holes in them, ass all blown out. Fuck him. I just got high and am in no mood to deal with his nonsense, so I go back to setting up my "date" (candles, porn, towels, etc), when all of the sudden the lunatic starts yelling about how high he is, this and that. He's going on and on so I looked back out the peephole to make sure he wasn't going to poop on my doorstep again. I think he's covered in crisco or something and he has abeer in hand as usual. I wanted to open the door and shoot him with my fire extinguisher like last time, but I haven't refilled it yet, so I let him tire out. He finally went back to his place and started singing to some fucked up angry music. MF sounds like cats being tortured.