HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

hello Calibuzz ! well i thank you for your advice, i used the habanero spray and it does work... i misted the plant as well as i could but they (all 5) were in full bloom and just got a dose on the bottom i lost maybe 4 branches of small flowers ... in the harvest they were just empty flowers... but the rest i harvested and they seem fine....However.... i do think they are a little spicy... i didn't wash them but i did mist with water and it rained as well, also used a dilution of 30%milk to 70% water for PM and that worked beautifully also... and i figure calmed the habanero down.... Photo on 10-09-13 at 14.43.jpg they each stood about 6 ft tall ...grown in pots on a balcony 3 stories above the city of Amsterdam
im just waiting for someone to try it,or until i try it myself and post up my results.

though it looks like we all have a complaint or 2,or 3 back to back posts or 10 pages(lmfao)

Hey Mac :) I have tried it and it works...i was freaked plants are on a balcony 3 stories above Amsterdam overlooking a string of gardens with every bug and aphid and thrip and mite and cats everywhere and i have a rabbit,..
. I got them late in the game...

3 weeks before harvest...i was so freaked :( they were emptying the little flowers . so i made a spray and misted them ..i couldn't turn them upside down and they were huge and bushy but i treated the branches and just misted the air around the whole plant and indeed i could almost watch them stop...

the regrowth was strong and so i knew my plants wanted to thrive but i certainly missed some so after about 4 or 5 days i could see the damage beginning again...i was more diligent the 2nd time and it rained so they got washed and i read the mites don't like water or humidity either...we had 100% humidity for a week here so i left them in it for a night and a day and brought them in ...they had a little ~PM and i sprayed them with a mist of 30% milk to 70% water...i guess that will also sweeten any chili all in all ...i finally was too nervous to wait another week for the harvest date i set...and i cut them... hung in the dark for a week with a low fan, and now they are curing one plant is still hanging , one needs to be trimmed and the rest are in big jars...

we tasted them tonight and they are very very nice ...I am satisfied that this works ...

the guy who hit his with it and ranted about it burning his lungs prolly soaked the plant and so he was just too aggressive when he used's strong...

an old saying "less is more"

peace out
its a very cheap alternative to the chems that kill them right away. and it does work.

i only tried it once , an it did seem to knock a few down but my mites mainly used it to spice up their leaves for dinner. :cuss: no bullshit , no exageration.
the key to mites is to keep dealing with new ones , not letting the first ones breed with the next generation. i have been breeding mites for about a decade in the same location. That is by far the worst thing you can do, but it is very hard to stop an most know this.
if we move locations and start mite free, then it seems to be a LOT easier to deal with rather then letting them get immune to every product on the market. that can cost thousands depending on how gullible you are. ;-)

after many many moons , i still stick with the old neem oil an because the peppers are so easy to come by i will now add pepper spray to the arsenal.

whatever you decide to use , just make sure and use it every other day or 3 (depending on the health of your babies an what they can handle of course.) because the eggs hide very very good an are protected by some secrete or some shit produced by the mites to keep their eggs safe an can resist most chems , specially when you dont spray the eggs directly.
so by treating every other day the new hatched mites will keep hatching an keep dieing. my suggestion is to keep doing this forever. mites ALWAYS come back. also treating so often will help to have NO treatments in flower. no bullshit on the fruit.

have fun fighting these fuckers!

soil :bigjoint:
By Calibuzz - 30 year grower

View attachment 1831939
Cured Clone - see new growth!

You have Spider Mites? YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!! Unless you are diligent and work hard, the problem will not go away, your crop is doomed as one by one they fail and die.

As a Native American, proud of our heritage and ways in keeping with the environment, I give to you a method that is naturally harmonious, and pure. The method is so benign, you may use this method even during flowering - without a single harm to your precious plants.

The best way is not the easiest by far; to do the perfect job takes comitment - so all you lazy bud heads who want a quick fix: "look elsewhere, or coat your precious medicine with chemicals and poison...and remind me not to smoke your herb."

Editor's note: One will find a bit of cross talk in this thread, and some rude posts. The Editor aplogizes that many have strayed off the central subject and prefer to haze each other. However, one will find many other concerned members with great suggestions and feedback. - calibuzz

"Now then, for all you fervent horticulturists..."

