Well-Known Member
Did those male flowers get open?
If you store the pollen in the baggie
with the rest of the plant material,
as the leaf and stems dry,
they will give off moisture
that will ruin the pollen.
The only way to collect pollen for later use
is to shake the open flower pod over a piece of paper
and then store the powdery pollen,
in a very dry container,
to prevent moisture contamination.
I pulled my male,
right when the pods opened,
and then let them dry on a window screen,
After drying,
I shake the dried plant
on the girl I want to pollenate.
I'm afraid that letting the pollen dry in the baggie
with the leafy material in it,
will probly ruin the viability of the pollen.

If you store the pollen in the baggie
with the rest of the plant material,
as the leaf and stems dry,
they will give off moisture
that will ruin the pollen.
The only way to collect pollen for later use
is to shake the open flower pod over a piece of paper
and then store the powdery pollen,
in a very dry container,
to prevent moisture contamination.
I pulled my male,
right when the pods opened,
and then let them dry on a window screen,
After drying,
I shake the dried plant
on the girl I want to pollenate.
I'm afraid that letting the pollen dry in the baggie
with the leafy material in it,
will probly ruin the viability of the pollen.