Thundercat's Groooooooow

Good MOrning Everybody!! Well its the big day. I'm getting awake and baked while my wife is getting tools and energy drinks. I'm trying to get pumped we'll see how that goes. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday morning. There aren't any good cartoons any more but eat a tasty breakfast and enjoy the weather :). I'lll catch up with you this afternoon I imagine :peace:

Are you kidding me whodat they would always be more then welcome and you know I'd work those into the mix. Let me get settled in and I'll PM you man!
Hows it going so far? I know I get those days when from the moment I open my eyes it feels like its gonna be great, then things start going wrong the minute my feet touch the floor lol I hope thats NOT whats happening with you :-)

Lol, I just hope they do something for me :). I've seen others grow them on other sites, but none on RIU yet sadly.
Ya really right? As if you wanna call twice on the same order with total failure. Thats pretty impressive that you got the freebies you wanted even. I hope that you have the time to take lots of pics of them when they DO pop because i cant wait to see them lil shits finally. :)
Well it took forever to get everything done but we finally got it all in the truck and ready to go! Then my daughter got sick....:(. So now we are crashing at the inlaws house tonight, and driving the truck up first thing in the morning. Sadly this means my plants are gonna be packed up all night but the containers aren't Air tight and thankfully it's like 70 out so it won't be too hot. Just gonna hope for the best and do what I gotta do :)! Hopefully tomorrow goes smoother and I can get the new room up with out a hundred more problems. Wish me luck guys, ill see you in the morning I hate posting from my phone.
Damn life sometimes lol to bad about the little one n all. My little nugget threw up all over a booth in a thai restarant last week. It was pretty funny. Thank god for vinyl seats or i woulda felt bad. I wiped it up and nobody even noticed. WIN ;)
All i envision for the cat is champagne and fireworks tonight. The weathers been good for the last bit nehow. Cant wait for fireworkey day :):):)
Lol no champagne yet, but my thunder kitten is feeling a bit better :). She apparently has strep but we got her an antibiotic yesterday and her fever has been better all day today!

All our stuff is IN the new house. None of its unpacked except some of my room stuff. I did however get up all the walls last night. I think my cooling might be better this time since I'm going to tap into the central air system. My veg room is prolly 3-4x the size of my old room, my flower room will be a little larger not posative exactly how much of the extra space will be usable for more lights but ill have more storage for different things. I'm almost back to the house now I'm gonna try to things figured out for my light and table then gotta hit lowes. The plants seem to have handled everything ok, when I unpacked them last night the totes were very wet inside but I left them open last night, even though they aren't under lights at least they could breath. Anyway I'm almost there got lots to do so ill fill you guys in more once I get on my computer again instead of the phone.

Peace guys. TC
Where you plan on taping into the A/C?
Might be able to help you get the most air..........Pm me if you want and get time.
Hey, what's up Tc :??: Glad to hear that everythings going good 4 you. I had went on a little fishing trip, and wasn't able to really get on here & update like I had planned! Sorry bout that. I had just did an update on the thread, and posted up a few pics of the ladies, oh & the little small mouth bass I had caught. Had a really good time.
;) well, you have a great night buddy..

Good to hear about your seeds TC! Regulars too. Awsome man. I also got 2 seeds from my girl scout cookies that i saved. Even got some Og seeds too!!
Cant wait to start my sensi seeds grow good luck on those sin mints! save a strong male.
Good Luck TC, been reading back a bit and theres some quality stuff going on here, no way am I going back nearly 250 pages tho,a while back it was like '' The Great Escape '' in here with folk talking about digging tunnels and all.
Hehe lol it sure has gotten long dr. Not nearly as bad as Danks thread though ;).

Things are going slowly sadly didn't get what I needed to done last night but I did water the girls by hand so hopefully that helped them out. Still dealing with this phone thanks for the comments guys I should be back to the swing in the next few days. Lights and table Will be up tonight headed to Home Depot right now lowes didn't have what I needed last night :(.
For someone injured you sure do get alot done!

I hate moving, i bet its a box wonderland right now lol, good luck diggin your way out. I always find unopened boxes months after i move. Its kinda like christmas, i found 160 bucks in a pair of shorts the other day, oh yaa! Good times ;)