Spider mites are alive; you can make them dead. All life is fragile, but... "how do I kill the mites without hurting my crop?"

I will not use pesticides or harmful chemicals on my plants; thus, I have found an all-natural way to rid the infestations that sometimes occur. Curing your plants takes time and care, but you can rid your babies of the mini-spiders that suck your plant's life's blood.

Spiders have skin-like exoskeletons; the tissues are sensitive to change. Molecules soak though their pours, skin and orifices; thus, what may bother you - a giant living organism - might prove fatal to a spider the size of a pinhead. This is so when using a common group of proteins found in Nature. I will teach you how to naturally and inexpensively rid your plants of the dreaded spider mites.
:fire:The Habanera Pepper (sometimes pronounced Habenero) is the key ingredient in pepper spray. Once you make a batch of CALICLEAN you'll see why. One may buy habanera peppers in any vegetable section for about 6 dollars a pound. The peppers are light orange to dark red, and are about the size of a bic lighter when fully mature, most are half that size. Go buy a pound, now!!! If you have mites, time is of the essence.

NOTICE: The spray you make is not harmful to humans (hab peppers are an ingredient in all really good south of the border salsas), but irritating to mucus membranes and soft tissues, it will make you cough - as its like breathing chili powder, so use care.

If you have taken a powerful magnifying glass to the underside of your plant's leaves you will have seen the little off-yellow dots with a brown center that move about slowly over the plant leafs and veins - the mature mites. These big mites leave web-strands like other spiders. Web strands between leaf and stems (as they cross back and forth to new vulnerable leaves), and between leaf serrations are indications of a healthy infestation and big mites on your plants. You may also have seen almost too-hard-to-see little brown dots crawling slowly about. These are the baby mites that will grow into big suckers. You may also have seen groups of little white dots near the central leaf brachiation and the main leaf veins. These are clutches of mite eggs. They will soon hatch and produce up to 80 mites per clutch, per mature mite. You are screwed if you do nothing. But fret not, you can save your plants, and they will recover and thrive - with diligence.


Making the Calicleaner

1.) Get a sauce pan - fill with one pint of water - put on lowest flame possible (do not boil !!!).
2.) Chop 4 -5 Habanera peppers fine. Chop open seeds and central membranes, as the power lies there.
3.) Simmer chopped peppers for 20 minutes - making sure not to boil (you will destroy the active proteins).
4.) When you put your head over the pan and the wispy-steam stings your eyes, the Calicleaner is ready.
5.) Pour the Calicleaner through a fine mesh strainer - a little fine grit is OK - let cool in a clean bowl.
6.) Pour room temperature contents in a mister spray bottle. Your are ready to apply.

HOW TO APPLY Calicleaner
1.) Put on gloves, and wear a mask, or at least put a bandana around your nose and mouth.
2.) Turn off all fans - you do not want this spray in your eyes!!!
3.) Spray the bottom of EVERY leaf - starting with the bottom leaves first, work up to the top.
4.) After the bottoms are done, hit the tops and the stems.
5.) Squirt liberally in new leaf pods - tightly wound new leaf growth (the small mites hide there).
6.) Get the heck out of the room till it clears.
7.) Repeat procedure with each plant.
8.) Spray the soil, the pots, and the floor or earth around the area to kill dropping mites and stop migration.
9.) Wash hands with soap and water when complete - the stuff will heat-up skin for 4 hours.
10.) DO NOT WORRY. Though the stuff is lethal to mites, the plants love it.


Congratulations! You have successfully killed the mites that you sprayed - on contact!. Plus, the mites are thwarted in biting again as they get a lethal dose of hot mouth. Your plants should be turning green again with in half a day. Though the leaves are scarred, they will recover and work again - producing vital sugars for growth.

However, you are not done. Some mites will escape the spray, though you have killed 95% of them. Thus, you will have to do the spray again tomorrow. As a matter of fact you will have to spray every 2-3 days till you see no more mites - usually up to two weeks. SOME EGGS WILL HATCH!!! Thus a week after the first spray, do a super job again, the baby mites are likely out and about. Kill 'em right away.

Use your magnifying glass to inspect each plant carefully, when nothing moves and you see no more webs, your plants are clear. YEAH!!

