Peter King seeks the R nomination in 2016

i'm the one who personally interrogated the guy who led us to the courier.

good job on the KFC reference, your racial resentment goes very well with your anti-semitism, holocaust denial, and joining of "like minded" groups of white supremacists.

If you personally interrogated the courier you'd realise KFC is A NICKNAME FOR KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED - the very nickname that led him to behead Daniel pearle to prove his AQ status...

Thankyou for proving what a racist, bigoted piece of shit you are "choom boy"...

I guess the author of this book and the intel officers that he spoke to who referred to KSM as KFC are racists too...

Mastermind: The Many Faces of the 9/11 Architect, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
If you personally interrogated the courier you'd realise KFC is A NICKNAME FOR KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED - the very nickname that led him to behead Daniel pearle to prove his AQ status...

Thankyou for proving what a racist, bigoted piece of shit you are "choom boy"...

Try not to get upset again, but grown folks is talkin here.
good job on the KFC reference, your racial resentment goes very well with your anti-semitism, holocaust denial, and joining of "like minded" groups of white supremacists.

Only a racist would see racism in Kentucky fried chicken... You should be ashamed you race hustling wannabe... Thank you for admitting you stormfronted over here...
he's all angry...again.

You've been caught out in another LIE and have demonstrated you see racism and bigotry where non exist...

Please tell me how referring to KSM by his nickname of KFC is racist?

Remember when a fuckin moron thought "choom boy" was a racial slur?

With all the fallacious bullshit you post and your demonstrated propensity towards BBW your creditability is lower than that of a blind, deaf and dumb hooker...
so you hang with pederasts and drug balladeers? Oh the life in a narco state...

Oh I haven't even been to Mexico City. I tend to stick to areas where I can meet Canadian women on vacation but not too far from some good snorkeling. Sometimes I combine the two pursuits.
You've been caught out in another LIE

what lie?

i was the guy who did all the interrogations, just like you have all the inside info about how we got bin laden.

this is the internet, and no lies are allowed over the internet. you're clearly on the inner circle with the highest intelligence authorizations.

by no means are you a welfare suing, defective, PTSD-damaged, angry little shit fucking a walrus. not possible.
by no means are you a welfare suing, defective, PTSD-damaged, angry little shit fucking a walrus. not possible.

Nope I'm not, but you've just accurately described the life you live and the financial dependencies you have... Even the details about your PTSD (substitute stress with sex) are on the money... Why else would you post those pictures?