The New 'Merica


Well-Known Member
While those girls are very cute, and probably easy, I would have to shy away from communist countries, and pretty much the entire continent of Africa
Don't know why they remind me of this
Hmm Monkey Magic !



Well-Known Member
"Distraction" I believe this is what your looking for....

We are creatures who seek out friendship and or companions through the force of love. We all have our desires and wants for the world and our families. We all have a hate for someone who doesn't match our standards, and the views in that desire within us. As much as we have passion for this, we have that equal more no less...We are distracted by the little things which deter a true and sound solution..we have fear Above our heads, we have pain in our hearts, we have a voice that is mute due to lack of education and no expression because we were designed to feel only one way, we are lost although they assure us we have reached our destination! We have a cycle of eniquity handed down to us from our elders and authority figures because they had the wrong teacher too.....Who's destination? Who's desire are we living out? And what is stopping us from our own desires and goals? It is harder to survive....but easier to die depending on what you want.....
Wow. Where to begin?..Hell Yeah! :) I have to take it a step farther, outside of blame, outside of the victim view.

All those ancestor lived their lives and solved their problems. But, we don't solve all problems. And new problems happen always. So, each generation will see those two, new and old, unsolved problems. It only looks like handed down because it all can't be solved. We are in a natural entropic and quite corrosive environment of danger. As soon as some danger is conquered, then the tough guys next door say, "gemme dat!" We say, "over our dead bodies, but likely they will be your dead bodies." This is everlasting tech war. No beginning and no end.

The first guy to throw a rock to win, when the fist didn't work, is the discoverer of standoff weapons. He is the father of the nuke age.

And until many many, understand the secrets of thought control, in ones own self. In other words, to stop thinking, when necessary, to stop those runaway thoughts of "gemme dat" we are no where close to even describe the problem.

That is why I said wow. The problem is exactly that, we need distraction, constantly. From what? From what?

I know. When we all know what we need distraction from, we will be on a much better road for humanity. It is. And IT is not a religious concept. IT is self.

What is it that requires ultimate attention to keep us distracted from Self? The natter mind, that never shuts up. Fears and doubts, and uncertainties, make us forget our true Selves. The True Self, is not petty, but full of love, even cruel and ruthless love when necessary. Actions are taken and outcomes are not second guessed in the cacophony of nattering crazy mind.

If we can ignore the distraction from Self we will not every think, "gemme dat!"


Well-Known Member
no shit.

should go without saying that most of asia and africa have nothing on the states, especially where i rest my head.

japan is way too expensive and not friendly to growers.

spain is friendly to growers in the right places, but again, too socialist (for your edification, spanish and mexican are not the same thing. spanish + mestizo = mexican. you're welcome.).

i wouldn't touch a chicken mcnugget as i am a friend of chickens, and the chickens (and chemicals) that compopse a mcnugget is about the cruelest thing you could ever support.

you're not gonna find anywhere as free as america with such a high standard of living. end of discussion.
I was not thinking about Mexicans, and never previously mentioned them, i guess you have lots of those too

i find it very hard to believe you do not eat chicken Mcnuggets

you will not find anywhere more deluded with patriotism than America as you yourself demonstrate so well

depends how you define freedom, you guys shoot each other for wearing the wrong colored t-shirt
or believing in the wrong sect of Christianity, and you do have very deep racial divisions / segregation
You also Execute more people in the state of Texas than the whole of Saudi Arabia lol funny statistic

you guys would cut folks hands off for stealing too like your Islamic brothers, then you would really have problems with your chicken Mcnuggets

since your income comes from selling weed, you may find your weed is worth more in other countries so your actual standard of living would be higher
you could try Cambodia for a weed friendly nation, since your Globe is broken Cambodia is right on the doorstep of those old buddies of yours the Vietnamese
you could pop over to Thailand too plenty of Americans there lol


