HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

sounds rather interesting. can anyone else vouch for this method before i go and burn my eyes out haha

Well I can tell you this. baby and adult Spider mites die instantly with water. Try this, pull one of your leaves with mites and look at them through a magnifier ( I use a 100x from radio shack). You can see them moving about. Now take a spray bottle with water and spray the leaf. Now look at them again with the scope and presto, there will not be one moving mite. Now the addition of habanero is something that I have not tried. This will not kill the eggs. Mite eggs tend to hatch around 72 hrs. I simply spray the underside of "every" leaf with water every other day for a period of at least a week to 10 days and that usually does it. It takes time and effort and is not easy. Cleaning your grow room or area is of utmost importance as well. Enjoy and stay green!
Awwww.... Neem Oil is one I always have on hand in my diverse and rather large collection of nutrients, additives, juices, etc. In fact I have two nearly empty bottles that I'm looking at right now. I've always used it on my indoor grows and it has always worked within two treatments because I usually catch them early. Now the one time webs did start appearing I simply went to Wal-mart and purchased a large kitchen trash can (the one with the swivel lid). I think it was 30 gal. I filled that can up with water then added the oil, saturator and dish soap according to the instructions. I grabbed each plant by the base of the stem and straight dipped it and the top of the rockwool cube into the mixture and pulled it right out. Now my girls at the time were 2 weeks from harvest and I had recently started flushing them. They showed no sign of stress and they were saturated. They dried quickly and there were no further signs of them.

Now I am addressing my first outdoor infestation so I'm gonna give this pepper spray a shot. I have almost 80 girls out there and there's more breathing room with air out there. I'll do it today once it starts to cool down and keep everyone posted. Wish me luck! Im goin' for it! Lol.
I've got an infestation of spider mites, I've tried several types of mite chemicals, from "Organocide" to Bayer advanced "Insect, disease, & mite control, and just plain old Neem oil, my experience has been that none of them, work, no matter the infestation level, so I'm going to try the Peppers, I grow everything totally organic so if this works it will be great, I made me a batch and I'm going to try it this afternoon. I'll post my results.
Tried this, Unfortunately it doesn't work any better then plain water. Try it. Plain water.... Thing is , you really have to do this daily for a few weeks, else the eggs just keep poping, Ive juts recently bitten the bullet and brought some preditor mites named Californicus to Eat them up.
All I can say is that if water works on spider mites why are spider mites the biggest problem in the world. Asawho and neem what??and what about that Mighty wash?? Lets get real here! Do any of these products actually work. Unless you can kill the eggs you have mites..lots of people are talking about the Broad Mite.. I hear it's moved into Washington state and Florida. Broad mites are smaller and move around fast compared to the spotted version that we have here. Here is the central coast of ca. I can see strawberry fields
in three directions from my front porch. Organic strawberry fields. All I can say is if you don't wash your strawberrys, you might as well use Flora Mite on what you smoke!!! Every time I chop up peppers for cooking,I take my contacts out and shit can them.cant use them again after I have touched peppers ...
Try it . Spray water on a mite. It stops moving. The issue is these little suckers lay eggs. Water dont do shit to Eggs, also They Grow a tolerance very quickly. I Dislike all the other options and have decided to go for a method of using mites to eat mites, apposed to poisoning my crop.
Sevin dust....make a border around your plants. I had the mites one time and as far as indoor growing goes that will be the last time. The little %$# have a exoskeleton that has to be attacked by either using something with a very high or low Ph...acidid or base. My infestation was so bad that I had to use 25% solution of rubbing alcohol. Fine misted it on which kills the mites instantly...then a high speed fan dry. Lost 2 of the 10 plants (Serious AK47). When I spend time in an area that has mites I spray myself around the lower legs and sometimes the hair before entering the grow area. If you let your pets get close to your grow area forget about all mites they use the 2 and 4 legged animals to get around.
I going to find out if this stuff works on leafhoppers.

Does it look correct? Came out a light orange color, BTW I used a blender instead of handling the chopping of the peppers
All I know is from a small spray into sink made my eyes water and sinuses run for twenty minutes afterwards, I did not try to breath the stuff in but man heavy pepper smell.

Would not want to be a bug in my garden in the morning.

so i have been reading up at what point co2 becomes toxic on plants.
i would like to get a full barrage of mite killing tools together before my Fucking Incredible and Hog go in the BIG Room
I just completed the first round with sns217c i will do a second hit of that Thursday.
Then this weekend want to hit them with the chiles drench twice . But i read about dry ice in a garbage can put plant in cover let co2 suffocate the bugs and hopefully not the plant Is there any credibility to this to good to be true technique.

Do i have to spray them at night?

you dont have to. as long as you have enough ventilation then they wont burn. you almost have to do it with the light on just so you can get every inch of the plant. the more peppers you use the stronger it will be and you want it strong. i ran a weak solution an it didnt kill the grown ones...... but i probably missed some spots too.

here we go again, mighty wash by npk industries, I'm not gonna say another word.

Im sure mighty wash will work on some strains, but it is hella strong everyone and it did severe damage to one of my not so sturdy plants and killed it! So be aware if your plant is sensitive that it could hurt it. My plants were sativa dominant and i think are very sensitive to any nutes or chemicals in general. Yea ik mighty wash is organic but it does cause a tiny chemical reaction with the mites from having the opposite frequency, which kill them and will burn holes in thinner sativa leaves.
How far into flowering can you use the NO PEST STRIPS? Getting fucking hammered. I have used Dr Doom bombs followed by 4 days later using mighty wash and have repested this like 4-5 times. Feel like all Im doing is chasing my tail...

How is it a "wrong answer"? I get mites....I hang up a strip, they die, I put it away. I've done it dozen times now with success every time. Just because something is 100x easier than your method, but isn't "organic" doesn't make it the "wrong answer". Actually, the fact that it works so well without harming the plant during flowering and without ever harming me, my cat that comes in the room with me, my dog that stays in my bedroom with me (near my tent), or any of my clients, would be evidence of it being the "right answer". $8, 2 minutes of work, then 12 hours later and you are moving on with your life. Seems a WHOLE lot simpler than frying up some peppers with gloves and protective eyewear and the putting on what is basically a hazmat suit to spray it all over your plants. One plant a a time. Multiple applications per plant. When you can spend 2 minutes taking this out of its wrapper, hanging it in your room and forgetting about it til 12-24 hours is up, however long you want to leave them in there. There....I "wrote it out". But I stand firm that my original post was much more efficient. Instead of reading this book I just wrote, they can just look at the picture, go buy that, and move on with your life. Seems like possibly the best response in this thread so far, if you ask me. the point....successful solution to the problem......
How far into flowering can you use the NO PEST STRIPS? Getting fucking hammered. I have used Dr Doom bombs followed by 4 days later using mighty wash and have repested this like 4-5 times. Feel like all Im doing is chasing my tail...

bombs, two days later more bombs, two days later neem, 3 or 4 days later bomb , 2 days neem, 4 days bomb. hopefully under control by then. if you cant use the neem , then just use the bombs at least twice a week for 3 weeks.

never ending battle.
