HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude i have spider mites and they are all in the baby phase right now, ive been spraying azamax and its not working im going to wal mart right now to buy the peppers and do the spray i will update daily and tell how it works my buddy has them too he will use this pepper spray i will leave comments
You and your friend may be cross contaminating each other. Synchronize your treatment schedules.
Take a real cigar and put it in some water. Let it soak. Then spray the plant down with that water. Should work. I'm going to keep this on standby when I run my first grow.
Tobacco repels many insects. Might be a good preventative measure?
I own a high powered ozone generator. I use it to get rid of tobacco smell in hotel rooms. My customers tell me it kills the cockroaches and bed bugs, too. You can't be in the room more than a minute or two before breathing becomes difficult. I wonder what effect it would have on plants. Any botanists out there know how O2 affects plants?
Lol "bdickk". His solution was obviously Mighty Wash. I use Neem Oil, which ias organic and harmless as well. Never tried peppers, but it makes sense that it would kill the mites, not sure if it'd harm your plants or not, I don't see why it would.

I say u said u use neem oil and I been reading about that cuz i think im getting spider mites or something on my plant. So i just wanted to no wat the best neem oil to use?
I own a high powered ozone generator. I use it to get rid of tobacco smell in hotel rooms. My customers tell me it kills the cockroaches and bed bugs, too. You can't be in the room more than a minute or two before breathing becomes difficult. I wonder what effect it would have on plants. Any botanists out there know how O2 affects plants?

not a botanist , but no you can not put that much o3 around your plants. it will kill um just like it will me an you ...... well i dont know bout kill , but sick.

no , never bud rot. plenty of ventelation. can get bud rot or any kind of mold with plenty of air circulation an a fairly low RH. i used to spray my plants/buds with water all day long cause i thought it was cool .... never seen mold back then either.

I say u said u use neem oil and I been reading about that cuz i think im getting spider mites or something on my plant. So i just wanted to no wat the best neem oil to use?
100% neem from ebay or the generic shit made by greenlight at walmart.

It's a matter of how strong you dilute the neem. I spray the veg room every 2 weeks with weak-medium solution. If I see just one mite, I spray all the plants down with a stronger neem mix. Then I take a wide horse hair paint brush and dip it in a strong neem mix and I scrub the underside of each and every leaf and the stalks. Then I mist them heavy with water about 5 hours later. I'm able to keep a very clean veg room, no problem. It's when I see a mite about 5 or 6 weeks into flowering that freaks me out. I don't use any neem spray after the first 2 weeks of flowering, but if I do see a mite, I can't/won't use spray so I go at the plant with a smaller paint brush on the leaves only. Its painful, but if you love your girls....

I'm always on the lookout for other pest management methods during the flowering phase and am curious about the no pest strips myself.
It's a matter of how strong you dilute the neem. I spray the veg room every 2 weeks with weak-medium solution. If I see just one mite, I spray all the plants down with a stronger neem mix. Then I take a wide horse hair paint brush and dip it in a strong neem mix and I scrub the underside of each and every leaf and the stalks. Then I mist them heavy with water about 5 hours later. I'm able to keep a very clean veg room, no problem. It's when I see a mite about 5 or 6 weeks into flowering that freaks me out. I don't use any neem spray after the first 2 weeks of flowering, but if I do see a mite, I can't/won't use spray so I go at the plant with a smaller paint brush on the leaves only. Its painful, but if you love your girls....

I'm always on the lookout for other pest management methods during the flowering phase and am curious about the no pest strips myself.

no pest strip will only work if its sitting in a stale room/closet without the air getting sucked outta the room. waste of money

Gosh - I *have* to do this method. Tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, I will video my poor girls. They have been suffering from spider mites - and also suffering from my brutal, and... well... less effective methods of killing spider mites.

After I video my girls, I will head to the supermarket and buy the materials, then cook the recipe and apply it...

I will video this process, and will become part of the series of (yet unpublished) videos I have been making over the past two weeks as I've been at war with spider mites... and I hope Habanera peppers are the secret weapon I bring to the battle that wins the war!

It's a sad story, because the tragedy could have been prevented.

I purchased a lovely, fully grown, hanging cherry-tomato plant from a local nursery... it was sure to produce sweet cherry-tomatoes for a month!
BUT - it had spider mites.
As soon as I spotted the spider mites, I removed the plant from the balcony and gave it to a friend who put it in their garden.

But it was too late.

A week later I noticed the first small patch of mite damage on the leaves.
I did two sessions of dish-soap washes - but then I had to leave town for five days.

The plants became too dry, and the Mites had a hay-day.
When I returned, it was an awful mess.

In an instant, I knew the next two weeks of my plans were
about to be re-arraigned, because this trouble just inserted
at least six hours of cleaning and processing, ever-other day.

Well - after two weeks - my spider mite battle is not done.

And if just ONE spider mite *egg* is left... the entire problem is sure to come back.

So I'm really keen to try this new method.

And if it works - I will promote the hell out of it!

To Your Health,

Neem oil has now been added to the endangered species list and can no longer be sold commercially or bought in The Netherlands... i'm searching for habaneros ..but it's not like they are very common here...agh! i'm looking now for anyone who'll ship me some.
I used dishsoap and neem oil mixed together in a spray bottle and applied every 3-4 days for a month and POOF! They were gone!!!
Wow dems some big ass mites buddy... it looks like you've been feeding them instead of the plants.

A flame thrower might work....
I had spider mites a few years ago. I went to my local garden store and got Organic Insecticidal Soap. The mites disappeared fast and I never saw any since. FYI, I got the mites after I purchased a clone from a dispensary. (They blamed miracle grow soil.)