Vertical socket


Well-Known Member
Right now im using a cooltube growing horizontal but bozo convinced me to switch to vertical. What socket should I use? I was thinking about taking the socket off my cooltube but I'm not sure how I would hang it on my ratchets... Any advice appreciated on this.

I guess I should add I'm using a 600w hps on a phantom ballast. Ill be doing bare bulb obviously.
high man, that socket hyroot linked to is what i have and if you go back and look at my pics you'll see you won't need ratchets, just a chain to hang it from as it just dangles there in the center of your room.

...if you don't have the $25.00 then you'll need to dismantle the cooltube so you can reconfigure that socket and if you post pics i can help you with that, it's not all that complicated to do.

peace, bozo
is it safe to do it with a zip tie like this? i just dont want to plug it in and stuff until i make sure its fine. i seen on google that people zip tied around the socket and made a loop that way, but i would think it would slide off... this gives me better thoughts then that.. any opinions before i start temp checking in my tent? im gonna try to vertical in the tent and see how it works.

heres the first pics of my vertical setup. it will get better just takes time. eventually when i get the supplies ill be moving them out of the tent. i switched back to mh, because i couldnt get my fucking hps to fire up.. im tired of that so im just gonna continue sexing using mh.

IMG_20130917_034307_402.jpgIMG_20130917_034352_626.jpgIMG_20130917_034434_890.jpg 2 pics of setup and 1 of temps as of 30 minutes in there closed up.i took all the bleached leaves off too. they will grow back so im not worried how shitty they look atm
is it safe to do it with a zip tie like this? i just dont want to plug it in and stuff until i make sure its fine. i seen on google that people zip tied around the socket and made a loop that way, but i would think it would slide off... this gives me better thoughts then that.. any opinions before i start temp checking in my tent? im gonna try to vertical in the tent and see how it works. View attachment 2824782View attachment 2824783
Watch that it doesn't melt the zip tie. A coat hanger would work.
You should get 2 chains and links. Hang it like a normal hood. With 1 chain it can sway. With 2 , it will stay steady. Less than $5 total at home depot.
I feel the socket and zip tie this morning, its been on since 9pm and its cool to the touch. Max temp is 79 doesn't hit 80 at all that's 1 degree cooler then when I had my hood lmao. I don't think it will melt the zip tie. I got the idea from another site idk if I'm allowed to say I googled how to hang vertical the easy way and they had zip ties around the socket itself i didn't like that idea I thought it would slip and fall.
i did a update, its in my journal.. i dont really wanna post it twice the pics are in the journal.. i transplanted. out of 12 plants only 4 were females. i used soil because i didnt want to waste it so next time ill be going out of the closet, doing w.o.w feeding k.i.s.s style and using hempy coco buckets. this ac keeps the temps cool all summer so i should be able to bare bulb it every grow now. if so, thats a win win if i can get 10 ounces.. even 5 for this grow ill be happy but hopefully ill get at least 2 oz per plant for a first time vertical. i switched back to 18/6 so i can veg until they are 1 or 2 ft. the little pots are 1 gallons.. idk what the other ones are maybe 2 or 3 gallon? not completely sure. the 1 gallons im sure will yield less then the other ones but oh well its just to get rid of the soil and stuff so it doesnt go to waste then ill be getting in with the big yields i hope.
Zip ties will be fine... only issue i have seen is the bulb hanging like that it swings i circle from fan below... if you turn fan down an the heat rises so fan has to be on high speed so bubl need to be in place.
high man, i decided to answer your pm here because that way the information is out in public where it can maybe benefit others that may come and read your thread, ...and you should post your update pictures here in your thread because most people won't look any further than your thread, and it's in the thread where you post your questions, your insights, your experiments and your hopes and this is where you will get the most help and the most encouragement and this is also where you will get the opportunity to help other beginners not yet here, by then you won't be such a beginner and all your trials and tribulations will be documented here for you to use as examples.

fir3dragon said:
Hey man, instead of making a new thread, I figured I'd just ask you. I'm using up my soil ATM, but I will be making clones to use in coco. I found 2.2 pounds of coco for 10 bucks shipped. I went to dollar store and didn't see too much where I live as far as pots, so I looked on ebay I can get 3.5 gallon Rubbermaid trash cans for 7 bucks each shipped.. I'm not sure how much coco 2.2 pounds Is but if I do 6 3.5 gallon trash cans about how much coco would I need? What meters do I need for coco? I read kiss style is maxi bloom all the way until 4 days before the 2 week flush, the 4 days u feed Kool bloom is that about right? I just wanna get everything right before I place a order.
...i don't know how much coco that is as i've never bought it that way but here is a link to a 5kg brick at Amazon for under $17.00 that will give you more than enough for the first cycle at least, probably 2 cycles and then if you recycle your coco you can do a third and fourth cycle with the same coco.

COCOTEK 5KG BAIL far as buckets go almost any watertight container can be made into hempy's and unless you plan on growing trees 2 gallon buckets should be plenty.

