Attitude seeds to Australia

Just tell them you want it resent by regular mail. Attitude have good customer support, so hopefully they'll hook you up :)
So whats everyones experience who have been unsuccessfull the first time?

I'm a bit worried now

I didn't get them sent to my home but used my CC.

Do customs follow up or do they just destroy them? would of been about 20 seeds

Did you guys resend to the same address?

I just want a decent strain to grow :( was successfull with Planetskunk last year but none germinated.

Thanks for your help guys.
So whats everyones experience who have been unsuccessfull the first time?

I'm a bit worried now

I didn't get them sent to my home but used my CC.

Do customs follow up or do they just destroy them? would of been about 20 seeds

Did you guys resend to the same address?

I just want a decent strain to grow :( was successfull with Planetskunk last year but none germinated.

Thanks for your help guys.

Yes when my order didnt make it to my home address i got a reship to the same address because they wouldnt let me change. but they showed up fine. you have nothing to worry about its a few seeds what are they gonna do. anyone could have sent them to your address without you knowing.
WTF I contacted attitude for a send stressing i wanted no tracking plain pakaging then the sent me dispatch which was being tracked email them straight away (both admin and sales emails) freaking out i need it not to be tracked and they replied with the tracking number!

I guess I aint getting these ones either
They did the same to me and mine still arrived. Are you i QLD though? Is that why you're stressing? Hope they come through dude :)
WTF I contacted attitude for a send stressing i wanted no tracking plain pakaging then the sent me dispatch which was being tracked email them straight away (both admin and sales emails) freaking out i need it not to be tracked and they replied with the tracking number!

I guess I aint getting these ones either

Yeah that's bullshit!! I read a few post's now of seed banks doing this even when the customer has asked them not to
resend the same way.

Attitude has shit stealth and everyone is having big dramas in the states with there orders, so why they would keep resending
the same way is beyond me???

Which state you in?
Hi there, i recently placed a order with attitude seed bank on the 9th of this month and year. After reading all this I'm 50-50 hoping I get them, I used to live in New Zealand and have ordered from them in the past and had no problems. Will keep you all posted soon and hopefully it's with good news
Hi, I'm getting ready to place my first order with attatude seeds, I'm in NSW and would love any advice on getting my beans here on the first go.
Yeah I would just go with bonzas new bonza buddy shipping option bro (check it out on there shipping page on there website for more info). There giving away some Chocolate fondue from DNA ATM so that's a bonus.

It's hard getting beans into QLD so go Bonza new stealth option for Queenslanders and WA customers or sea of seeds plain white envelope.

Peace :lol:

I have beans!!!

Fucking stoked and they gave me all the free seeds from an expired special so I was happy about that.
Have you guys ever thought that maybe customs infrequently visits sites like this.. And here you lot are advertising when and where your seeds are coming in and from... Giving them the info they need to seize your mail...

i mean I've ordered countless beans from overseas. and every single batch has arrived.. because I don't get on a weed forum and tell everyone when I'm expecting delivery of said illegal goods..

just chill guys.. Don't advertise, we know you're excited.. You'll be even more excited when you actually get them.. Then get online and spew the details forth..

just an idea, hate to see fellow countrymen having customs grab their shit..
. you have nothing to worry about its a few seeds what are they gonna do. anyone could have sent them to your address without you knowing.

Not true.. 5 seeds are classified as between a small amount and commercial quantity, You can be done for either possession of a controlled substance or cultivation of a prohibited plant, whether they are seeds or not.. 5 seeds = 5 plants = more than small quantity, basically you could be convicted of a commercial quality depending n the officer that decides to pinch you..

And do you really think they aren't going to check CC record's, possibly check your Internet history via your ISP, as they now have probable cause.. There are a lot of things that could happen to you.. You can try and play the 'protecting genetics' card but don't think it'd work..

20 seeds is too many.. You're asking for trouble.. Some of you might say I'm all doom and gloom.. But we take enough of a risk just cultivating.. How far do you all want to push it..?
Have you guys ever thought that maybe customs infrequently visits sites like this.. And here you lot are advertising when and where your seeds are coming in and from... Giving them the info they need to seize your mail...

i mean I've ordered countless beans from overseas. and every single batch has arrived.. because I don't get on a weed forum and tell everyone when I'm expecting delivery of said illegal goods..

just chill guys.. Don't advertise, we know you're excited.. You'll be even more excited when you actually get them.. Then get online and spew the details forth..

just an idea, hate to see fellow countrymen having customs grab their shit..

So every single batch has arrived? You are obliviously not QLD or WA? And sure customs has more than likely been on this site many a times, but has that stopped beans getting through in other states? Different states, do thing's different way's. I mean how many times has this discussion been bought up on RIU???

I can see threads going back years now and whats changed??? Nothing! I know what your saying and that is definitely a valid point, but if customs were going to do something about it (In all the states), shouldn't it have already happened?

IDK? It's been discussed, and the facts are nothings changed! So do I worry about helping a fellow Aussie out? Not at all.

Not saying it won't change but it's food for thought....

And one more thing I thought I would add, If customs were on here monitoring this site every day, how many people would be on here boasting about when they got there beans?

I'm not saying they should be doing that (especially letting stealth methods out) but if it were that bad, we wouldn't be getting any beans period!
