HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

well mr stranny i made up a batch from reading pg 1 and and wolfieman s post. so in typical stoner form i went to store and ended up w half pound of habaneros. put it in bout gallon of water and cooked it down to a quart ovr 2 hours. so i ve got some a hot mixture. cooled it off and sprayed. one of the fungus gnats got a direct dose and went straight to ground. i ve still gotta due a top drench. and since i m also dealing w some heat stress and high ph. we ll c how leaves recover. this diy spray was easy and low cost. i m very close to finish so we ll c how this goes. thanks to calibuzz and wolfie for the update
lil more feedback. i sprayed 2 days b4, then rinsed one day b4 harvest. she was a lil spicy. i took the plant in stages so subsequent cuts had less. of all the sprays i have this is the only one that instantly kills flying bugs like fungus gnats. it is a challenge to saturate the underside of every leaf esp when the plants r bigger. so as the plants went in the tent they got another pepper spray and after they were in there they got a dr doom fogger. i think i ll b dealing w the borg for awhile, next up a prevention rotation incl the pepper spray. the spray took the aroma away for a few days.
i doubt i m the first to mention this but be careful what you touch after spraying. my gfriend now has an after spray routine for me. also thanks to the many threads here i still needed to spray after looking thru the 30x scope. w no time to order anything, and not much care for the few leaves that were left, so i squeezed a lemon into a quart bottle. that seemed to get rid of them. if i were to try that spray on my healthy plants prob start at half strength and test spray.

...hey parents want to get your kids to stop picking their nose??? haha

in high school we would rub habs on mouth pieces to f with eachother.

can't wait to see if this works to kill thips as well as mites!
Thanks for the habs recipe. I have tried almost everything out there with little success. I had a bad infestation and was about ready to lose 5 plants. Your recipe worked great. I only had one problem and that was- I severly underestimated the power of this stuff and I got it everywhere on me. I tried to stay in the room long enough to do all plants. When I came out I could not open my eyes and I had to wash twice with soap and water. No perm. harm done to me but as I exited the grow room I got to say TAKE THAT YOU LITTLE BASTARDS Thanks a million.
I have been fighting mites for about a year and a half. I was first told by a friend to spray with Azamax and while that seemed to kill the adult and juvenile mites it seemed to have no effect on the eggs. So I went on to a 2.5 gallon of Mighty Wash (last October) and it pretty much had the same effect for $63.75 at my local grow store. I am down to about 2 liters in the 2.5 gallon jug and still have hot spots of mites here and there. So I got pissed and took what was left of my Azamax and poured it into the reservoirs of the three trays that had mites and now 5 days later when I look at a mite damaged leaf I see eggs, but no mites. I am cautiously optimistic at this point and will be picking up some more Azamax to add to reservoirs as I do water changes. I'm so sick and tired of dealing with these little bastards!

BTW I am in no way connected to whom ever makes Azamax. Just reporting my own recent experience.
have nt used either the azamax or mighty wash but many people r saying a rotation of different sprays is recommended. perhaps add some neem oil or pyrethrins to ur arsenal. altho it s had some mixed reviews still thinkin about giving nuke em a try. had severe fungus gnats and mite problems. i v licked em for now, but also expect them to return. so still doing some preventative sprays.
I know this thread is old but I just wanted to chime in. I've been using my own mix for ages and pepper'd water really does get rid of spider mites, as well as many other pests. The hotter, the better. This is an age old organic pesticide for many farmers back in the country. I use it on my herb & vegetable garden as well as my cannabis plants at least once every week and never have any infestation. If you grow hot peppers (the super spicy type) you'll realize there's no pests/insect on or near the pepper plants at all.

