Wakin Bacon Closet Grow

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
This is what I am working with. The shelves will be gone tomorrow and the planning begins!! I have a closet that is 4ft.x7ft. with an 8ft. ceiling. I am open to advice on lights, ventilation, and pretty much anything else for such an area. So far I am planning a MH for vegetation and a HPS for flowering. I just need some help with picking the size for each for this size closet. (First time grower here) I plan on updating this during the entire grow from start to finish. Should be a good learning experience for not only me, but for anyone else looking to do the same one day. Definitely open to some constructive criticism, but if you're gonna be a jerk or an arrogant know it all, just stay to yourself.



Well-Known Member
how much cash do you have to drop? and what are the temperatures like outside/inside your house day and night?

i helped my friend set up his first closet and its looking pretty good. with a 600 watt hps and like a 400 or lil less cfm can fan ducted into attic for heat exhaust, works perfect for the little space.

i would go with soil for the first time to easy and less to worry about

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Trying to keep it under 700 bucks. Outside it's about 70-80 daily and about 60-70 at night. Inside it's about the same as I see no need to run the AC or heat yet. That will change though as it gets hotter.

Yeah, I was planning on going soil the first time, but I would love to try a hydroponic set up in the future. Gonna keep it simple until I get to know the ropes.

I was looking at Northern Lights and White Widow as my first grow. Any others I should be aware of that are good for a new guy?


Well-Known Member
anything from karma genetics, DNA Genetics, and OG Raskal. they can all be found at attitude seedbank or tsd

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Hey thanks for the info! I am getting ready buy some of the things I know I will need. Hopefully have some progress under way real soon. Did/Does anybody out there do like a trial and error with their growing set ups? I want to actually set the closet up completely and turn it on with ZERO plants in there for a few days. Just to see if my conditions are right to grow in. Would really piss me off to spend some good money on seeds and everything else only to get sub-standard bud due to bad set up. SCREW THAT!


Well-Known Member

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Got the closet all emptied out. Just waiting on stuff to get here at this point, so I picked up a book to read. Anybody else read this thing? It's got some good info. Anyways, is this vent in my closet gonna be good for me? I am thinking it will come in handy. My plan is to split the room as of right now. Veg in a smaller area and flower in another. Would like to have a place for clones, too. I have panda film coming and will create a pretty good size little grow room inside my closet. Keep in mind, I want to store most of my stuff for growing in this closet as well as split it up. I also decided to go with a 400 watt MH light for Veg and 400 watt HPS for flowering. They are going to run off the same ballast, so I will just be swapping the bulb this go around when it's time to flower. I may end up buying another ballast and light very soon so I can split the room sooner. If I feel I can step it up (light wise) after this grow, I will, but for now the 400s are gonna have to work. Any input on ventilation for a little set up like this? I was eyeing a 6 inch inline and ducting, but wasn't 100% sure if I need that size or not. I think I may play it by ear and run the lights for a day or so and check the temps and all that good stuff.

Any input or advice so far?

-WB bongsmilie

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Oh, almost forgot! Seeds are on the way as well! Northern Lights, White Widow, Skunk #1, Special Kush #1, and Bubblegummer. Not sure which ones to start with. hhhhhhmmmmm, decisions, decisions.....

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Decided to go ahead and do a hydro set up as well. Once I started doing research it was a no brainer. (for me anyways) Everything should be here within the next week!!

-WB :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Lovin the enthusiasm wakin bacon! Jumpin into hydro right off the bat, to me that takes some guts! I've never been able to get myself to do hydro, it seems a lot more complicated than soil. Are the benefits really that much better?

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Thanks man! I am excited to get this underway. After researching it, I think that hydro is probably just as easy, if not easier, than growing in soil. Not trying to grow a farm or anything, just a two or three plants at a time constantly. Here is a link to a video I was just watching: http://youtu.be/105e3eALKPs

I think the benefits have to be decided by the grower. What benefits me, might not benefit you. In my case I feel that a hydro set up is the way to go. Plus, I think the fact that I was intimidated by the thought of growing hydroponically led me to tackle it head on. After I did my research, it was pretty obvious. Here are some other sites I have looked over as well:


-WB :bigjoint:

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Well, it took me forever to find my old grow journal, but after some searching I found it. I dislocated my shoulder and fractured my arm on May 6. :cuss:Put a little monkey wrench into my plans, but still didn't stop me. :bigjoint:Got everything all set up and going with ONLY ONE ARM! Ok, and a little help from the ole lady. :hump:

Now for the meat and potatoes!! I am running a single 5 gallon bucket with the Bubblegummer and have a White Russian bag seed on day two of germination. The bag seed WR was started only because I thought the Bubblegummer was growing kinda slow. The Bubblegummer has only been going for 6 days, but appears to have picked up the pace now. :clap: I will post pics of my set up and soon. Would rather do video instead of pictures if possible just because it seems more informative. Also less time typing and more time doing other things as well. bongsmilie I should be updating this fairly often so stay tuned in (if ya want) and feel free to offer advice (if ya want) and keep it respectful por favor.

Happy toking :bigjoint:


Wakin Bacon

Active Member

She is eight days old and is looking a little brighter than I expected and yellowish in the center.

Searched the forum and came up with this: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/463930-new-plant-leaves-look-yellow.html

I just changed the water out 15 minutes ago. I also added small amount of GH Flora 3 part. However, my PPMs shot up to 305. Seems kinda high to me.

I use this to reference: http://www.genhydro.com/calculator/index.html

Also, does she appear to be smaller than normal? Any insight on any of this would be appreciated.

PPM: 305
PH: 5.7
water temp: 73
air temp: 77
humidity: 44


New Member
View attachment 2704440

She is eight days old and is looking a little brighter than I expected and yellowish in the center.

Searched the forum and came up with this: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/463930-new-plant-leaves-look-yellow.html

I just changed the water out 15 minutes ago. I also added small amount of GH Flora 3 part. However, my PPMs shot up to 305. Seems kinda high to me.

I use this to reference: http://www.genhydro.com/calculator/index.html

Also, does she appear to be smaller than normal? Any insight on any of this would be appreciated.

PPM: 305
PH: 5.7
water temp: 73
air temp: 77
humidity: 44

that ppm is ok to run at this stage, you should see her green up a bit in ~24 hrs.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Two more shots since I changed the water. Still looking yellow in the center, but the PH and PPMs have been more stable. :clap: 5.8(PH) and 135(PPM). I am checking these (PH & PPM) three times a day to make sure I stay on top of any unwanted changes. I think I figured why it started yellowing, though. When I changed the water out I noticed some dust from the hydroton in the bucket. Not really massive amounts or anything, but enough to kick myself in the a$$ :wall: for not rinsing it more.

Do these symptoms sound about right for a dusty bucket? If not, any ideas?

On another note. I guess the videos will be a no go. Unless someone can point me in the right direction. Youtube was taking FOOOOOREVEEEEER. :finger: YOUTUBE!


Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks getting down. Good listen!


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
PH and PPM is staying about the same. She is still growing, but still got some yellow in her. When I changed the water and hydroton out the roots were still growing pretty dog on good.

So no ideas out there about the yellowness? Must be super rare case of yellowing leaves, huh? :lol:
