What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

... in about 1 million years or something, what will politics be like? will there be any when the sun expands and swallows up the earth?
That is assuming there ill still be any people on earth when that happens. But consider what could be if there still were humans around at that time.

Where will our bodies be in like? ten million billion kazillion years from now after the sun did its thing? And will there still be a political system somewhere out there?


New Member
Re-read your post as the rest of us gauge a high level of immaturity and ignorance with your garbage contributions... Zero Starred...


Well-Known Member
As long as there are two or more people living within a distance of each other that permits communication, there will be politics.
Re-read your post as the rest of us gauge a high level of immaturity and ignorance with your garbage contributions... Zero Starred...

Why you follow me? Why do you post everywhere I post and say offensive things? Is that the way you were raised? If so, then in what such country does one receive such education that they turned out to be like you? Please share, you're obviously keen to talk.

As long as there are two or more people living within a distance of each other that permits communication, there will be politics.


Well-Known Member
There need not be an elaborate system in place for politics to exist. Simply, politics is the distribution of power. A tribal chief and community village is also politics. I cannot speak to your question about if humans will be around in 1million years, but if we are, there will be politics. Local war lords, tribal leaders, congresses, kings, families or theology; its all politics.


New Member
Why you follow me? Why do you post everywhere I post and say offensive things? Is that the way you were raised? If so, then in what such country does one receive such education that they turned out to be like you? Please share, you're obviously keen to talk.
if you were offended that's your problem, obviously if it doesn't apply to you, well, you wouldn't be offended...


New Member
You would not be offended.Communication barriers may create some sort politics when two people are communicating from the far end.
You would not be offended.Communication barriers may create some sort politics when two people are communicating from the far end.



yes, your posts are all terrible. :joint: blunt? You're such a drama queen when you're not high.

if you were offended that's your problem, obviously if it doesn't apply to you, well, you wouldn't be offended...
I have another Idea. Let me put it this way for you.... SHOO! Shoo pest shoo! go away! If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all!


Well-Known Member
It won't take a million years. Politics will be over for you as soon as you go play in traffic.

We have a Spirt section and Tech section, this doesn't qualify for either. So, Sunni will soon take it to T&T where I will collect even more Likes. I cleaned up on that last thread.


Well-Known Member
There need not be an elaborate system in place for politics to exist. Simply, politics is the distribution of power. A tribal chief and community village is also politics. I cannot speak to your question about if humans will be around in 1million years, but if we are, there will be politics. Local war lords, tribal leaders, congresses, kings, families or theology; its all politics.
The first time we are made to go to bed and not watch Murder Island like the big kids, is politics.

Politics is the welding of power thru implied violence. That's it.
uh doer? I played in traffic today.. honest to god, I did. Are you saing my political career is now over? (I'm going to predict your answer to this and reply to that with a sarcastic "oh noes!")


New Member
It won't take a million years. Politics will be over for you as soon as you go play in traffic.

We have a Spirt section and Tech section, this doesn't qualify for either. So, Sunni will soon take it to T&T where I will collect even more Likes. I cleaned up on that last thread.
This is why i'm a huge advocate for separation of church and state... Otherwise you end up with people like "howlowankunt"
lol did you just twist my name around and put kunt on the end? what are you implying by that comment anyway? No wait don't answer that.. Silly of me to expect you to know what you're even rambling on about half of the time.

uh doer? I played in traffic today.. honest to god, I did. Are you saing my political career is now over? (I'm going to predict your answer to this and reply to that with a sarcastic "oh noes!")

Politics is the welding of power thru implied violence. That's it.
You're terrible... I don't think you would make a great politician when you have things like this to say.


Well-Known Member
How true. And I have to throw in ALL Religions to that, and I am sure you agree.

Will you agree that we humans take up banners and causes and for some those also become religious type experiences and so are perhaps even more dangerous? And will you agree that the banners and causes of today can become the religions of the next Century?

I read plenty of Sci-Fi and there is always some Religion in the mix, but in Sci-Fi the clever author can really hide that part in the details of the banners, slogans and causes. For example, how many religions in Dune? The Gesserit, surely. But, Mentats, also, and the Guild. The Freeman, and finally Maud Dib, himself.

Shakspreare was wrong. IF we kill all the lawyers who will protect us from the Curch of Whatever-Du-Jur. These current religions are only a few centuries old. In the future we will almost surely have Islam-Christians fighting Hindu-Buddhists. War Cults.

Separation of State and War Cults. I, to-to-totally, agree.


Well-Known Member
You're terrible... I don't think you would make a great politician when you have things like this to say.
Your silly youth is showing. That is the basic definition of politics. We grow up via the use of force. Unsupervised childern need a swat and will swat each other.

Politics plays with 2 infants and 1 toy. A political system is created with violence or in a very few cases, the threat was all that was needed.

I'm thinking the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic in the 90s. ...meaning Velvet glove on a iron fist.

So, war is a continuation of politics by other means. Baron Von Clauswitz.

Therefure it follow that politics has the threat of violence at the core. If it is elected or Warlord, it doesn't matter.

In fact you would behave much better if we were sitting as strangers on a park bench. You may forget that I will swat you, but I won't. :)
You're wrong about the park bench. You insinuate that I would behave better because of fear that you would "swat" me. That's just feeble minded.

politics may have been about violence and it may still be about violence, but it shouldn't be. Only feeble minds think that it should be. Now agree with me or ill smack your face. And no back chat. You're not a doer, you're a done for!