Stand Up To Stand Your Ground


Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight, this started out as a thread about whether or not to remove stand your ground laws and is currently on white people need to get beaten and NLX should have aborted himself?
This is what the politics forum is all about :P

If you ever wonder why I am such a dick to some people ^^^ should answer your question...

stoned cockatoo

New Member
White people are hated. It is very simple. White men above all. Spend a few decades apologizing for hundreds of years of rape and murder and the way minorities view you will change.
Are white man hated or do you just hate white people?

I think its fucking wrong how natives get turfed off their own land and murdered raped and all that, but you cant blame it on someone who personally had nothing to do with what went on hundreds of years ago, and you especially cant blame someone for something that happened to your ancestors because of skin colour that is fucking dumb and racist.

White people need guns because they live their lives in fear and nothing else..
I'm positive blacks have more guns, they certainly shoot each other with them more anyway.. are you white? how can you know if a white person lives in fear and nothing else.

I don't think you know what you are on about in the slightest, all round terrible post

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
One of BTK's victims fully complied because she thought liberal think. Had she fought back and stood her ground that would have made my day he was dead. But she's dead. You need to fight criminals until you are 100% sure they're dead so they don't ever hurt anyone else again. That is why I rated this thread one star. :finger:


Well-Known Member
One of BTK's victims fully complied because she thought liberal think. Had she fought back and stood her ground that would have made my day he was dead. But she's dead. You need to fight criminals until you are 100% sure they're dead so they don't ever hurt anyone else again. That is why I rated this thread one star. :finger:
wait just peeing and puking on yourself and shooting your shotgun off the front porch of your condo isnt enough?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
After reading the text of the SYG law that I quoted, how can you conclude that the choice comes down to "leave or kill"? If you "reasonably believe you are in danger of serious bodily harm or death" then you have every right to meet force with force. Virtually everyone, except for predatory criminals will do their utmost to avoid killing another person, or for that matter even injuring another person.

If you are confronted by a guy, such as El Tiberon, sporting a big race boner who wants to ensure that you spend a few decades in a coma atoning for your whiteness, you have every right to meet force with force. If you are confronted by one of Buck's stormfront buddies who wants to beat you into a pulp to see if black people bleed like everybody else, you have every right to meet force with force. It's that simple.

SYG laws shield you from bogus prosecution and intimidation by the courts when you act to defend your life. SYG laws are awesome. Those laws put predatory criminals in a tough situation.

Here are some tips for you tough guys that like to "throw hands". Don't assault people. Be polite and respectful to others. Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you don't follow these very simple rules, expect to meet somebody tougher, or better prepared than you.
i hear you, i dont think self defense is immoral . . i think defineing a way of thinking by having a law that backs up an unknown variabl(PERCEPTION aka ive had my eye bridge broken . . i still beat the dude down never once thought or worried i was gonna die and i was not the aggresor) in a hard situation, is just asking for trouble

life and shit happens, make a law allowing people to ask for a glass of milk and a cookie and your going to find your self with a lot of rodents around

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

  • Stupid! Advocates abolishing self defense. Stand your ground laws are common sense. One starred.​

stupid laws about other laws . .self defense is legal . . .if its justified . . . . . no need for stand your ground law . . .weird huh

no need for laws that blur the lines of existing properly written laws . . . . so strange 1/4 starred


Well-Known Member
The same way you can come to the conclusion that MOST white men have small dicks. It is empirical.
I wouldn't come to that conclusion either, considering I'm a white male with a large dick and I don't make it a habit to think about other mens dicks. But back to the original question; it's just your opinion and it's not based on any real fact what so ever. Got it.

So when you think white people cant fight, is that being based on white vs black?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the avg guy, white, or whatever is a pussy and cant take a lick or give one . .. . . .

maybe American is a better generalization . . . . . . id love to see a survey of men comfortable in a fist fight , and all the demographic data behind it . . vs dudes ready to pull a gun . .once they feel afraid . . . .

whats that line in Friday by craigs dad . . a real man fights with his hands and everyone goes home . .

remember RIU not everyone is 18-25 years of age AVG, and not everyone is a tough guy in real life like they act like on the intranet


Well-Known Member
Fun times. I did that to a guy in middle school, except it was a trash can and I rolled him down the hallway. Ah, memories.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
How does one determine who the average guy is? Can you just look at someone and automatically know?
surveys . . data . . . . .you know statistics you went to college right(do i really have to go into how data is collected really very boring) . . . .and to a degree ya, but tbh no . . .im 250 6'3 and i know dudes 150 5'6 that i wont even play around with, then again i knwo dudes my size in better shape that i have no issue with . . . its all in the individual . . but on the law of avg's . . .. . . the individual dont matter


Well-Known Member
surveys . . data . . . . .you know statistics you went to college right(do i really have to go into how data is collected really very boring) . . . .and to a degree ya, but tbh no . . .im 250 6'3 and i know dudes 150 5'6 that i wont even play around with, then again i knwo dudes my size in better shape that i have no issue with . . . its all in the individual . . but on the law of avg's . . .. . . the individual dont matter
No it's not necessary to go into collected data. I guess I didn't realize a study was taken on how the average man is a pussy. :lol:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
dude in my town guy A. .got a little to much attention from a drunk, guy B, who was wrestling in the fron t yard . .. . drunk follwoed him home and guy shot him . .. . . .dude lived . .but wtf . . . .Guy A shoudl have just gone inside or taken a lick . . .or given one . .no need to shoot kid(i knwo him kinda asshole) in the gut and each leg . . .haha josh

if you cant take a lick or give one . . . try not to instigate drama . . .and dont bring a gun . .. . .it rarely does any good . . .