Australia exports pedophiles.

It's not... Mexico leads the world among developing countries according to the OECD, with the highest rates of sexual and physical abuse and homicide of children under the age of 14.

This is the pathetic little Guevara's attempt to demonstrate epic butthurt because I deleted him off my friends list for the following comment he made;

don't forget about how abandonedbrain can have consensual sex with 12 year olds
Why do you say that? Are you dubious of a majority of the articles I posted, or of any? Some may be sensational, but a lot of them are from legit sources in the countries subjected.

At least argue, going straight for the insult happens to be a fallacy called Ad Hominem. At least desert dude argued.

there is nothing to argue here, this thread is beyond stupid, your argument or point or what ever the fuck you are trying to do is making you look like a spastic
don't forget about how abandonedbrain can have consensual sex with 12 year olds

So the fact that I live in Mexico is your counter to 25+ news stories pointing to a rampant Australian pedo problem?

An out of context quote and the shocking accusation of my residency in Mexico is a personal suggestion that I'm a pervert and absolutely no attempt to argue against what I have suggested is all the retort I receive.

Everyone can see who is writing about politics and who is trolling.
Australians, more than anyone should be very upset about this, not that I have pointed it out, but that they have allowed this to happen. All I see are Australians getting puffy and defending their pedos.
So the fact that I live in Mexico is your counter to 25+ news stories pointing to a rampant Australian pedo problem?

An out of context quote and the shocking accusation of my residency in Mexico is a personal suggestion that I'm a pervert and absolutely no attempt to argue against what I have suggested is all the retort I receive.

Everyone can see who is writing about politics and who is trolling.

the fact you live in Mexico; a lawless NARCO-STATE, where the age of SEXUAL CONSENT IS 12 YEARS OLD, where you CONSIDER CHILDREN to be WOMEN at 15, where paedophilia is rampant, accepted and also encouraged is the issue here you hypocritical Marxist pogue.

AC is all for free markets he's a marxist socialist...

Indira Vizcaíno Silva, a deputy of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), said this week that the figures of child abuse in Mexico are alarming. Child abuse includes sexual abuse, carelessness and commercial exploitation, which cause real damage that affects children's health and dignity, she added.

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mexico ranks first in rates of physical violence, sexual abuse and homicide of children younger than 14, which is why it is urgent to modify the Federal Criminal Code and the Law to Prevent and Punish Human Trafficking in order to reverse this tendency.

Regarding this matter, Vizcaíno presented a bill to the Chamber of Deputies to combat this problem and establish severe punishments to those who commit crimes against people younger than 18, or against people who don't have the ability to understand the reality of what they are suffering, as well as those who cannot fight back.

This initiative, she added, was also presented to the Latin American Parliament, in which Mexico is participating in the hope of instituting similar laws in Latin America through the Gender Equity and Youth Commission, which would protect children and teenagers from violations to their human rights.

Vizcaíno noted that Mexico ranks 28th worldwide and 5th in Latin America in the sex trafficking of minors, which makes Mexico a paradise to perform this criminal activity.

Mexico ranks 2nd in money generated through sex trafficking of minors, reporting US $24 billion per year. Thailand ranks first in child pornography, while Mexico, unfortunately, ranks 2nd.

Everyone can see who is writing about politics and who is trolling
there is nothing to argue here, this thread is beyond stupid, your argument or point or what ever the fuck you are trying to do is making you look like a spastic

So you don't even care that Australian pedos (many of whom have been convicted and subsequently set free) wash ashore South East Asia in massive droves to prowl upon children? That is what you seem to be conveying.
[h=1]Australia told to be tougher on pedophiles[/h]Australia needs to do more to prevent child sex tourists travelling abroad and impose tougher sentences on pedophiles, a senior Thai official says. Saowanee Khomepatr, a director at the Thai Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, also called on Thai authorities to step up child protection programs with few signs of progress over the past decade. "I think it's not so much progress about the work (in Thailand). But we have to try more and make more effort," Mrs Saowanee told AAP. A director of the ministry's Anti-Trafficking in Women and Children Bureau, Mrs Saowanee works closely with Australia on child sex abuse cases. She said those found guilty in Australia of child sex abuse, and in particular pedophiles who travel abroad to commit crimes, should face stiffer sentences.
This is what happens when you let in 11.5 million criminals... They bring their baggage and way of life with them....

Why has child molestation committed by illegal aliens become an epidemic?

In Operation Predator sweeps across the country conducted between 2003-2007, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents nabbed over 10,700 foreign national child molesters. Many of these predators had been previously convicted of other crimes, and many had already been deported once. The number predators apprehended in the sweeps actually only represent the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, a study conducted by the Violent Crimes Institute reports that between 1999 and 2006, there were nearly 1,000,000 sex crimes committed in the United States by illegal aliens.
[h=1]Corporate pedophilia[/h]"CORPORATE PEDOPHILIA". Headlines hammered and talkback hummed. On television, PR flacks feigned outrage that their employers could possibly be branded child exploiters, let alone molesters. Retail giant David Jones was apoplectic, threatening legal action against the two academics who had dared to raise the issue of the sexualisation of children in advertising. It sounded like the Vatican at the beginning of the moral panic about priests and kids. All pieties and denial.
So the fact that I live in Mexico is your counter to 25+ news stories pointing to a rampant Australian pedo problem?

An out of context quote and the shocking accusation of my residency in Mexico is a personal suggestion that I'm a pervert and absolutely no attempt to argue against what I have suggested is all the retort I receive.

Everyone can see who is writing about politics and who is trolling.

shit if it wasn't such a nice day out I probably would have the time to make a huge thread full of the daily filth Mexico produces, despite the fact that its common knowledge Mexico is mostly a shithole.

I suppose I shouldn't take for granted being able to head to an unpolluted nature reserve or unpolluted beach no matter where I am in the country without being beheaded, when cunts like you are stuck in Mexico.

Thanks for advertising Mexico as the legal pedo paradise, now pedos can leave countries like Australia who punish them and move to Mexico where they can legally fuck 12 year olds