Well-Known Member
I was not thinking about Mexicans, and never previously mentioned them, i guess you have lots of those too

i find it very hard to believe you do not eat chicken Mcnuggets
Nobody with self respect does, they taste like shit.
you will not find anywhere more deluded with patriotism than America as you yourself demonstrate so well
I like how you jumped on that guy that was generalizing Aussies, and here you go now.
depends how you define freedom, you guys shoot each other for wearing the wrong colored t-shirt
and again
or believing in the wrong sect of Christianity, and you do have very deep racial divisions / segregation
And again, and again
You also Execute more people in the state of Texas than the whole of Saudi Arabia lol funny statistic
NCADP says you're wrong. Saudi Arabia kills more people than all of our states with the death penalty. The only place that "statistic" exists is in your ass.
you guys would cut folks hands off for stealing too like your Islamic brothers, then you would really have problems with your chicken Mcnuggets
And again with the generalizing you gave other people so much shit about.
since your income comes from selling weed, you may find your weed is worth more in other countries so your actual standard of living would be higher
you could try Cambodia for a weed friendly nation, since your Globe is broken Cambodia is right on the doorstep of those old buddies of yours the Vietnamese
you could pop over to Thailand too plenty of Americans there lol
In the red.


New Member
There are many incredible places around the world with a very luxurious living style. Many with spectacular views and countries that do not care if you grow. Food is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay healthier than the swill we eat. Ask any expat, how much better they feel after getting off US garbage for a few weeks. In many S. Am countries, electricity/water/internet is less than $50/mo. Yes, that is combined. How can they get the exact same shit we get, for a fraction of the cost?
^^^^^ Very true.

I am going to retire with a higher standard of living in South America than I could dream of in the states. I will receive better healthcare and eat much safer food. I will be surrounded by happy people who still have a shred of humanity to them. If I have to I will move my remaining family to be with me and escape the bullshit here.

My only real concern about moving to a country in South America is that the US pushes their agenda on the region. I hate the idea of sitting on a beach looking out to the water and seeing US Coast Guard patrolling the waters. Wold police, global force for good, fuck ya my ass.


Active Member
Oh, absolutely, I agree 100%

Of course. I was just wondering where you personally drew the line

So it's sentience?

So what level of sentience? As I understand it, sentience means the capacity for feeling, so would that include insects, reptiles, etc.? How can you determine the level of sentience of an organism? If you can't, how can you then judge any organisms level of importance based on their level of sentience?

maybe this will help a little. . . .

animals have consciousness just like we do.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you're hilarious beardo.

no real disagreement with the OP, we are being pinched.

question though: is there any country better than ours that you'd prefer to live in more? that goes for OP and anyone else who wants to answer.

my answer: nope. for all our faults, there is no better place in the world for me.
Just because you're a house nigger, it doesn't mean you're not still a slave. Now shine them boots boy.


Well-Known Member
NCADP says you're wrong. Saudi Arabia kills more people than all of our states with the death penalty. The only place that "statistic" exists is in your ass.
Sadly you are wrong, i wish you were correct, executions are considered barbaric in civilised cultures
but alas accepted in savage cultures

as you can see from the table below the USA is above Libya and Saudi Arabia
and also above Syria Bangladesh and Somalia

these league tables swing from year to year, just recently Saudi Arabia has started to use crucifixion
although America always puts in a good performance you average around 4-5th place

Your USA government may have employed active censorship, the great fireWALL of China laughs at you !
send me a private message and i can assist you with a secure ($sl) connection so that you may navigate to the URLS your government are blocking

i had no problem finding this data from the UK
it would seem the USA as a whole is very well known for its executions on a world scale
Texas being one of the leaders

credit where its due well done Americans, executions in recent years are on the decline

The U.S. takes a spot behind China, Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia for the most executions in the world last year, sitting ahead of Yemen and the Sudan.

USA: Texas must halt 'shameful' 500th execution
499 people have been put to death in Texas since 1976

The number of executions per year is now on the decline with 46 executions in 2010.

In total, the United States has executed 1,234 prisoners since the 1976 re-instatement (includes 2010 executions).

Texas is quick to execute. Texas has executed 40 per cent of its Death Row while California has only executed 1 per cent of its Death Row population so far.

The U.N. (United Nations) opposes the Death Penalty. The U.S. is in violation of U.N. regulations by having the Death Penalty.
The U.S. is the only NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) country with the Death Penalty.