Additional precautions: make sure your containers and pots do not touch, mites migrate. Clean your floors and equipment so live mites do not return (spray them down with Caliclean). Since no person can kill every living mite in their situation, eternal diligence is now part of the equation. One mite may turn into a million in a month.

Other helpful hints: wash your plants with clean water spray between sprayings, this cleans off dead mites and eggs, and refreshes the plant leaf compromised by the vampire sucking mites. Keep the room cool, 78 degrees to 68 degrees if possible during treatment. Mites hate the cold - thus weakened mites will drop dead. If lower leaves are infested with eggs and mites - cut them off! DO NOT LEAVE CUTTINGS NEARBY! Burn or bury your cuttings far away.

Spraying notes: Mites tend to collect where the leaves join at the nexus and overlap. If you can, lay your plants on-end or position upsidedown (be real careful) to make sure all undersides are sprayed. Cut off curled leaves where they collect. If you're a rich person you may make a full pound to ten gallons of water and dunk them - even better!!

The best part of using Calicleaner is you may use it always - even during flowering. As the solution is all natural, no one is harmed but the mites: "Nature to deal with Nature." Your money goes to a farmer not a chemical corporation.

Caliclean works,

Check often; check carefully; your plants will thank you with fine flowering! Be good to your Natural Medicine, and it will be good to you.

Good Luck and best wishes, "How Ni Kan, Megwetch," Peace be with you always,


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Image one: Cured Clone - see new growth.
Image two: Cured Nursery - all plants mite free after caliclean!
Image three: After the Storm - I was out hiking the mountains and witnessed this.

There is hope at the end of every rainbow; don't give up!

well i am smoking mine and now that they are really cured they have no spicy taste at all...must have evaporated or i was gentle enough and dear i beg to's not so black and white...if one mists thoroughly and gently like the man above will must catch then fast and stay diligent.

