Club 600


Well-Known Member
I still have distinct memories of playing "you show me yours, I'll show you mine" with the girl next door (she insitagated it, honest). The most vivid memory is still remembering those blue pants she had on and the subsequent stirring in my own pants, lol....I must have been around 7 at the time because we moved house not long after I was that age, although our neighbours remained lifelong friends, until my plastic Aunt walked in front of a train due to the doctors stopping her prescription that she'd been on her whole life...pharma drugs! booooo. The crazy thing is, I reckon girls at that age are far more advanced in what they are thinking reporduction wise than boys, we're still wondering what a choo choo train actully does, and why it's always like a little stick in the morning:)


Well-Known Member
Dont think i have ever been more thankful for a new page, lol. :D That was some childhood trauma right there :)
Not to switch subject or anything, lol :) But wanted to share some pics of my Lemon Skunk Re-Vegging. I see new growth. awesome! Every flower on one main branch, has got new growth. None of the other, there is like 3 main branches. Aint that strange? But i see future in it yihaa. Thats awesome. When should i start 16/8? Thanks
Haha im no breeder but i would love a StinkinDog :D


Well-Known Member
I miss having Dog in my garden. I should really get on BB and order some seeds up.

I have a payday coming up next week. maybe it's time...


Well-Known Member
Been thinking about dog since i started up on this forum. Or at least it feels like that :) Finally its on its way.
Dst, when did you post your first dog?

You know under attachments you can see your previous posted picture. There a number of downloads attached to all of them. Is that how many have clicked your photos? Or is it straight downloads?
What´s your most downloaded photo? Bet that could be the best compilation of plant porn ever!
Argh im about to harvest the rest of ULH, but i dont wanna :) Ill have an empty tent..


Well-Known Member
Oh man my life feels so boring now lol
We are all fukin crazy, some of us can just control it better than others... Iv been in the deep end for a while.


Well-Known Member
I remember once when I was like 11 or 12 there was a girl over that was friends with my sister. Dont rememeber her name or anything, just that she was like 15 and all over me. I was scared shitless and had not a clue what to do, so I spent most the night just trying to get away from her. If only I could go back in time with my brain now... lol I wonder about things like that a lot actually! Needless to say, I was able to successfully fend her off all night so other than accidental 1st base from her climbing on me I didnt get anywhere :)


Well-Known Member
16/8 lol wtf kinda light schedule is that :) haha just noticed.
Harvest is done. Feels pretty good :) Tent needs cleaning. And i have to make a rcdwc system. Think ill use my scrogboxes 2x 65 L containers and just modify.
Talked with a grow buddy of mine. We dont speak that often. So when we do its non stop rambling. Its great. So invited him over Sunday to make some bubble. Really looking forward :D I harvested most alone so there is a lot of bubble trim/flowers.


Well-Known Member
I like that MJ is being used and respected for medicine, but the synthesizing isnt the way I want research to go honestly.


Well-Known Member
I agree bass but that's the way pharma will get their hands in it while the gov can still keep it illegal.

HG 16/8 is what I run in veg, hell I used to have it on 14/10 but wanted them to grow faster.


Well-Known Member
I agree bass but that's the way pharma will get their hands in it while the gov can still keep it illegal.

HG 16/8 is what I run in veg, hell I used to have it on 14/10 but wanted them to grow faster.
I know, I just worry that they will only legalize the pharma version and still hold-out on real "NATURAL" cannabis.
I run mine 17/7 for veg.
The last hour of 18/6 always had them nodding off, so I dropped it to 17.
I use the lowest possible veg hrs to save, but have noticed certain strains do nod out earlier that 18hrs


Well-Known Member
I agree bass but that's the way pharma will get their hands in it while the gov can still keep it illegal.

HG 16/8 is what I run in veg, hell I used to have it on 14/10 but wanted them to grow faster.
Oh goodness, but there is NOTHING that Big Pharma would love more
than conclusive evidence that the "good" part of cannabis could be completely
separated from the "high" part. NOTHING

Fuck, the smarmy smugness of the industry talking head that trotted out
with that news would have me cleaning my guns.



P.S. Odd...but the last few posts have no "Like" link...

P.P.S. And now they do. I am special! :0)

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
well to day was the day. had a neighbor call the cops on me, about weed smell. was trimming in my garge when they came. said i had to many? and found my hash. so they told me to pull them, or i was going to jail! anyways. they let me keep some, so i keepd qrazy qauke, and cherry pie, larry og, and i think a larry og stran. yeah today suck, but still have 2 lb of smoke. glad im, also not in jail. had 17 outside, and 4 inside in veg- still keep my seeds and cherry pie clones. also have my gear. lol, time to start sowing qrazy qauk seeds.


Well-Known Member
Bloody hell, Cali glad you are alright. This is also the fear my wife has, that a neigbour will complain. (tis generally what instigates people getting the cops at their door in the Netherlands....unless you have a commercial op which they actively look for). So shit storm with the neighbour now????


Well-Known Member
I picked up a 20" fan yesterday for blowing up & around a vert bulb, and now have my plans drawn & done for a (temporary) vertical grow tent for the last few weeks of flowering.
Still have them in a semi-circle facing the vertical light in the light box, but will soon have them scrogged 360-deg around the bare bulb.
The in-laws are coming down for a short visit on October 3rd and after they're gone I'll start construction on the permanent grow rooms.