Texas Growers Unite!

Winter is the only time I don't care if the greenhouse ones freeze or die off because winter and summer is the only time I grow indoors.so there's plenty I like to crop out as many times in a yr autos and photos.
correction for somebeech lol

I don't care if the greenhouse ones freeze or die off.because winter and summer I also grow INdoors.there's plenty of marijuana. I like to crop out as many times in a yr autos and photos.

Hope that clears things up for u.
Ooooomg that goat is so adorable :3 I want one!

and yeah I have to agree with ya there. And I totes posted that on my Instagram the other day. HahahahahHahahahah
Any body care for any raccoon carcasses? I've killed so many I've lost count. For the first time they have broken through my vineyard netting and stripped most of my grapes which were premium quality this year. I'm getting real tired of setting traps and cleaning up the mess. (:

Excuse me while I check some traps......
Any body care for any raccoon carcasses? I've killed so many I've lost count. For the first time they have broken through my vineyard netting and stripped most of my grapes which were premium quality this year. I'm getting real tired of setting traps and cleaning up the mess. (:

Excuse me while I check some traps......

i'll take 2 raccoon carcases, my dog need something new to chew on besides my boots.
Austinites... I don't wanna mention any shop names... but... I wouldn't buy Canna Coco from Austin shops right now... they've got nasty little white buggers on/in them that I have dealt with twice before and always suspected Canna coco was the source... I have now confirmed.

They are what people refer to as the micro or white root aphids. What they really are? Not sure exactly... but they seem damn close to what is called: Phylloxera. They are fucking devastating. I have gotten them twice... both times in the summer, both times while using Canna Coco.

You've been warned. Trust me... I wouldn't lead you wrong and I don't think it is specific to a shop. It was a fresh pallet... I think it is coming from the distributor.

I lost a fantastic Apollo 11 plant to those buggers. Damn I miss that plant.. and 2 great Super Silver Haze females that took from my population to select a mother from. They will make your root system so damaged that the plant will wilt from lack of water... Those bugs make me so damn paranoid. I'm gonna take a shower and wash these clothes.. haha. no joke.
Uncle Ben... Damn, wish you had PM privileges...

If I wanted to kill all pests in a bulk of coco... what temp would I need to reach?
I think I remember it being like 120 degrees or so.
Obviously, if I just boiled water and submerged coco in the boiling water it would take care of it... but with the amount that I need to get treated, it is beyond not practical.
Uncle Ben... Damn, wish you had PM privileges...

If I wanted to kill all pests in a bulk of coco... what temp would I need to reach?
I think I remember it being like 120 degrees or so.
Obviously, if I just boiled water and submerged coco in the boiling water it would take care of it... but with the amount that I need to get treated, it is beyond not practical.

I'd aim for 170F or a good drench of malathion.
Ya know... I have some Merit 75... this media will be used to grow produce to be harvested about 65 days from now. I think that falls within the time the label gives. If I could just use water I guess I could save myself a fraction of a cent... haha. That shit is so potent. 5ml of powder treats 10 gallons of water. I'm thinking the usual consumer of this stuff is mixing by 100 gallons, not 10.

I've got a 15 gallon large metal container and outdoor propane burner, used for brewing beer. Before realizing this I thought maybe I would try passing with hot tap water.
With this setup though I can go ahead and use boiling water.
Sounds like a plan HH. The boiling will surely kill most anything. I use imidaploprid in the form of Adonis 75WP. Same wettable product as Merit, just cheaper.
well guys I finally did it...raskals white fire beans have arrived...along with some ogk#18 & Durban Poison for my old skoolers...