desert dude
Well-Known Member
i would think that fleeing the situation if possible would encompass that reasonable part so if you can avoid the situation and you shoot and kill then you were not being reasonable.we are talking about killing somone not an ass whoopin stand your ground all day if you are going to go toe to toe not use a deadly weapon if you are you should have exhausted all other options including leaving .leaving a dangerous situation sounds reasonable to me. now if you flee and they perseu then shooting them may be your only option but it should be your ONLY option not one of many but i choose to use the lethal one.
So, the guy pursues you and you are forced to shoot him to avoid serious injury/death. The mugger is paralyzed for life and sues you for 60 years worth of lost wages, etc. Is that reasonable?
Is it reasonable for you, a law abiding citizen, to be chased out of the public sphere by criminals?