peace out
Thanks Calibuzz! After trying different organic pesticides purchased from the hydroponic supply store with no luck, I came across this. It works like a charm, literally melting those little suckers. And my plants flourished. It's like you said, the plants really do love it. I even sprayed some that were 2 weeks away from harvest, no negative effects at all. I followed your instructions to the letter. Thanks again for sharing this valuable and inexpensive organic remedy. :)
I have successful results using Dr. Boners castle soap. The hemp eucalyptus one. I have heard the pepperment works great too. I have had an light infestation the start of growing the first time. Used the soap every other day for 2 weeks and got rid of them all. Had 4 harveses since with no signs of mite in both veg and flowering room. Got a couple of clones from a friend few weeks later had mights one plant was pretty bad so I cut the branches off that were bad and sprayed more Dr boners soap every other day and so far not seeing no live mites. So give it try. You can get a good size bottle of it at your local vitamin store for 13 bucks Its also great to use to wash up with too
Soap clogges the plants cells, adding a problem upon a problem. Spider Mites, & 1000's of other insects, will not attack a healthy plant. If you have mites, it's a sign of a plant problem. Like a head ache. Plants has a built-in immunity system, as animals &humans. Clorine water, weak lite, peat, chem ferts, lack of fungi & baterial growth, microbes , etc, promotes destuction of the immunity of the plant. Spray with seaweed, which has 90 componets, will strenghten the trunk & branches to the extent that the Mites fangs can't penetrate the bark. Mother Nature protects it's own.
Alright, so this is my first post inside of this forum. However, I registered and got all set up here just to post on this thread first. Odd, I know, however, my man Calibuzz here is offering an awesome organic process to aid in the removal of one of my greatest enemies next to ants, the spider mite. Now, ever since getting them... from an awesome friend... who didn't have any bugs ever... anyway, I have been battling them and have almost cleared my area of the pests. Note, this is hard as my area is away from my main house and requires walking down a gravel driveway and through grass in order to get there, which I live in the country and well there are lots of bugs. In addition, it is difficult to get them all the way out as the room is not completely sealed and is shared with a work room.
I do not believe in pesticides or inorganic growth methods, note, that is my belief. I like, Calibuzz, believe these forums are a wonderful source of information for growers of any experience level.
That all being said I must say a word on how to be an adult, shooting rude comments and unkind language at someone offering advice on a topic all of us can relate to, as I'm sure at some point we have all dealt with mites, or all will and to send language of the type to someone offering a genuine piece of advice is flat out a sign of a small child about, ten or eleven. I have four children and know for a fact that some of the members responding to this thread did just that, however, Calibuzz you handled each and every comment with awesome dignity and ability to logically refute their comments.
That is why I have decided to post this for Calibuzz. As everyone seems unsure, or against this method and there are few who actually will do experiments just to find a real life solution that can be repeated with the same results. Go figure, the scientific method applies to a science...
I personally hold a degree in Electrical Engineering and have been in so many different trades I can't remember, I also grew up on a farm in the south, and have been part of a family tradition of growers of all types of natural plants and medicine.
I applied the scientific method to Calibuzz's formula, as I have still to get all of the mites dead and gone, I figured why not add another gun to the bag of tricks I utilize in the fight of mites. As of now I use, temperature control, air flow, neem oil mix, lady bugs, and diatomaceous earth. These things are used in conjunction to provide nutrients and all around pest deterrents as well as mite killers. Why not add something new, however, reading all the pages of this thread I noted there was a lot of skepticism and inability to just tell me if it worked or not.
The foregoing is the test:
First making the solution was easy, I went down the road and purchased some Habenjero peppers from my local veggie dealer, and I mean local guys... Shop local it helps us farmers out. You don't want people to start importing their medicine, we don't want y'all importing your veggies...
If you can not tell when it is ready cause you eat hot stuff and have been maced by police several times... long story... then bring someone into the room that is a bit more sensitive, which was my girlfriend who had to leave the room it was so bad, she was coughing and eyes watering. I had been placing my face over it and sniffing for 10 minutes, to which I could not tell anything until she in the other room told me it was done. So they affect everyone differently just to state that notation that occurred as 3 of the 4 children also had issues, however, the boy did not. So gentlemen man up.... Onions are worse in my opinion...
After creating the concoction I was very pleased it took all of 30 minutes of periodic stiring and checking of heat, so seriously its not hard, if this is hard for you... well I'm sorry, I hope my children do not say something like this is hard or a waste of time. Making and creating your own products is what Nature and Natural is about, your plant you smoke, drink or dab with is natural. Keep it that way.
After creating it of course, let it cool to room temp... seriously if you place hot liquids on your plants they will surely die or become very injured... If you don't think so dumb hot coffee on yourself see if it burns your skin....
Now on to the application, thus far I am sarcastically pointing out to follow the gentleman's instructions to the letter and have some common sense while doing things in any walk of life. In order to apply it do what the instructions say and turn your fans off, also a side note so you don't burn your plants, SPRAY ONLY ON PLANTS AT THE START OF DARK CYCLE AS THEY WILL BE DRY BEFORE THE LIGHTS COME BACK ON THE WATER WILL ACT LIKE TINY MAGNIFYING GLASSES IF YOU DO THIS DURING DAYLIGHT, unless you have some fancy sprayer thingy they sell to kids that have too much money or us adults who finally have enough money and splurged on something to make their life easier as they have been doing it the old way for too damn long, like my riding lawn mower. :-) (Yes I'm stoned, and yes I have a "oh crap it's a squirrel" issue...)
So in order to help this discussion out, I took my sickly... unfortunately tiny flowering plant that will not be harvested as it is 6 inches tall. It was root bound by an older container and was given to me in a larger pot, and tried everything until one day I up rooted it and noticed the plastic pot a friend placed it in... again common sense is awesome to use throughout every aspect of life. Anyway, I sprayed it on a weak almost dead plant in the flowering stage, 2 weeks in. So I come back... what do I see but a healthier looking small wimpy girl... Every mite on the thing that might have been there was dead, upon close inspection with magnifying glass I found several corpses and a clear plant. Mind you I have them down to about 1 live mite a plant right now, that just wont seem to die..... I also have fungus gnats I have been battling from lack of cooking soil this season.. I got lazy and am paying for it now with them.
The key to a good experiment is to repeat the process and have the results be the same... The only thing different is my poor wimpy girl became greener, and bigger after this spray, mind you the root binding was solved 3 weeks ago, but once I entered flower it stopped fixing damage.
However, now it is budding with little tiny buds, the only thing this spray will do is help your plants if you follow the directions properly.
Images will be coming as soon as I finish updating my new AoCP ROM.

