Well-Known Member
Buck will just sit inside his gated white housing with his shades drawn.
Nope! UB sleeps with his plants in constant fear of middle schoolers jacking his forest.
Buck will just sit inside his gated white housing with his shades drawn.
balanced budget? balanced budget? um, those would have been the clinton years..ftw
Then make it a club. My club will only allow blue eyes.
What is your opinion on "no shirt, no shoes, no service"?
I hate to interrupt.....
I think it is fair game because acquitted or not it did happen. It is still fresh in everyone's mind and people seem fairly divided on the SYG laws so
what better time to open the dialogue.
It is a shady way for the organization to go about the PSA but it seems to be successful so far because people are talking about it.
Now back to the regular programing.....................
Except you can thank Newt and the Repubs for FORCING Clinton to do that which he railed against. If you don't know that as fact, you were a child in the early 90's or you watch WAY too much MSNBC. Clinton deserves nothing beyond an honorable mention for his role in signing EVERYTHING the Repubs wanted into effect. That period of economic success directly reflects what happens when a Democratic President CAVES to a Republican Congress.
You can thank the progressive Bush and the DEMOCRATIC Congress for fucking up that temporary illusion.
thank you for humoring question now is..isn't it violation of someone's (private citizen) civil rights to be represented in a negative manner when found innocent? zimmy is a private citizen who became public as compared to OJ who was always a public figure..
Yeah, that's why I find it shady and wouldn't really be surprised if Zimm tried to file suit. I think the catch is that the 911 calls were made
public and although it is clearly a portrayal of that particular incident they stop just short of identifying Zimmerman. They played the tape just long
enough for him to say his name is George.
maybe all gun licencing should require psychological testing and courses in de-escalation, psychology, human thinking patterns.
ya maybe we should all arm ourselves go where we are not wanted wait for some jerky boy or girl to harrass us then shoot them and say i am standing my ground.thin out the herd (sarcasm).this stand your ground law is stupid we already have self defense isnt that enough?
i'm good with it..that can apply to anyone, because anyone can remedy so in essence, it's can't change the color of your skin though.
it should be equal or less force.not you scare me so im gonna shoot you.
Got it. I miscued on the "being human is enough" thing. Behavior and presentability are usually choices. I excuse Touretters from that ...