Stand Up To Stand Your Ground


Damn Hillary hasn't aged a day, and that's not a good thing!
What you see here is the payment on entitlements owed to the Baby Boomers.

Entitlements, AKA as the social security "trust" fund, which was publicly stolen by multiple generations of politicians. The trust fund was also the source of Bill Clinton's balanced budgets, and I am a fan, relatively speaking, of Bill Clinton.
quit your whining, you sad little bitch. this has been settled already, and it's not esoteric nor is it dripping with teenage angst.

if you say you're open to the public, you have to serve the public. all of it.

you can either make them do that or you can have denial of rights to others.

can't have your ennui and eat it too, little child.

Then make it a club. My club will only allow blue eyes.
that's what i told him. all he has to do is make it a club.

hell, membership can be one red cent.

but that makes him a slave, and he will not settle for anything but his own personal utopia.

But your graph still sucks. I scored high honors (99th percentile) on the Economics and Civics Golden State exams too.
I'm about as left-wing as they come but I do believe in the right to own a weapon and defend oneself. I can't help the fact that laws are unjustly enforced. I can only say that the police and the courts are not here to protect you. They are here to keep order. They can only haul someone off to jail after the deed is done. If that deed was me getting killed, well, that doesn't do me much good does it? I'm sorry that some people get sent to prison because of their color and some are set free because of their color, but my life is my life. So racism and race baiting be damned.
But your graph still sucks. I scored high honors (99th percentile) on the Economics and Civics Golden State exams too.

it may suck, but if you have an understanding of math beyond the fifth grade level, you can still understand it.

desert rat can't, but he is pretty dumb.
Buck believes in the right to attack people with axes and carry concealed small axes... Also known as hatchets or tomahawks to our native friends
that works for your house..what about your business? a public place cannot deny a human being from entering..and we are all human beings lest you forget..who's that clown football player visiting the white house and won't meet the president?..i've never seen so many people of this nation disrespect our president..shame on you!

What is your opinion on "no shirt, no shoes, no service"?
They want total chaos so the police state can take total control. Buck will just sit inside his gated white housing with his shades drawn. . . Blogging about hating himself.