BeastGrow's 2013 Outdoor Midwest Guerilla Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Hey Beast! Good looking girls you have there. Sorry to hear about the deer problem... my best female got nipped at the top by some animal as well but it did little damage... just a little fimming. In my parts there aren"t any deers ...just pheasants, rabbits, foxes... What do you mean by Moon Phase?
I have read and also I find that my plants will have the most leaf growth 1-2 weeks before a full moon and about a week after the full moon.
check this link out:

You are lucky you don't have deer. They go everywhere... The only thing I like about them is I use their trails to disguise my movements.

Are you cloning outdoors
Yea I am trying to clone outdoors.. I took 6 clones in a tall clear tupperwear container. I used rockwool and cloning gel. I took some about 9 more clones and put them into my jiffy humidity dome. I took about 5 clones and just popped them right into the soil to see if that works too.. Most of the clones i took were just inner growth or suckers that I would have pruned. I don't expect much... maybe just 3 or 4 clones.

June 9th picture update. More pictures in a couple days so stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
also popped a seed I got from some mid grade about 4 days ago... just for kicks. could be much better than the weed it came from (which wasn't terrible considering it was seeded). It is looking really healthy. will be transplanting to 5 gallon bucket next new moon. I will call this strain random bag seed 2 for now.
Looking good Beast. Very nice looking plants. Sweaty lens haha, you getting some of this crazy ass heatwave too?? My girls are just loving it too. Good luck this year man.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Beast. Very nice looking plants. Sweaty lens haha, you getting some of this crazy ass heatwave too?? My girls are just loving it too. Good luck this year man.
Thanks CK! Ya it has been pretty hot here! been staying around 85 degrees most of the time.. highs of around 90 every day for the past week and for the 7 day forecast. Very thankfully have some rain rolling in this week! My plants aren't too far from water but the walk is as thick with thorny vines as you could imagine.


Well-Known Member
Image000.jpg random bag seed
Image001.jpgjuicy fruit.. a little too bushy. next time just topping once.
Image002.jpg purple indica bag seed.. she has some white bugs that leave a powdery mildew looking residue on the undersides of leaves and near the internodes... going back to spray in a day or 2.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures taken a little over a week ago. Purple indica died... Transplanted it, then animals attacked it while it was recovering. Juicy fruit just started flowering first week of August. The random bag seed started flowering around the 17th of July.


Well-Known Member
Random bag seed - 75 grams dried.

Juicy fruit - 4 weeks into flowering.

looking at a total of around 150 grams this year... a little disappointing when aiming for 1 lb... learned a lot though..

Mature Autoflower > early harvest regular photoperiod.

I might just do a couple dozen autoflowers next year instead... spend more money on fencing and seeds and less money on gasoline, soil, nutrients... also picking a spot that is open enough to get full sun most of the day.. my plants are getting direct sun 1/3 of the day or less.


Well-Known Member
hey congrats on pulling some nice smoke there beastgrow! I hear ya that yield can be disappointing but, hell it always is! It's never as much for me as I had hoped for... but if the quality is there then good times! pulling anything at all in those circumstances is an accomplishment and wisdom gained is valuable.