Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
New plan. Go to her favorite bar on Thursday. Call police. Have her arrested. She misses court in Idaho on Friday. Gets out whenever in Washington. Has to do thirty days in Idaho when she gets out. Lolololol.


Well-Known Member
New plan. Go to her favorite bar on Thursday. Call police. Have her arrested. She misses court in Idaho on Friday. Gets out whenever in Washington. Has to do thirty days in Idaho when she gets out. Lolololol.
Dude just be a grown up about it fuck man.. Let that bitch go..

so you can fuck her mom.


Well-Known Member
Just letting her rent that space in your head she is getting an edge on you. Take it from this old man that stayed with a crazy bitch for far too long.


Well-Known Member
^^^Thanks joe.

I just stumbled upon this video and wanted to share....


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
^^^Thanks joe.

I just stumbled upon this video and wanted to share....

when the spider was given thc it built a hammock



fucking funny ass shit hahahahahahah



New Member
At leat send your pics of her to myex.com ... It's the mature thing to do
hell post them here then we can all be warned what a crazy bitch she is and avoid her if we run into her
u owe it to your brothers so we dont have the unfortunate experiences u had