In closing many thanks to Calibuzz for the enlightening use of peppers as I was unsure if they were safe for my girls then stumbled on your thread and had to try it. I think we can all learn a lot from veteran growers like you and please keep ignoring the people that show no signs of logical thought or want to try new things before they decide against them.

To the rest of you guys... If you follow the directions and are somewhat logical in your application this recipe works and works very well!!! By the way these were also very finicky Blueberry strain that is being a bit difficult on nutrients and therefore even more sensitive to the neem oil clogging that this formula is nice during flowering!
So I did a great job spraying my plants and not getting anything into my eyes :D

But I may add a precaution to NOT RUB YOUR EYES for at least 3 hours afterwards.......

That was a hella trip for my eyeballs.....

I watched the mites literally drop and die right off my plant
Spider Mites, & 1000's of other insects, will not attack a healthy plant. If you have mites, it's a sign of a plant problem. .

That is absolutely false Texas, To suggest that mites will not attack a healthy plant is like saying that if you are a very safe driver, you'll never be in an accident. Just not true.

One can wisely take all the precautions in the world and have the healthiest plant possible yet if a cat or dog that has just been outside walks by a plant and a mite jumps on the plant, it will begin to devour the plant.

Of course a healthy plant, just like a healthy human has a better chance of fighting off an infection but to say that keeping your plants healthy is sufficient is simply wrong.

As far as what one uses to combat such issues is up to them, so many things work. I choose not to play with the borg ever and have a serious preventative program in place always.

I understand your position to keep plants as healthy as possible and I do not disagree, but to suggest that healthy plants will not get attacked by invaders such as mites is just plain wrong.

Carry on.
Azamax has taken care of all of my pest issues for the past several years. Have yet to need another product. Well, except when I was battling PM for the first time but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.
I went to grow store yesterday thinking I had PM After talking with the guy down there and showing him pics he said I had spider mites(kinda new and have not dealt with either), The guy said he'd been growing for 12 years and does things fully organic. He was telling me when I was buying E20 that I should use something with bugs that eat the mold and its biology and I was down sounded great anyway.. long story short this guy went from going all Mr. Organic to say you gotta nuke 'em you need Floramite so I bought it (haven't used it yet hence this post) my plants(12) are 2 1/2 tall and still in veg stage and don't plan on turning light for least 2-3 more weeks only 2 of the plans showed signs of the white little dots. When I did get home I noticed under the leaf a few (nothing crazy IMO but never dealt with this) Here's my question a friend of mine outta state told me I should use Azatrol (which is organic) and now im confussed as to what I should do? Spend $30 on a respirator and do a dunk (I think doing dip would be easier and it would get all the nooks and crannies) with floramite or spend $25 and go get some Azatrol (no mask needed)........... Any thoughts guys? Thank you in advance
Should I ever be cursed with spider mites again, I would be happy to try the pepper solution out, thank you!

But one question, does it make the little fuckers suffer first? Very important to me that they suffer.

Thanks again.
Soap clogges the plants cells, adding a problem upon a problem. Spider Mites, & 1000's of other insects, will not attack a healthy plant. If you have mites, it's a sign of a plant problem. Like a head ache. Plants has a built-in immunity system, as animals &humans. Clorine water, weak lite, peat, chem ferts, lack of fungi & baterial growth, microbes , etc, promotes destuction of the immunity of the plant. Spray with seaweed, which has 90 componets, will strenghten the trunk & branches to the extent that the Mites fangs can't penetrate the bark. Mother Nature protects it's own.
soap doesn't clog plant cells. its a spreader/surfactant.
mites will feed on a healthy plant. environmental conditions make more mites. doesn't matter if the plant is healthy. it is disease that will rarely affect a healthy plant. immunity and genetics in plants only helps so much. mites don't have fangs. they have piercing/sucking mouth parts..
Being a newbie this year and discovered these little guys on my plants. I have been using Dr Earth Natural product and soap but not as aggressive as I should be. Will dried peppers (much hotter than Habs) work for the mixture as well? Such as dried Ghost or Carolina Reapers? Thanks for any comments in advance!

Mr Stranny