United Solutions 2-Gallon Plastic Paint Bucket'll also need to test your ph pretty regular because while the MaxiBloom is great, it's also highly acidic so you'll be needing ph up solution as well. ...and you don't need a ph meter if you don't already have one, a drop tester works just fine.

General Hydroponics GH1514 Ph Control Kit should also get some sort of ppm meter and i bought a truncheon from Bluelab because of the many reviews i read and i've had it now for nearly a year and i don't regret spending the money one bit.

Blue Lab Commercial Truncheon PPM / EC / CF Meter

...and i don't use KoolBloom, i've got it and i HAVE used it but i'm still getting my op dialed in and so far every time i've used a pk boost i get foxtailing, ...with the powdered KoolBloom more is definitely NOT better.

...i'd recommend you do at least 3 or 4 cycles with just the MaxiBloom so you get a baseline on what it can do before you begin to add boosters like KoolBloom, that way you'll know for certain if the booster is actually doing you any good, believe me, the nute company's want you to buy as many additives as they can convince you you need.

peace, bozo"
high man, i decided to answer your pm here because that way the information is out in public where it can maybe benefit others that may come and read your thread, ...and you should post your update pictures here in your thread because most people won't look any further than your thread, and it's in the thread where you post your questions, your insights, your experiments and your hopes and this is where you will get the most help and the most encouragement and this is also where you will get the opportunity to help other beginners not yet here, by then you won't be such a beginner and all your trials and tribulations will be documented here for you to use as examples.

"...i don't know how much coco that is as i've never bought it that way but here is a link to a 5kg brick at Amazon for under $17.00 that will give you more than enough for the first cycle at least, probably 2 cycles and then if you recycle your coco you can do a third and fourth cycle with the same coco.

COCOTEK 5KG BAIL far as buckets go almost any watertight container can be made into hempy's and unless you plan on growing trees 2 gallon buckets should be plenty.

United Solutions 2-Gallon Plastic Paint Bucket'll also need to test your ph pretty regular because while the MaxiBloom is great, it's also highly acidic so you'll be needing ph up solution as well. ...and you don't need a ph meter if you don't already have one, a drop tester works just fine.

General Hydroponics GH1514 Ph Control Kit should also get some sort of ppm meter and i bought a truncheon from Bluelab because of the many reviews i read and i've had it now for nearly a year and i don't regret spending the money one bit.

Blue Lab Commercial Truncheon PPM / EC / CF Meter

...and i don't use KoolBloom, i've got it and i HAVE used it but i'm still getting my op dialed in and so far every time i've used a pk boost i get foxtailing, ...with the powdered KoolBloom more is definitely NOT better.

...i'd recommend you do at least 3 or 4 cycles with just the MaxiBloom so you get a baseline on what it can do before you begin to add boosters like KoolBloom, that way you'll know for certain if the booster is actually doing you any good, believe me, the nute company's want you to buy as many additives as they can convince you you need.

peace, bozo"

ok man. And they got liquid Kool bloom too. If I can just use maxi, that's better. This is getting pretty pricey too. I hope it pays for itself so I can get my money back.
Zip tie should work IMO. Just suggest maybe use 2 zip ties or find one that is as hefty as that and Black color. I just wonder if the UV from the light would degrade the white ziptie over time and it may become brittle and crack.
Zip tie should work IMO. Just suggest maybe use 2 zip ties or find one that is as hefty as that and Black color. I just wonder if the UV from the light would degrade the white ziptie over time and it may become brittle and crack.

Its only for now, I'm going to get a proper vert socket and stuff soon.
So i checked on them, and getting air from inside made me have a wasp infestation. i took care of all the live ones without the need for pesticides.. so, i took a muscle shirt and stretched it over the hole so it doesnt suck anymore bugs in.

going to try to post pics, and get supplies for the start of my vertical grow. didnt get anything yet.
Well today was a busy day. I have started using outside air to cool my grow, but when I opened my tent the other day it had dead wasps all over.. I was pissed but it's what I get for not using a screen. I since then put a tightly stretched muscle shirt around it, and I think I solved it.

image.jpg There's the pics of the nasty bugs...

I figured since I was cleaning and doing shit anyways, why not so a little more.

I went out and bought 3 gallon pails from dollar store, with some food storage dishes that they fit inside. Works for run off

I completely removed the tent... And started going vertically using the whole closet. It's got a little panda films but some is better then none. I will eventually paint it and take the poly down.

image.jpg That is the wall as soon as you walk in. Well that's how I want it once I get everything I need.

On the left side, I can only do two due to the door being there. I will have to find a door to use. It's a must right now.


On the right side the window is there, which I'm using to vent cold air from outside in..


When I finally so everything how bozo explained it, I'm still not sure how far to leave them spread apart... I was thinking this much.


This is a shot of where I got all my electrical connectors connected to


Front left of room as is until I can finish this harvest and do bozos advice on the second grow.


Here's another image of inner right side of the closet.


Here is the left side of closet...I will repost when I get the rest finished. I'm done upgrading for a week or so.


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