Well-Known Member
You get a slow release trickle....what a convenience. I asked about nitro because of the deep almost blueish color, and high N can affect P availability which also causes purpling.
Purple has been there since seedling and is strain specific. When you feed by 30-day cooked organic soil, you don't have the same toxicity issues that you get with scheduled feedings from a bottle. Any tip burn will be environmental from these babies. I expect a gradual lightening of the chlorophyll as I get into the final stages and the soil gets depleted. I will be top dressing with 60 day organic soil over the coming weeks.
The micro web does all the work. The hardest part about growing this way is doing nothing. It takes discipline not to add bloom foods, big bud bottles, and other stuff that could throw my soil out of whack.
Soil 6.7 PH was measured once (last week) in the last 112 days. Water is from tap stored in 5 gal plastic jugs until used and then refilled. I alternate between two jugs that last about a week between refills.
Nice to wake up to buds like that, isn't it Pin?