Unlike CaliBuzz, I don't boil mines. I just chop up the pepper and toss it in a spray bottle filled with tap water and let it sit for a day or 2 to a) let it dilute and b) evaporate the chlorine. In my experience, diluting it for a couple of day makes it a lot more concentrated. Also, instead of Habanera, I use Thai chili pepper from my garden. THESE FUCKER ARE HOT, 3 times hotter than a Habanera!!! Up until recently, I've grown out a Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper plant (20 times hotter than a Habenera) and is now using that. I only have to now spray twice (sometimes only once) a month, if at all, versus once every week with Thai Chili. I also spray the pepper water in areas where I do not want my dogs to roam (ie. garden, kitchen, trash bin, bathroom, past the front door, etc.) Kind of like creating a invisible boundary for my dogs.
Hey how are ya? Hope all is well. I tried your method today. Not sure if it works or not. But I did buy almost 2 pounds and cooked it in about 1 1/2 gallon of water. I think I did it wrong. Maybe too much? Oh my. It's a pain in the ass. Bc of the hotness and burning. Haha. Also, I was wondering since are using haberna. Do you think Thai chili peppers will do the same? Please reply. Once again Thank you for ur method! U rock! ;)
How is it a "wrong answer"? I get mites....I hang up a strip, they die, I put it away. I've done it dozen times now with success every time. Just because something is 100x easier than your method, but isn't "organic" doesn't make it the "wrong answer". Actually, the fact that it works so well without harming the plant during flowering and without ever harming me, my cat that comes in the room with me, my dog that stays in my bedroom with me (near my tent), or any of my clients, would be evidence of it being the "right answer". $8, 2 minutes of work, then 12 hours later and you are moving on with your life. Seems a WHOLE lot simpler than frying up some peppers with gloves and protective eyewear and the putting on what is basically a hazmat suit to spray it all over your plants. One plant a a time. Multiple applications per plant. When you can spend 2 minutes taking this out of its wrapper, hanging it in your room and forgetting about it til 12-24 hours is up, however long you want to leave them in there. There....I "wrote it out". But I stand firm that my original post was much more efficient. Instead of reading this book I just wrote, they can just look at the picture, go buy that, and move on with your life. Seems like possibly the best response in this thread so far, if you ask me. the point....successful solution to the problem......

Haha…east coast? made me smile
i have used peppers as a mite spray but i put a drop of dawn dish wash liquid in it. man it works great. i had mites 3mo. ago and i only had to spray 2 times.
it does work. but my opinion go buy those pest strips. lot of work to mix all those fucking ghost peppers, the old lady will be bitching her eyes or lungs hurt and it will soak into your skin and burn you . your eyes and lungs. but it kills those bugs. might as well spray pepper spray onto them it will also work . and the bugs will come back . they get used to it. and the eggs hatch and mr spider mite is out chomping again . buy the ( HOT SHOT ) pest strips . they work . there for people that don't have time or patients to fuck around cooking shit. in my opinion hot peppers work like neem oil, or olive oil. what I use . it makes the bugs not want to eat the plant tastes like total shit. but they are still there. they will find a leaf that has no oil on it and chomp away. pests strips are air born kills every fucking thing , if they breath it they dye.
hi all,

2 nights ago i did calibuzz method. and i tell ya. that shit works. and it burns. lol
cheap and efficient. i will do another spraying tonight. just to make sure. or i might as well just go ahead and do it for one week. so just want to let u guys know that, that shit works great. thank you calibuzz. you saved my bitches.
ahhaha... thanks 69. that was what i was wondering if i could do. kudos for the info as well as calibuzz. thank you guys!!!
I recently made the spray about three times. first i made it and boiled so i made the other two with non boiling water kind of like how one would make tea let the peppers soak until the water is cool then strain. it says "You have successfully killed the mites that you sprayed - on contact!" but i have noticed that even when i do spray right on the mites they do not die on contact. and to me it seems they don't die at all… I am in the flowering process about two to three weeks in and i do not want spider mites. i seem to have even more the day after i spray compared to before i sprayed.
I recently made the spray about three times. first i made it and boiled so i made the other two with non boiling water kind of like how one would make tea let the peppers soak until the water is cool then strain. it says "You have successfully killed the mites that you sprayed - on contact!" but i have noticed that even when i do spray right on the mites they do not die on contact. and to me it seems they don't die at all… I am in the flowering process about two to three weeks in and i do not want spider mites. i seem to have even more the day after i spray compared to before i sprayed.

Firstly make sure you diced them up nice and finely, Second of all make sure you don't boil them because you're killing the protein and oil.
Just grab a saucepan, the biggest cup in your house and simmer them for a good 20 minutes!

The bamn! Filter them into a spray bottle which you can get for a dollar or less (Make sure it's room temperature, Don't add hot shit in with plastic!!!!!!!!!)
Give your plants a good wash before you spray!