There is plenty of data around, either you cant see it, or you Don't want to see it or were too lazy to find it
i would hope that is the case, rather than your government censoring your connection which is not something i support

It would seem that you have appointed yourself as some kind of forum adjudicator, i will have to disagree with you here too
after reading your comments i feel responding to most of them futile and unnecessary
your assumptions are based on your lack of reading comprehension rendering your assumptions as pretty as they are in red, invalid

ill leave you with a tragic statistic, in the year 2010 the USA executed more of its citizens than (LYBIA SYRIA and Bangladesh combined) with a total of 44 executions
to Americas 46 executions


Well-Known Member
Given the options of life in jail or death row, I would choose death row.
as long as you don't live in cali that would be ok, as they seem to put it off with only 1% of death row inmates actually executed
are they having second thoughts ?
or do they like to prolong the torture


Well-Known Member
I was not thinking about Mexicans, and never previously mentioned them, i guess you have lots of those too
we have plenty of mexicans, not so many spaniards though.

i find it very hard to believe you do not eat chicken Mcnuggets
started boycotting any inhumanely produced meat a while back.

you will not find anywhere more deluded with patriotism than America as you yourself demonstrate so well
false. north korea.

depends how you define freedom, you guys shoot each other for wearing the wrong colored t-shirt
not a protected act, thus not under the purview of freedom.

or believing in the wrong sect of Christianity, and you do have very deep racial divisions / segregation
that's why i stay out of the south.

You also Execute more people in the state of Texas than the whole of Saudi Arabia lol funny statistic
dubious statistic, and i don't shy away from giving texas shit.

if it came down to paying exorbitant money for a shitty, tiny, mildew-infested flat in britain versus most of texas, i would opt for britain.

austin is nice though, and el paso is only a stone's throw from new mexico, where they have medical.

since your income comes from selling weed, you may find your weed is worth more in other countries so your actual standard of living would be higher
you could try Cambodia for a weed friendly nation, since your Globe is broken Cambodia is right on the doorstep of those old buddies of yours the Vietnamese
you could pop over to Thailand too plenty of Americans there lol
no thanks. asian women are not my thing.

nor is jungle rot.


Active Member
as long as you don't live in cali that would be ok, as they seem to put it off with only 1% of death row inmates actually executed
are they having second thoughts ?
or do they like to prolong the torture
I think in cali there is an outcry when they fire up the execution chamber. Who knows. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be stuck in a cell the rest of my life and I think every prisoner serving a life sentence should have the option of suicide. Perhaps when assisted suicide is widely accepted for terminally ill people then it can become an option in the prison system.


Well-Known Member
did i word it wrong? should i have said "weren't you an american?" i thought you were from texas?
did i word it wrong?
i was able to decipher what you were asking, i thought the NO sir was sufficient as a reply for you to ascertain that i am not American

should you have said weren't you American ?
i think aren't is not correct since it indicates the present, and you suggested i was a former american, (expat) so i guess weren't or wasn't would be more appropriate than aren't

i thought you were from Texas?
NO sir


Well-Known Member
I think in cali there is an outcry when they fire up the execution chamber. Who knows. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be stuck in a cell the rest of my life and I think every prisoner serving a life sentence should have the option of suicide. Perhaps when assisted suicide is widely accepted for terminally ill people then it can become an option in the prison system.
yeh i agree must be hell for them waiting then being told to wait some more, its sadistic


Well-Known Member
dubious statistic, and i don't shy away from giving texas shit
Its a statistic that can be verified all over the web, unless you are suffering from the same kind of censorship as your buddy

no thanks. asian women are not my thing.
i don't recall mentioning Asian women
did you have a bad experience with an Asian woman* or did you just feel like randomly volunteering that information ?

you may have a point about North Korea, but then again its such a close call
flip sides of extremism


Well-Known Member
How many other countries have you lived in?
i don't need to live somewhere to know about that location.

for example, i've never lived in remote wyoming ranch areas, and i can assure you that they would not accommodate my lifestyle.

ditto north dakota. i mean, does anyone want to live in north dakota? :razz: